View Full Version : the way is england has become

9th April 2012, 09:26
most read papers or watch the news, i try not to take too much notice of what the papers say, the tv news well take it or leave it, every story the tell is sad, last nights news was 3 major storys from the world we live in , north korea sending a roket up, siria still at war killing each other and the third i dont remember, so much is happing in the world and so much is happening in england, but what can we do about it, what concerns me is my family and my friends and myself everthing else is out of my control, sad though it is, anyway what i am saying is the sad there is sad news everywhere and there seems to be more sad news coming onto the forum more and more, so lets have some good funny news, just my thoughts, do not mean to offend

9th April 2012, 09:56
That is a good idea Steve. There is way to much negative news these days but thats how they get ratings / sell papers isn't it. Hopefully these inks are allowed:


9th April 2012, 10:00
Good news....


9th April 2012, 10:12
Good news....


:icon_lol: if your a royalist :D

many of my posts are not 'happy news' not for us anyway, but its whats going on in the world and it directly or indirectly effect many of us.:NoNo:

9th April 2012, 10:20
More good news...


9th April 2012, 10:22
More good news...


:xxgrinning--00xx3: i think most Brits will agree to that :D

9th April 2012, 10:42
I believe it's in the 'way we are'. Some folks are generally positive and upbeat. They see the 'good stuff' outweighs the negative.

Other folks just cannot seem to grasp the idea (and benefits) of being positive, or trying to find the positive route out of a generally negative input.

That's life. It's whatever you make it.

9th April 2012, 10:55
old saying 'your so negative that if you went in to a darkroom you would develop' :Cuckoo::icon_lol:

you need to balance being positive with being a realist :D

9th April 2012, 11:23
old saying 'your so negative that if you went in to a darkroom you would develop' :Cuckoo::icon_lol:

That's a good one, hadn't heard it before.

.you need to balance being positive with being a realist :D

In my view a realist is someone who accepts the world and events in their life as they appear.
Nothing much will change in my world if I believe I have no chance to influence changes and must only ever accept what lifes dishes out.
I'd prefer to take up a positive line and believe I can make a difference to most things.
Of course there are always going to be some things that just cannot ever be changed.
Those are the only ones that will get realist's view from me.

"grant me the strength to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.” -- St. Francis

As you say joe, it's getting that balance right that's key.

9th April 2012, 11:28
The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.
William Arthur Ward 1921 — 1997

9th April 2012, 11:29
The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.
Prime Minister Winston Churchill 1874 — 1965

9th April 2012, 11:32
whats someone who 'hope for the best, plan for the worst.' Peter :rolleyes:

9th April 2012, 11:35
The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.
William Arthur Ward 1921 — 1997

:xxgrinning--00xx3: my misses called me a pessimist yesterday when she was talking about getting her sons wife and 2 kids to the UK, told her the problems and i was being realistic :doh

9th April 2012, 11:36
I had a good squint through the news and there isn't really much good news about (especially if you ain't a Utd fan).....but they do say no news is good news. I can remember my old auntie saying that she never watched or listened to the news in the morning as it was too demoralising.....

9th April 2012, 11:37
:xxgrinning--00xx3: my misses called me a pessimist yesterday when she was talking about getting her sons wife and 2 kids to the UK, told her the problems and i was being realistic :doh

"People often confuse pessimism with realism". Lastlid 2012

9th April 2012, 11:39
whats someone who 'hope for the best, plan for the worst.' Peter :rolleyes:

That would be an Engineer :xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th April 2012, 11:41
"People often confuse pessimism with realism". Lastlid 2012

well looking at the proposals he'll need to be on £60k a year, which he is not, i wonder what percentage of the population are ?. somewhere to live - which he hasn't got and savings would help - which he hasn't got - so being a realist or pessimistic are the same thing here - no chance :doh

9th April 2012, 11:43
That would be an Engineer :xxgrinning--00xx3:

But not if you were an engineer of the Titanic (topical)....

9th April 2012, 11:48
well looking at the proposals he'll need to be on £60k a year, which he is not, i wonder what percentage of the population are ?. somewhere to live - which he hasn't got and savings would help - which he hasn't got - so being a realist or pessimistic are the same thing here - no chance :doh

I have no idea if this is possible or desirable but how about EEA route?

Just brainstorming.

9th April 2012, 11:56
I have no idea if this is possible or desirable but how about EEA route?

Just brainstorming.

:icon_lol: i thought about that, we'll just have to see what happens with the proposals.. , oh i dont think so, not til hes a british citizen, thats 3 yrs away yet..
but more likely try and get his wife here and then the kids. again depends on the proposals/law at the time,.

9th April 2012, 12:01
:icon_lol: i thought about that, we'll just have to see what happens with the proposals.. , oh i dont think so, not til hes a british citizen, thats 3 yrs away yet..
but more likely try and get his wife here and then the kids. again depends on the proposals/law at the time,.

Going to be heartbreaking for many.
Reminds me of our visa and immigration journey. I do remember thinking at that time
how come these people have such power to impact our life togather. Tough days they were.

9th April 2012, 12:13
Going to be heartbreaking for many.
Reminds me of our visa and immigration journey.

it could be a longer journey for many people soon :NoNo:

9th April 2012, 12:33
An optimist says the glass is half full...a pessimist says the glass is half empty..

...An engineer says that the glass is too big.


...An engineer says the container is twice the size it needs to be.

...A realist says it doesan't matter. It's just gonna have to be washed later anyways.

...The FDA says the glass has a design flaw and needs to be sent back to China to be re-engineered.

...A Republican says "Who's been drinking out of my glass?"

...A Zen Master picks up the glass and drinks.

...An opportunist drinks the contents while the other two argue.

...An Accountant wants to know why you're wasting money on a glass that's obviously too large.

...A physicist says the glass is neither. It is completely full, half with water, the other half with air.

...An analyst says it is neither, it simply contains 50% of its potential capacity.

Sources: My feeble brain

And a geologist says.....on the one hand it could be half full but on the other hand it could be half empty.

9th April 2012, 15:18
Those proposals again. It's understandable we're worrying about this, but we don't know.

As for the positive/negative thinking, well I had advice from an old manager - he said the best bit of advice he could give us if we don't want to feel miserable, is to not read the Daily Mail.

Now this might seem like a bit of a joke, but he was serious, and so am I. That particular paper, and even they will admit this, it exists to sell to a certain part of the readership. It will predict gloom for the economy, it will blame various ills on "Johnny Foreigner", and it will also take great delight in trawling up every so often an end of the world story - be it asteroids, superbugs, supervolcanos, Man City winning the premiership..........that sort of thing.

It really is a tatty little rag, and you're frankly better off reading any other paper, which although they will print rubbish, it isn't actively designed to play on people's fears of crime, the economy etc.

Your call, I'm afraid I still read the online pages, my bad

9th April 2012, 15:20
It really is a tatty little rag, and you're frankly better off reading any other paper, which although they will print rubbish, it isn't actively designed to play on people's fears of crime, the economy etc.

Hear hear....

stevie c
9th April 2012, 15:44
it could be a longer journey for many people soon :NoNo:

At this moment in time there just doesn't seem to be any light at the end of the tunnel...The tunnel just seems to be getting deeper & darker if you know what i mean :NoNo::cwm23:

9th April 2012, 15:50
At this moment in time there just doesn't seem to be any light at the end of the tunnel...The tunnel just seems to be getting deeper & darker if you know what i mean :NoNo::cwm23:

Yes, the problem is that you don't know if they are going to pull a "black" rabbit out of a hat or something.....

9th April 2012, 16:06
not a black rabbit just more pollish and romanians, stuff the so called english who ever they are

9th April 2012, 16:09
well looking at the proposals he'll need to be on £60k a year, which he is not, i wonder what percentage of the population are ?. somewhere to live - which he hasn't got and savings would help - which he hasn't got - so being a realist or pessimistic are the same thing here - no chance :doh

Join the club Joe. I try to explain to the wife things that are going on here but I dont think she quite understands.

9th April 2012, 16:10
not a black rabbit just more pollish and romanians, stuff the so called english who ever they are

When I said "black" rabbit I wasn't referring to their ethnicity, more some kind of unforeseen change in the rules...

9th April 2012, 16:11
never took it that way either:)

9th April 2012, 16:13
Join the club Joe. I try to explain to the wife things that are going on here but I dont think she quite understands.

Yes. I tried to explain to Mrs Lastlid about everything last year and it was so hard to explain especially as she has cousins who married Koreans and had so much less trouble...

stevie c
9th April 2012, 16:17
I think as time goes on & things get even more difficult the only option for some may be to move to the Phils...But what will happen to the relationships & marriages who get refused a visa & have no possible of moving to the Phils thats what worries me mkost for the genuine relationships :NoNo::Erm::bigcry:

9th April 2012, 16:22
Thats the big question stevie. I spoke to a immigration adviser yesterday and she said let the dust settle and when your ready to apply let me know. There will always be a way round it.

9th April 2012, 16:23
its easy for me to say this because i have Emma here, but if the relationship is strong it will last, i have every simpahy to anyone that wants there partner here or to be with there partner there, where theres a will theres a way so they say

9th April 2012, 16:23
I spoke to a immigration adviser yesterday and she said let the dust settle and when your ready to apply let me know. There will always be a way round it.

Thats good Andy....:xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th April 2012, 16:25
Thats the big question stevie. I spoke to a immigration adviser yesterday and she said let the dust settle and when your ready to apply let me know. There will always be a way round it.

great news :xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th April 2012, 16:26
great news :xxgrinning--00xx3:

There's some good news Steve......to brighten up the doom and gloom....:xxgrinning--00xx3:

stevie c
9th April 2012, 16:28
Thats the big question stevie. I spoke to a immigration adviser yesterday and she said let the dust settle and when your ready to apply let me know. There will always be a way round it.

First positive bit of news for quite awhile on this subject....We can but live in hope :xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th April 2012, 16:31
There's some good news Steve......to brighten up the doom and gloom....:xxgrinning--00xx3:

great news to hear before we are back at work, Andy i do hope it all works out the way it should for you both, :)

9th April 2012, 16:33
here is some other good news to keep it going, i am starting zumba with my em:icon_lol:, i wonder if it will turn on Em when i am wiggling my butt they way i am when she is wiggling hers:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:, made you laugh or made you feel sick:yikes::yikes::yikes:

stevie c
9th April 2012, 16:38
:omg: Zumba Steve at your'e age :olddude:
Only joking mate :icon_lol:

9th April 2012, 16:44
I have heard a lot about this Zumba what is it? :Sex:?

9th April 2012, 16:57
come on andy, what is it, a keep fit dance watch it on you tube or something, gets your heart racing be warned:hubbahubba::hubbahubba:

9th April 2012, 17:02
Ooops sorry mate I guess I got the wrong end of the stick.:doh:laugher:

9th April 2012, 20:02
Those proposals again. It's understandable we're worrying about this, but we don't know.

As for the positive/negative thinking, well I had advice from an old manager - he said the best bit of advice he could give us if we don't want to feel miserable, is to not read the Daily Mail.

Now this might seem like a bit of a joke, but he was serious, and so am I. That particular paper, and even they will admit this, it exists to sell to a certain part of the readership. It will predict gloom for the economy, it will blame various ills on "Johnny Foreigner", and it will also take great delight in trawling up every so often an end of the world story - be it asteroids, superbugs, supervolcanos, Man City winning the premiership..........that sort of thing.

It really is a tatty little rag, and you're frankly better off reading any other paper, which although they will print rubbish, it isn't actively designed to play on people's fears of crime, the economy etc.

Your call, I'm afraid I still read the online pages, my bad

IMHO The Daily Mail is an excellent newspaper so much so the the rest of the UK Press heap awards on it including Newspaper of The Year.

Read all about it in the Guardian

Press Awards: Daily Mail leads winners

Paper lands eight awards, including newspaper of the year, campaign of the year and hat-trick for Craig Brown
