View Full Version : EU migrants with criminal convictions get jobs denied to British workers

7th April 2012, 08:10
:cwm23: :NoNo: this is putting people at risk, being in the EU is getting to be a joke, that's no longer a :laugher: matter.

Migrants with criminal convictions will be able to get jobs denied to British workers under a new EU-wide criminal records regime being adopted this month.


8th April 2012, 15:33
A bit more of this appalling story here

Foreign jobseekers with criminal convictions could become teachers or police officers in Britain

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2126545/Foreign-jobseekers-criminal-convictions-teachers-police-officers-Britain.html#ixzz1rSYT88FA

8th April 2012, 15:40
my misses has had many crb checks done, in fact she got another form yesterday, this is just a :censored: take :NoNo:

8th April 2012, 16:33
not another bunch of criminls joining the police is there not enough criminals working in the police as it is its a one way street as always one way for them and dead end for us nowonder uk is just a big sest pip from eu:censored::furious3: