View Full Version : board and lodgings

2nd April 2012, 08:31
here is one for my fellows to work out, what would you charge your kids for board and lodgings, at this moment my son pays me £???????? a month, but i have told him its going uP soon when he comes back from the usa, he works part time but eats me out of the house, he parties most night , pictures drinking buying new shoes and so on, the charge is for his room, food, washing and ironing, he cleans his own room and buys his own cloths, his age is 21, so what would you make him pay,i have a idea but what do you think

2nd April 2012, 09:20
From starting work at 16 my mother used to charge me a third of my wages....and I had to pay for my own clothes etc. :cwm3:

In addition to that I paid almost another third out on train fares to work 6 days a week, as we lived 18 miles from my place of employment :cwm3: (They moved house a few months after I started the job).

I left home at 18. :)

I don't charge my son anything, though he has a part-time job, but he IS eating me out of house and home, with doing all the weight-training stuff. :doh
After he finishes his A-levels he reckons he's going to Sweden to study (staying with his mother) , so I'm just happy to have his company at the moment. :cwm3:

2nd April 2012, 09:23
We never really charged our daughter anything. Just a very small sum , as I recall. I seem to remember a tenner a week in 2003 / 4 etc

2nd April 2012, 10:44
My Mum used to charge me a third of net pay same as Graham

2nd April 2012, 10:48
In 2001 I was paying 250 quid a month to my old man. Not that he needed it the tight git haha.

2nd April 2012, 10:52
Hehe. The higher you make it, the sooner they leave the nest....my daughter still lives with her mum and she is 30 this year. I wonder why? :Erm:

2nd April 2012, 11:17
Hehe. The higher you make it, the sooner they leave the nest....my daughter still lives with her mum and she is 30 this year. I wonder why? :Erm:

And so does my daughters bf....

2nd April 2012, 11:51
Bit different for me as I went to sea just about straight from school, but whan I came home I was charged board and my part of the phone bill. Think it was £70 / month plus phone calls in 1994-97. Went up after I qualified but it was never all that much as my mum was just glad to have me home, aaaahhhhhhh. My dad on the other hand couldn't believe it that she agreed to such a small amount.

To be honest these days I'd look at maybe £150 / 200 a month for fod etc and phone calls on top.

2nd April 2012, 13:32
When I left school I earned £4/12/9 per week out of that I was given 5/-
There will be some here that know what im talking about lol lol

2nd April 2012, 13:36
When I left school I earned £4/12/9 per week out of that I was given 5/-
There will be some here that know what im talking about lol lol

Four pounds, twelve shillings and ninepence. And you retained 5 bob of that? I think I had an extra thrupence and three farthing more.....:D

2nd April 2012, 16:22
You were lucky....:cwm3:

2nd April 2012, 16:47
here is one for my fellows to work out, what would you charge your kids for board and lodgings, at this moment my son pays me £???????? a month, but i have told him its going uP soon when he comes back from the usa, he works part time but eats me out of the house, he parties most night , pictures drinking buying new shoes and so on, the charge is for his room, food, washing and ironing, he cleans his own room and buys his own cloths, his age is 21, so what would you make him pay,i have a idea but what do you think

My son is 23 and sometimes embarrassed that he still lives at home but he can't afford to move out at the moment despite having a full time job. He pays me £250 a month, which includes a contribution to council tax since I lost the 25% discount when he left school and started working. I haven't raised his "board" since he started paying it 4 years ago and I don't intend to as he is saving to move on as well as applying for a much better paid job.

2nd April 2012, 20:15
thanks all for the replys, when i first started work i earned £17 and 9 of that was for my board, how time changes, anyway my son pays me £50 a month,i am going to incress it to £100 when he comes back from his holiday

2nd April 2012, 20:22
thanks all for the replys, when i first started work i earned £17 and 9 of that was for my board, how time changes, anyway my son pays me £50 a month,i am going to incress it to £100 when he comes back from his holiday


2nd April 2012, 20:54
i pay £109 aweek and about £40+amonth food then the leky and gas so £100 a month is cheap if he was living alone he would soon be running home :laugher:

2nd April 2012, 22:47
thanks all for the replys, when i first started work i earned £17 and 9 of that was for my board, how time changes, anyway my son pays me £50 a month,i am going to incress it to £100 when he comes back from his holiday

your too good,
i think thats very reasonable, it costs you more than £100 a month to keep him,

2nd April 2012, 22:52
Got any spare rooms ? :Erm:

2nd April 2012, 22:55
if you dont want them to leave home charge em cheap ,

on the other hand, if you want them to leave charge em high :D

Ako Si Jamie
7th April 2012, 08:41
When I first started work back in the late 80's, I was getting about £27 a week and £10 of that went to my mum.

I was left with £17 which doesn't sound much but it kept me in smokes and I had one or two nights out a week.:40__s:

If I was in my mums position now and had my own kid, I'd charge them just for food, but the more they eat the more they pay.