View Full Version : Good day!

2nd April 2012, 17:32
a pleasant day to everyone! Im new here and I was just wondering if anyone here is still waiting for their ILR? They've receive my doc last dec 22 and i havent receive it till now, just a bit worried although ive read some people here got their papers few weeks after the three months waiting period... mmm so anyone still waiting?

please pardon me im too anxious to ask my question. i should have introduce myself first, call me carry, and im here in scotland!

Thank you

2nd April 2012, 18:07
:Hellooo: Hi Carry, Welcome here to the forum.

A lot of people have waited a long long time for their ILR decision
If you feel concerned why not send an e-mail to UKBA?

I'm sure all is well, it's very rare for an ILR application to be refused.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

2nd April 2012, 18:37
:meet-1: Carry, Welcome here :Wave:

I hope your long wait is gonna be over soon. :pray:

Miss Taurus
2nd April 2012, 22:50
:Hellooo:Hi carry welc0me to the forum:Wave:

3rd April 2012, 00:00
Welcome to the forum Carry. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

3rd April 2012, 00:08
Hi Carry and welcome to the Forum. I do hope your wait is over soon.:Hellooo:

3rd April 2012, 00:22
Hi Carry welcome to the Forum:Wave:

Eyes O'Donnell
3rd April 2012, 01:46
:Hellooo: :welcomex: to the forum :)

3rd April 2012, 02:39
hi carry...welcome here !!

Hi guys...i am not that new here in this foum and i have been reading topics and discussion silently :)..i recently lodged my spouse visa application last march 21 and still waiting for the result...

my wife and i are keeping our fingers crossed and hopefully we will get our answers soon...

3rd April 2012, 02:41
congrats to derbyprincess, juvyjones,lykalu for your success in your applications and GOOD LUCK to me and the other members that are still awaiting for our application results..

Arthur Little
3rd April 2012, 12:03
a pleasant day to everyone! Im new here and I was just wondering if anyone here is still waiting for their ILR? They've receive my doc last dec 22 and i havent receive it till now, just a bit worried although ive read some people here got their papers few weeks after the three months waiting period... mmm so anyone still waiting?

:) Good Day, to you, Carry ... :welcomex: to the friendly, online filipino/uk community, and Godspeed with your ILR. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

3rd April 2012, 12:54
Welcome to the forum Carry. Hope you will have a good news soon...Keep praying :)

stevie c
3rd April 2012, 14:10
Hi carry & welcome to the forum :Hellooo:

3rd April 2012, 15:56
hi all! thank u thank u for the welcome!!!

went home from work and still nothing from the post! hey ho! maybe tomorrow! fingers crossed! hahaha

will keep u posted guys! thanks again :)

3rd April 2012, 16:29
er whats an ILR never heard of this as im new here

3rd April 2012, 16:44
er whats an ILR never heard of this as im new here

Its "Indefinite leave to remain" and is needed after the 2 year probationary period is up... have a read in the immigration section for more information.

Hi Carry! Hope you enjoy the forum and its great people!


12th April 2012, 15:39
immm soo stressed! i dont have my ILR still! been almost 4 months now!!!!

please anyone tell me will everything be ok?! i wanna go home in the philippines while its still summer and my nephews still on school vacation!!!

really annoying! :bigcry::bigcry::bigcry:

12th April 2012, 16:59
immm soo stressed! i dont have my ILR still! been almost 4 months now!!!!

please anyone tell me will everything be ok?! i wanna go home in the philippines while its still summer and my nephews still on school vacation!!!

really annoying! :bigcry::bigcry::bigcry:

You could always ask UKBA about the status.
Be careful not to mention that you want to have your passport back though or they may treat your application as abandoned without refund :yikes:

12th April 2012, 17:12
Unfortunately you can't ask.

Their recorded info basically says, if you're applied WITHIN the last 6 months, then you just gotta sit it out & wait.

Even if you manage to get thru to an actual person, they tell you the same.... "we cannot comment on the progress if it's within the six month period".

Crazy and stupid in this modern tech world .... but ........

12th April 2012, 17:15
thank you terpe :) but just to be safe id rather not do that, although of course as much as I want to, Ill just wait but this is really stressing and depressing at the same time! :bigcry:

arrrggggghhhhhhhh!!!! I so hate them! they're so quick in getting the payment yet its taking them forever to give such decision! Everything we submitted are all by the book! so cant see the reason why some people who did exactly the same got it in few weeks time and me and some other have to wait this long!
:bigcry::bigcry::bigcry: sorry I am so frustrated now!

12th April 2012, 17:33
right bluebird! thanks! anyway I think Im close to getting my papers back (hopefully) so ill sit and keep stressing myself out lol

12th April 2012, 19:08
Took them 17 weeks to return our ILR .... should have been much earlier, but they totally c*cked up the first visa.

Hang on in there... it'll be dispatched soon.


Arthur Little
12th April 2012, 19:29
Took them 17 weeks to return our ILR ....

... ah that answers my question, Mark. I'd been asking here recently if your wife had received hers. Belated Congratulations! :)

12th April 2012, 20:21
Omg! really bluebirdjones! ohhhh nooo! :angry::cwm23::bigcry: why!?! ohhh sooo hate them now!

well I know i shouldnt really make any plans but we're planning to go home end of this month! haaaaaaaaaayyyyyssss! I hope i dont have to wait that long, its killing me!

but hey belated congratulations to u and ur wife bluebird! :)

12th April 2012, 20:28
so is it better to pay more and get it sorted quicker or pay less and have to wait:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

12th April 2012, 20:42
u know stevewool i was just realizing it now! we should've just paid more and less worries than sitting here hoping for a postman ringing our buzzer!

well hopefully those who are applying in the future learn a lesson from my situation right now, if they're planning on travelling back home then just spend a little bit more and worry less because everyone who apply for their visa get different processing time! too bad I rely more of the people who have apply before me and got it within 3 months! I thought ill get on the 3rd month yet still nothing! :NoNo::NoNo::NoNo:

12th April 2012, 20:54
We got our docs & paperwork checked out via the Local Authority checking service (because I needed my passport back immediately), so knew all was in order.

However, as per an earlier post, the first ILR visa they put in my wife's passport was in her single/maiden name.
At least they spotted it.... but it seemed to have resulted in her passport going back into the pending tray at the bottom.
Hence the 17 week wait.

.... and obviously no apology from them for the c*ck up.

12th April 2012, 21:16
wow ok! they seemed to be very confused probably coz of too many paper works their dealing with for all we know same thing must have happened to my passport thats why its taking so long as well LOL

well atleast you and your wife are fine now :xxgrinning--00xx3:

12th April 2012, 22:18
hang on caredee:Jump: am sure you/ll be fine:xxgrinning--00xx3:

12th April 2012, 22:25
arrrggggghhhhhhhh!!!! I so hate them! they're so quick in getting the payment yet its taking them forever to give such decision! Everything we submitted are all by the book! so cant see the reason why some people who did exactly the same got it in few weeks time and me and some other have to wait this long!
:bigcry::bigcry::bigcry: sorry I am so frustrated now!

Well thats it. It plays on ones mind and you get to think "what have I done wrong" but I really do think there is some randomness in the way they go about things.....

28th April 2012, 22:24
Hello caree, just applied my ilr last march 23, then received a letter now that i need to get my biometrics done, i dont know if this means that everything is ok now...still worried that after biometric might wait for a long time also...dont worry just keep on praying and you'll get yours soon.