View Full Version : your childhood

28th April 2012, 09:06
how far can you go back to your childhood memories, lasr night i was trying this, yes i have pictures of myself as a baby, and i must say what a looker i was too:icon_lol:, but i can go back only to say 8 or 9 nines old, try as i can i just dont seem to get back any more, how far can you go:)

28th April 2012, 10:12
I was taken for a holiday in Ireland when I was less than 3 years old, and I can quite clearly remember events from it.

From then onwards my memories are pretty clear and in accurate chronological order.

Because we moved around a lot in my childhood it has probably made it easier putting things into order, plus lots of memorable dates, experiences etc. :)

28th April 2012, 11:37
I can remember as early as 3 or 4 years old..I can remember my mom having morning sickness when she was pregnant with my brother..which is 4 years younger than me :xxgrinning--00xx3:

28th April 2012, 17:38
I can vividly remember my first day at Primary School (Reception Class) it would have been 5 months before my 4th birthday, went there along with my oldest mate who was born 4 days after me. I've strong recollections of some of the wimps bawling their eyes out and wetting themselves over the first couple of weeks. My pal has a better memory and can recite loads of classmates names from that school and where they lived.

Ako Si Jamie
28th April 2012, 18:27
I remember quite a bit when I was around 5. Not much before that.

My first kiss with a girl called Sharon on a beach in West Wales:tounges:

Playing my first game of football and picking the ball up instead of kicking it :icon_lol:

My dad getting his ford cortina stuck in the sand at Weston-Super-Mare.

:piss2: on my bedroom carpet because I was too scared to go to the loo because there was thunder & lightning

My first teacher supporting Greenock Morton FC and my first day at school.

The hot summer of 76.

My sister throwing a toy bus at my head.

28th April 2012, 22:45
I remember this day very well, I was 3 years old. I got up in the morning and the first thing I did was run out of the house to play with my friend who lived opposite our house :D


28th April 2012, 22:48
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah ! So cute. :D

29th April 2012, 01:54
i carried a memory from being very young very clear visualy in my head, when i was about 14 year old i talked to my mum about it, she told me the memory was from when i was 6 months old

too bad about my short term memory lol

29th April 2012, 02:09
10 month old lol


2 yrs 8 months

age not sure but believe it was morcambe or scarborough beach


29th April 2012, 09:32
I can remember going with my sister who is 3 years older tham me to see my first school being built which I then went to aged 5 so I could remember that from when aged 4ish :xxgrinning--00xx3:

29th April 2012, 09:52
10 month old lol


2 yrs 8 months

age not sure but believe it was morcambe or scarborough beach


captain america the first picture:)

29th April 2012, 11:09
captain america the first picture:)


This thread has great potential. :D

29th April 2012, 12:22

29th April 2012, 17:45
here is a piture of me and my grandson about 52 years differance

29th April 2012, 18:00
I'll find some pictures later, but as for how far can you go back - well this is unusual, but not unique in that I can remember being a baby.
One of my earliest memories is sitting on a rug and looking at a picture on the wall. My mind is blank about this, so I am guessing it is before I could talk.
I remember being at a friend of the parent's house and being shown a calendar for 1970 and being told this will be next year. I was born in September 1967, so I must have been pretty young there!
Then the more I think, I have some very hazy memories - literally hazy like I couldn't focus and the faces were blurred, of a dark haired woman, and I know I wanted her, but then she was gone, then I was moved to another room and someone I didn't feel was right picked me up.
I thought this was a dream and didn't think about it, until years later when I was told I was sent to a foster parent, adopted eventually aged 5 months and was a very unsettled baby. My adoption records showed in my medical that I had bonded with my mother.
This of course might be utter rubbish, as I don't believe it's possible I can have even vestigial memory of being 3/4 months old!! It does make you wonder though.

Then weirdly, even though I can remember nappy changes (you really wanted to know that didn't you :xxgrinning--00xx3: ) and can remember being 2, I cannot remember staying in a caravan in photos I own where I am clearly aged about 4 or 5.

29th April 2012, 18:00
Tch duplicate post

29th April 2012, 19:25
Its quite strange, I know a few people who recall memories from being a baby. I personally have two vague memories from when I was around 3 years old, and then I remember one particular day of my first year at school where the boy who used to sit next to me didn't arrive, and eventually it was explained to us that he had died with his mum and two sisters when they were crossing a railway line nearby and one of the girls got her foot stuck in the wooden walkway and they all kept trying to get her foot free. I was scared of railway lines for a long time after that, and had quite a few nightmares.

29th April 2012, 19:44
Definite likeness there Steve ! :)

Here is my son at nearly 4 yrs, and below that, me at 4yrs....though looks more like his mum now.
Him in Hong Kong, me in Malaya.
