View Full Version : How true is this??

10th April 2012, 10:32
How true is it that too much drinking alcohol can make u incapable of having children??

Me and hubby we've been together for 3 yrs and till now am still not pregnant. I am wondering maybe there is something wrong with him since his water is wine/beers like 24/7 so maybe that is the reason. :Erm:

I really want to have a baby and it will be so boring and sad for me not to see my own blood and flesh.

Please help us!! :bigcry::cwm3:

10th April 2012, 10:49
I am no expert but there is quite a lot on this on the internet....


And from the NHS....


The good news is...."However, if you reduce what you drink, these effects can be quickly reversed." Again from the NHS.

10th April 2012, 10:57
It could be worth going to see a specialist, who could do some checks to help you out. I'm sure our resident Dr will post soon, and he'll know the best course of action.

I know that in the UK, some people trying do all sorts of things to find the best time of the month to be fertile etc.

I wish you lots of success, and you and the hubby can enjoy the practice in the meantime!

10th April 2012, 11:01
but look how many times a woman or a man have tried to use the excuse they were drunk, yet still managed to get pregnant :doh

you've been living together 3yrs ? if not how many weeks has he sepnt with you in those 3 yrs ??

stress might be able a problem..

10th April 2012, 11:05
I know that in the UK, some people trying do all sorts of things to find the best time of the month to be fertile etc.

Yes, maybe the male could try not drinking on the days when the female is most fertile.....becomes a bit of a science project....looking at the lighter side of things... :icon_lol:

10th April 2012, 11:14
but look how many times a woman or a man have tried to use the excuse they were drunk, yet still managed to get pregnant :doh.

I managed that twice :icon_lol:

10th April 2012, 11:18
How true is it that too much drinking alcohol can make u incapable of having children??

Me and hubby we've been together for 3 yrs and till now am still not pregnant. I am wondering maybe there is something wrong with him since his water is wine/beers like 24/7 so maybe that is the reason. :Erm:

I really want to have a baby and it will be so boring and sad for me not to see my own blood and flesh.

Please help us!! :bigcry::cwm3:

So, is he an alcoholic ? :Erm:

Have you had your own fertility tested ?

This sounds like one for Doc Alan, but I wish you the best of luck. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

10th April 2012, 11:31
I am no expert but there is quite a lot on this on the internet....


And from the NHS....


The good news is...."However, if you reduce what you drink, these effects can be quickly reversed." Again from the NHS.

wow this is really a very useful link - now he might believe that alcohol is not good.

thank you very muh lastlid :)

10th April 2012, 11:33
So, is he an alcoholic ? :Erm:

Have you had your own fertility tested ?

This sounds like one for Doc Alan, but I wish you the best of luck. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

yes he is very alcoholic he tried to stop but he cannot :/

I am planning to do a test this week so if there is a result I will let you know guys.

fingers crossed :NoNo:

10th April 2012, 11:34
wow this is really a very useful link - now he might believe that alcohol is not good.

thank you very muh lastlid :)

Thats okay. I use the NHS website quite a lot. It covers a lot of medically related topics and they are normally quite thorough. Good starting point at the least.

10th April 2012, 11:35
yes he is very alcoholic he tried to stop but he cannot :/

I am planning to do a test this week so if there is a result I will let you know guys.

fingers crossed :NoNo:

Good luck....:xxgrinning--00xx3:

10th April 2012, 11:36
but look how many times a woman or a man have tried to use the excuse they were drunk, yet still managed to get pregnant :doh

you've been living together 3yrs ? if not how many weeks has he sepnt with you in those 3 yrs ??

stress might be able a problem..

3 years in relationship but we were not really living together since its a LDR so he can only visit me 3 times a year or twice for 1 week or 2 weeks

so maybe that's why :Erm:

10th April 2012, 11:39
3 years in relationship but we were not really living together since its a LDR so he can only visit me 3 times a year or twice for 1 week or 2 weeks

so maybe that's why :Erm:

Oh, I see. Yes, that doesnt help either. :)

With my first wife we rarely / never used contraception as she was relatively infertile, liked to drink and I was away half the year. All those factors had a part to play, I am sure....we only had 2 kids in 25 years......:D

10th April 2012, 12:57
I THINK I've only got one. :Erm:

10th April 2012, 13:01
Being really practical for a moment. Isn't the bigger issue that your husband is an alcoholic? Does he admit that he has a drink problem?

I know that I wouldn't want to raise a child in a family where the drink comes first :NoNo:

10th April 2012, 13:04
Being really practical for a moment. Isn't the bigger issue that your husband is an alcoholic? Does he admit that he has a drink problem?

I know that I wouldn't want to raise a child in a family where the drink comes first :NoNo:

Good point Steve....

10th April 2012, 13:06
Totally agree Steve. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Some serious issues to sort out first.

10th April 2012, 13:16
I have first hand experience of living with an alcoholic.
It's not safe and it can be frightening.
In my opinion anyone who says they really cannot manage even 1 or 2 days without drinking alcohol has a major problem.

Be very careful how and when you discuss with him any serious issues about this problem. He will at best be very defensive or may even resort to worse behaviour.

10th April 2012, 13:17
Being really practical for a moment. Isn't the bigger issue that your husband is an alcoholic? Does he admit that he has a drink problem?

I know that I wouldn't want to raise a child in a family where the drink comes first :NoNo:

He is now slowing down, he doesn't want to drink anymore but if he stop and he did and something happened to him he passed out and was sent to hospital so it was not really good so he started to drink again if he will stop he said he might die. But he is trying his best to minimize it step by step.

10th April 2012, 13:29
3 years in relationship but we were not really living together since its a LDR so he can only visit me 3 times a year or twice for 1 week or 2 weeks

so maybe that's why :Erm:

probably wrong time of the month :doh, Stress can affect your ovulation, give it a bit of time. :rolleyes:

you should speak to my misses :D

10th April 2012, 13:46
As an alcoholic, it's very easy to make lots of of excuses. It's very easy to reason why you need a drink even when it hurts those around you. It makes me more friendly, removes the stress, makes me sleep better, I feel ill if I stop etc etc. The first step is accepting there is a problem, but actually stopping is much more difficult. Even when you've stopped for a while, after a long day at work with loads going on, the idea of tasting a beer to shut off the world and relax is incredible. It's hard to break that dependance, and come up with reasons why you shouldn't be drinking, there is always a lot more of those.

Good luck with everything.

Arthur Little
10th April 2012, 14:04
stress might be a problem..

You've probably 'hit the nail on the head' :action-smiley-060: there, Joe! I've certainly heard that an excessive intake of alcohol can impair the ability to procreate (disregarding the old :joke: about "Brewers' Droop", etc.!). But I *firmly [excuse the *pun!] believe the stress factor plays a major part in impeding the process.

Let's take, for example, the case of my daughter; :rolleyes: she and her husband had been trying to conceive for almost 10 years ... without success. There seemed to be no detectable medical reasons why this should be so. Finally, they resorted to IVF treatment ... and she gave birth to, what she referred to, as her "miracle baby" (whom she imagined would be an only child, since my daughter was already 37 by then). Three years later - without "outside" intervention - lo and behold ... the stork :baby1: paid them a second visit - by which time she'd attained the ripe old age of forty!

So ... :anerikke: ... who knows ...

10th April 2012, 18:16
How true is it that too much drinking alcohol can make u incapable of having children??

Me and hubby we've been together for 3 yrs and till now am still not pregnant. I am wondering maybe there is something wrong with him since his water is wine/beers like 24/7 so maybe that is the reason. :Erm:

I really want to have a baby and it will be so boring and sad for me not to see my own blood and flesh.

Please help us!! :bigcry::cwm3:

to much drink can get you pregnant the say too, but it could be lots of things, do you both want a child together,its ok you saying you want a baby and it will be boring and sad if you dont see your own flesh and blood, well sorry to say thats selfish did you marry your man to be with him no matter what, so wat happens if its him that cannot father a child , will you dump him, sorry to be so harsh, but there is more to a good life then having children

10th April 2012, 19:11
Is it a good life even now though ? :Erm:

I hate to preach, and it's really none of my business, but what the hell kind of a relationship is it now ???

As so many have found out both in this country and elsewhere, having a child is no way to 'fix' a relationship, and is grossly unfair to the PERSON created. :NoNo:

10th April 2012, 19:24
my thoughts too, graham, takes years and years to bring your child up not just a thought and a quick:Sex::Sex:, how many will still be together in years time

Doc Alan
10th April 2012, 19:38
Sensible advice has already been given by other members, and general information on alcohol is available in the Health Section ( http://filipinaroses.com/showthread.php/36214-Alcohol-what-s-new ).
Here are the key problems and facts :-
• Your long distance relationship.
• Your husband's / partner’s apparent excessive alcohol consumption and dependence.
• Denial is a leading feature of alcoholism, so getting him to accept the problem, and seek help ( from friends, relatives, and his doctor ) is not easy.
• “ CAGE “ questions for your partner might help confirm if there IS abuse / dependence – 1. Ever felt you ought to Cut down on drinking? 2. Have people Annoyed you by criticising your drinking? 3. Ever felt Guilty about drinking? 4. Ever had an Eye-opener to steady nerves in the morning?
• The UK has more problems with alcohol compared with some of its European neighbours, and the Philippines. However, in Southeast Asia, Filipinos are second only to Indonesians in alcohol consumption. More effort is needed in the Philippines to address problems of alcohol abuse, often occurring without any special occasion ; it's not considered a medical problem by most Filipinos, who don’t seek medical treatment ( if at all ) until it’s too late; rehabilitation centres have low admission rates.
• The UK Coalition has until now taken a weak approach to reducing alcohol consumption ( voluntary responsibility, deals with alcohol producers and retailers, and ineffective attempts to “ nudge “ people to change unhealthy behaviours ). Hopefully things are changing -
• The government's latest alcohol strategy says a minimum unit price for alcohol – possibly £ 0.40 / unit - will soon be introduced in England and Wales ( already waiting for introduction in Scotland). It will consult on other measures ( ban on promotions in shops, alcohol marketing, work with regulators on alcohol advertising ).
• It’s likely that the UK Government will this year change its recommendations. There will be a new emphasis on 2 – 3 alcohol–free days a week. Right now it recommends that men should not drink more than three to four units of alcohol a day. Drinking more than this can – in addition to all the other health problems - lower testosterone levels, sperm quality and quantity. It can also reduce libido, and cause impotence. At least for a while, these changes are reversible. One of the problems is that people don't actually know how much they are – or should be – drinking.
Many say they have heard of UK Government's daily unit guidelines, but few know what they are ! ( A unit of alcohol is about half a pint of normal strength lager, a small glass of wine or a 25ml measure of spirits ).

• For information - UK Department of Health recommends women should not drink alcohol while they are trying to conceive. It can make women less fertile too. There is a link between drinking and infertility, not well understood - even drinking lightly can have an effect. Reducing or stopping drinking can make the difference between getting pregnant or not.
• Alcohol can seriously damage a baby's development, so it’s best to abstain from alcohol during pregnancy. If you must drink during pregnancy, limit your intake to one to two units of alcohol, once or twice a week.

Please think carefully about what has been said, and let us know the outcome. I wish you all the best for the future :).

10th April 2012, 20:34
Thanks Alan. I hope that Ana gets her husband to read your post.