View Full Version : 100 asylum seekers told to quit homes

3rd April 2012, 20:46
FEARS are growing over the future of asylum seekers in Glasgow.


3rd April 2012, 20:47
Turning into a good news day :D

3rd April 2012, 22:02
A deal worth £175 million of OUR :censored:g money !!! :cwm23:

Kick them out NOW ! :angry:

4th April 2012, 00:31
A deal worth £175 million of OUR :censored:g money !!! :cwm23:

Kick them out NOW ! :angry:

Serco aren't stupid they know that where there's muck there's money hence the fact that they've been running one of the Heathrow IRC's (Immigration Removal Centres) for the past 5 years or so. Just for info they used to be called Immigration Detention Centres but about 3 years ago when Labour realised it needed to toughen up and change it's stance on Illegal Immigration they became Removal Centres - not that much removing goes on :D

4th April 2012, 00:36
Yes, Serco are laughing all the way to the bank with the taxpayers' money the governments have been so good at squandering, providing holiday camps for people who are just taking the piss out of this country. :angry:

4th April 2012, 11:01
I was watching some immigration program on sky the other day, it showed 'Dallas Court' in Salford , UKBA have a deportation unit there, i use to work only a few 100metres from the place :yikes: