View Full Version : End of the world

6th April 2012, 12:04
Well just been to te shops, carparks full, trollys full ,kids screaming and the shelves are emptying very very fast, all i wanted was some bread my god what is happening i thought, the end of the world, food shortage as well as fuel shortage, well no shops may be closed early over easter, stupid shoppers, loading up there trollies, must be of there trollies i say, anyway back home safe and sound :NoNo::NoNo::NoNo:

6th April 2012, 12:21
I'm soooooo glad I'm out of the country on public holidays, I'm finding harder and harder to deal with the great unwashed!!

Arthur Little
6th April 2012, 12:40
i thought, the end of the world

:omg: ... here's me imagining you'd had a couple of Jehovah Witnesses on your doorstep, Steve!

6th April 2012, 13:08
It's the end of the world as we know it, I feel fine:D