View Full Version : Aquino III The Most Tourism Orientated President in History

15th April 2012, 20:12
"MANILA, Philippines – “I told you so.”

Tourism Secretary Ramon Jimenez Jr. made this statement when asked about people who used to doubt the effectiveness of his agency’s newest campaign.

From only three, there are now thousands of “It’s more fun in the Philippines” posters created by Internet users across the globe, giving the Department of Tourism enough promotional material for the next 25 years, should the slogan last that long".

"Jimenez said results can already be felt as early as Holy Week, with all airport gates occupied with flights to local destinations, something that has never happened before".


15th April 2012, 21:53
I feel very positive about my planned relocation to Pinas sometime soon.
Lots of changes already made and lots more to come. All making my planned relocation a whole lot better than even 5-10 years ago.

The only unknown now is the exchange rate, but I have a plan :xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th April 2012, 22:10
Some say the tourist resorts are being taken over by Koreans...and Korean gangsters (according to what I've been reading on the internet).

16th April 2012, 00:27
I spent the whole day at immigration sorting out my ACR card.. What a nightmare!! Foreigners there herded like cattle and treated like pigs!:NoNo:
Luckily I only have to do that every 5 years.

Good luck with your plans Terpe.. Happy to help you in any way I can.