View Full Version : Joint Exercises Between China and Russia

23rd April 2012, 13:42
BBC News

"Chinese and Russian naval forces have begun six days of joint exercises in the Yellow Sea off China's eastern coast, Chinese state media report.

Anti-submarine operations and the simulated rescue of hijacked vessels will feature in the drills.

It is first time the two navies have conducted such drills, although both countries have participated in four military exercises since 2005."

They come amid tensions with China's neighbours over territorial claims.


23rd April 2012, 15:46
Philippines & US / China & Russia...


23rd April 2012, 22:20
Just what I was thinking.

24th April 2012, 12:43
went to the west coast of Palawan the other day, I've seen many young white guys around Palawan.

if you want to hurt the chinese you dont do it with weapons, just dont buy their goods :xxgrinning--00xx3:

stevie c
24th April 2012, 18:42
I think on the china /russian side of it...it is all camararderie & showmanship...I honestly don't thinf anything will come of it military wise

26th April 2012, 12:41
"MANILA, Philippines – It started like many other minor confrontations over the specks of isles dotting some of the world's busiest shipping lanes. But the risks in the latest flare-up over a South China Sea shoal are much bigger than the territory itself.
Armed vessels from the Philippines and its much more powerful neighbor, China, have faced off for two weeks at the horseshoe-shaped Scarborough Shoal. Either side could miscalculate — and consequences could bear down on the whole region, and drag in the U.S. too."

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2012/04/26/philippines-china-standoff-could-spin-out-hand/#ixzz1t97Sf6uz

27th April 2012, 21:51
"China now has a total of nine ships at Scarborough Shoal as of Friday, according to the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA).
Aside from the two surveillance ships and six fishing vessels earlier sighted by the Philippine Coast Guard, an additional fishing vessel and an unidentified ship were seen in the area Friday. The Philippine Navy identified the ship 81 which replaced FLEC 310 which evidently left.
The Philippines has deployed only two ships, one from the Philippine Navy and the other from the Coast Guard.
As the dispute between China and the Philippines over Scarborough Shoal entered its 18th day Friday, Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile called on the nation to rally behind President Aquino in asserting the country’s sovereignty in the West Philippine Sea (South China Sea)".


27th April 2012, 21:58
Oh gawd. :rolleyes: