View Full Version : £42m benefit bill for children who don’t even live in britain

4th April 2012, 21:56
BUMPER welfare handouts have made Britain an “extrem.ely attractive destination” for migrants from eastern Europe, a scathing report on the benefit system warned last night.


4th April 2012, 22:05
What mugs we are. :NoNo:

I have been anti-EU ever since I can remember. They were always going to drag us down to their level.:angry:

stevie c
4th April 2012, 22:12
What mugs we are. :NoNo:

I have been anti-EU ever since I can remember. They were always going to drag us down to their level.:angry:

I second that Graham im also anti Europe...Should never of joined it in the first place :angry:

4th April 2012, 22:16
its crazy that a non British European can claim for kids that are in Europe but a British Citizen cant claim for their kids in the phils.

4th April 2012, 22:20
The country is run by gutless self-serving imbeciles, that's why. :cwm23:

4th April 2012, 22:29
its :crazy: who comes up with these laws ?

Poles earn four times as much in UK, pressure group claims http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/immigration/9184207/Poles-earn-four-times-as-much-in-UK-pressure-group-claims.html

no wonder there are 1 million poles in the Uk, 1 million illegal immigrants yet this gov has got the cheek to tell someone who was born in the UK they need to earn a minimum of £25k to bring their wife here :angry:

4th April 2012, 22:51
Yes indeed , we have become second class citizens in our own country. :NoNo:

8th April 2012, 21:22
If I didnt know you guys on here I would swear most of these stories were wind ups.:doh.