View Full Version : RIP Tesco....

5th April 2012, 15:35
Got your hopes up there Ded :D

RIP Tesco Value

"Tesco Value has been shelved. Its blue and white stripes have passed their sell by date. The bargain brand has checked out".


5th April 2012, 16:15
So Tesco Value has been rebranded to Everyday Value. :cwm24:

I wonder who thought that one up :doh

Much prefer Waitrose Essentials :xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th April 2012, 16:17
Much prefer Waitrose Essentials :xxgrinning--00xx3:


5th April 2012, 18:20
Got your hopes up there Ded :D

You certainly did LL :) As you know I consider them a loathsome company. Interesting article thanks for posting it.

What indicated to me that they were running scared was when they came up with all the stupid "brand" names such as Oak Lane & Daisy to mimic Aldi & Lidl - Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

They have a mock up of an Aldi store at Rip Off H.Q


5th April 2012, 19:40
I have a Lidl right next door to me and thats where I shop most:xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th April 2012, 20:10
aldi cant beat it , ok farmfoods can match it

6th April 2012, 06:01
Did an experiment last leave by shopping at morrisons (we have two near us) and to within a couple of quid it was basically the same as I'd spend at tesco's. I much prefer the choice and quality of food at tesco to be honest. I've had "fresh" going bad on me within 3 days of buying it at Morrisons.

6th April 2012, 07:03
...... I've had "fresh" going bad on me within 3 days of buying it at Morrisons.

Exactly the same experience we had.

6th April 2012, 07:54
never been in a tescos since my ex lest over 4 years ago, long story but i have never mssed the shop, for fresh veg try aldi, i am never disapointed, or pakshop:xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th April 2012, 10:31
Bought 2 bags of clementines in Tescos 2 nights ago. They are awful. Look great on the outside but dry and semi tasteless on the inside. I feel like taking them back but its just a load of hassle.....grrrrr

Your advice Dedworth?

6th April 2012, 10:33
The vegetables are fine at Aldi, and the chicken pieces are not just amongst the cheapest you can get, but are the best I've used.
Fruit though I've found is very hit and miss at Aldi. Most of the time it's ok if you eat it pretty quickly, but very often is spoils quickly and is bruised (which of course causes it to spoil rapidly)

Bizarrely, fruit is often cheaper at Asda at the moment. There seems to be a real price war out there.

6th April 2012, 10:34
Supermarkets are such a rip off, if you have the time to head to the market for fresh fruit or the butchers you suddenly realise the markup.
As for pre prepared food and microwave crap.... YUCK.

6th April 2012, 10:35
I think they were like it the night I bought them. But you cant tell when they are on the shelves...maybe I should try before I buy....:icon_lol:

6th April 2012, 10:36
Supermarkets are such a rip off, if you have the time to head to the market for fresh fruit or the butchers you suddenly realise the markup.
As for pre prepared food and microwave crap.... YUCK.

The fruit and vedge market, seems to be a dieing breed. I dont think we have one on the IOM as such.

6th April 2012, 12:11
well the other day i said i would cook, and fish with fishkes and me potato fritters, what s---t it tasted, just like cardboard, well it gets me out of cooking ever again:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:, cant beat what emma cooks:xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th April 2012, 12:12
Supermarkets are such a rip off, if you have the time to head to the market for fresh fruit or the butchers you suddenly realise the markup.
As for pre prepared food and microwave crap.... YUCK.

We actually try to use our local butcher and market as much as possible. The butcher used to have his own slaughter house out the back. The smell in the summer was a bit off being as he's in the centre of town but you couldn't get fresher!!! Used to hand pheasent, rabbit etc up as well out infront

6th April 2012, 16:04
Maybe my moaning at the till at Tesco about them not even having a chicken burger in stock last week, or the previous one paid off. They had loads this week, and even plus a new line. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Pathetic when a massive store doesn't even stock the 'healthier option'...when compared with beef burgers. :NoNo:

6th April 2012, 20:49
i go on various shops..morrissons, lidl,aldi , tesco, butcher, paki shops wherever near me but i look for the tags some bargains are not really bargains if you look at it closely

6th April 2012, 20:56
i go on various shops..morrissons, lidl,aldi , tesco, butcher, paki shops wherever near me but i look for the tags some bargains are not really bargains if you look at it closely

Isnt it about time we stopped using the expression ' paki shop " and use something like " ethnic minority shop " instead? :D

stevie c
6th April 2012, 20:57
We do our weekly shop at sainsbury....never had a problem with there fruit & veg turning

We still visit our local asian store for asian veggies,rice & my fav coconut juice from thailand which is called Foco coconut juice with the bits i just love the stuff :hubbahubba::hubbahubba:

6th April 2012, 22:01
Isnt it about time we stopped using the expression ' paki shop " and use something like " ethnic minority shop " instead? :D

Could always say JD Shop :D

6th April 2012, 22:39
Could always say JD Shop :D

Or in Bradford "Ethnic Majority" shop.

6th April 2012, 22:47
Hmmmm .......... I've just found an article stating that Tesco's was fined £48,000 in 2011 for breaches in health and safety at one of their stores regarding the unsafe loading and loading of goods and also failing to report 3 accidents of their employees. I have contacted the local Environmental Health Department about my own accident at the local Tesco's store and they are now pursuing a further breach. They have a duty of care to their staff and customers, what an unprofessional shower they are ........ :Wave::Wave::Wave: bye Tesco's!

6th April 2012, 22:58
Hmmmm .......... I've just found an article stating that Tesco's was fined £48,000 in 2011 for breaches in health and safety at one of their stores regarding the unsafe loading and loading of goods and also failing to report 3 accidents of their employees. I have contacted the local Environmental Health Department about my own accident at the local Tesco's store and they are now pursuing a further breach. They have a duty of care to their staff and customers, what an unprofessional shower they are ........ :Wave::Wave::Wave: bye Tesco's!

Section 3.1 of the 1974 Health and Safety at Work Act.....

"It shall be the duty of every employer to conduct his undertaking in such a way as to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that persons not in his employment who may be affected thereby are not thereby exposed to risks to their health or safety".


If they had a duty of care and if section 3.1 has been breached and can be proven to be breached then you have a case.

6th April 2012, 23:08
Tesco breaches....


6th April 2012, 23:11
Prosecuted under RIDDOR....for not reporting...


6th April 2012, 23:17
"Tesco rings up £20,000 fine for sliced fingers.
Tesco fined £20,000 under HASAWA 1974 s2 and PUWER 1998. A dough-dividing machine had a faulty interlock switch which resulted in employees being instructed to use the emergency stop button instead. Lifting the lid off the machine without pressing the button became commonplace. Monitoring by management should have noticed this and rectified the situation. As a result the blade sliced off the tips of two fingers of an employee".


6th April 2012, 23:28
Reminds me...must get a new Tesco bag. Had this one since the 70s I think. :Erm:


7th April 2012, 00:00
Section 3.1 of the 1974 Health and Safety at Work Act.....

"It shall be the duty of every employer to conduct his undertaking in such a way as to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that persons not in his employment who may be affected thereby are not thereby exposed to risks to their health or safety".


If they had a duty of care and if section 3.1 has been breached and can be proven to be breached then you have a case.

Thank you Lastlid, I am also familiar with the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 and the Management of H&S at Work Regulations.

Tesco's has a duty of care to it's staff, customers and visitors and must provide safe access and egress on their premises with suitable risk assessments in place. Any cases of breach will normally be brought by the Environmental Health Dept/ or the HSE, rather than by individuals but there has to be liaison with the local regulator before that happens. The case is being pursued by Environmental Health.

7th April 2012, 00:27
Thank you Lastlid, I am also familiar with the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 and the Management of H&S at Work Regulations.

Tesco's has a duty of care to it's staff, customers and visitors and must provide safe access and egress on their premises with suitable risk assessments in place. Any cases of breach will normally be brought by the Environmental Health Dept/ or the HSE, rather than by individuals but there has to be liaison with the local regulator before that happens. The case is being pursued by Environmental Health.

Aren't we all safety officers these days.! :D I believe, as an individual, one can go through the civil courts, alternatively.

7th April 2012, 00:38
Reminds me...must get a new Tesco bag. Had this one since the 70s I think. :Erm:


That will be worth a bit now....

7th April 2012, 05:58
Ebay it graham, with the 5p you make you can buy a new one in store!

Ako Si Jamie
7th April 2012, 07:52
Reminds me...must get a new Tesco bag. Had this one since the 70s I think. :Erm:


Those were the days when they had proper bags. None of this doubling up nonsense.

7th April 2012, 09:18
have to pay for the bags in some shops

7th April 2012, 09:30

Those were the days when they had proper bags. None of this doubling up nonsense.

Aye, can't beat the old non-biodegradable ones...ideal for storing my flares and Paisley shirts in. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Also reminds me of the time when I did have a slight accident with a brown paper carrier bag, years ago as a poverty-stricken young man.
It broke, and the jar of coffee I had just purchased from the shop round the corner was shattered, it's contents spilt across the pavement.
I was mortified, as coffee was probably the most expensive item I ever bought, so quickly nipped off to my bedsit for my dustpan and brush. :)

7th April 2012, 09:35
years ago everything was in brown paper bags and white ones too, and remember when old newspapers was used too in shops for wrapping the goods in, cant use these new bags for the trick of throwing the imaginary stone in the air and catching it in the old paper bag, those where the days:icon_lol::icon_lol:

7th April 2012, 09:43
Very true Steve.

I was an assistant pet shop/provender merchants manager for the first 2 years of my working life, so became a bit of an expert at packing stuff into various sized paper bags, as well as knowing how to undo with one deft move those sewn-up paper sacks that bulk animal feed comes in. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th April 2012, 09:52
Some places seem to dish out paper bags again now.....instead of plastic.

7th April 2012, 09:57
the usa gives paper bags with everything

7th April 2012, 09:58
Surely more environmentally friendly ? :Erm:

I used them in my own shop, but certainly a lot dearer than plastic ones. :)

7th April 2012, 10:00
Well, wether we love them or hate them, Tesco certainly gets some coverage on this forum....:D

7th April 2012, 10:03
i not keen on the shop, so i will call it farmfoods or aldi from now on:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

7th April 2012, 20:58
Aren't we all safety officers these days.! :D I believe, as an individual, one can go through the civil courts, alternatively.

I think you are getting confused with Personal Injury Claims, which are a different matter and are able to be pursued by individuals ;)

7th April 2012, 21:01
I think you are getting confused with Personal Injury Claims, which are a different matter and are able to be pursued by individuals ;)

Oh. OK. ;)