View Full Version : Huhu 1month and 1day waiting for the result of my fiancee visa.

30th April 2012, 03:25

Till now, I don't hear any update of my fiancée visa application.

Huhu I hope everything is ok.:pray::pray::pray::pray::pray::pray::pray::pray::pray:

30th April 2012, 07:53
Try to remain calm, that's not as long as many people waited and still waiting.

Here's what UKBA state:-

Service standards

We have service standards for processing UK visa applications. Our standards say that we will process:
90 per cent of non-settlement applications within 3 weeks, 98 per cent within 6 weeks and 100 per cent within 12 weeks of the application date;
and 95 per cent of settlement applications within 12 weeks of the application date and 100 per cent within 24 weeks of the application date.

Please note that we define 1 week as 5 working days.

Click here for the guide to processing times (http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/visas-immigration/general-info/processing-times)

30th April 2012, 16:09
Yes it seems to be at least a 7/8 week wait at the moment. Stay positive and we all pray that everything will be fine :xxgrinning--00xx3:

30th April 2012, 21:35
It's really hard waiting my wife Rotsen has been waiting 6 weeks now the stress is unreal I personally have lost about 3 stone in weight cause stress and depression I just loss interest in food and find my sleep has been effected I just hope soon I can here some positive news soon
It's really hard being apart from your wife so everybody hang on in there and pray

1st May 2012, 04:46
ohhh...really hard to wait but in God's time you all be fine....just be patient and keep on praying...sure good result will come.....good luck to all of you who applied and more good luck for us who are planning to apply soon.....

1st May 2012, 08:23
The best we can do just keep on praying that we have a good result soon...stay calm, patience & positive:xxgrinning--00xx3:

2nd May 2012, 03:17
Try to remain calm, that's not as long as many people waited and still waiting.

Thank you for the reply Terpe.. Ok... I remain calm. I just missing my hubby so much. Terrible hard. :doh

2nd May 2012, 03:20
Yes it seems to be at least a 7/8 week wait at the moment. Stay positive and we all pray that everything will be fine

Thank you Bigmarco for adding hopes in my heart. Yes... :D and I'm on the 5th week now. Bless us LOrd...

2nd May 2012, 03:35
It's really hard waiting my wife Rotsen has been waiting 6 weeks now the stress is unreal I personally have lost about 3 stone in weight cause stress and depression I just loss interest in food and find my sleep has been effected I just hope soon I can here some positive news soon
It's really hard being apart from your wife so everybody hang on in there and pray

Hello Patrickm1978,
Yes, it's really hard. That's what I and my partner feel also. Terribly hard. But I try to let my partner think positive, make him laugh always, reverse his sadness because we are alone with each other so that he won't feel stress and depress. I let him feel whatever it takes we will be in each other soon and no one will stop us. If I can't go to UK he going to stay here in Phil. with me.
Patrick, be strong, be patience. Don't be depress. The important is... whatever it takes you have each other. We don't let ruin our happiness to be with our love one just because of the piece of paper. LET'S KEEP OUR FAITH OK? LET'S BE PATIENCE, AND BE POSITIVE.:D

2nd May 2012, 03:39
ohhh...really hard to wait but in God's time you all be fine....just be patient and keep on praying...sure good result will come.....good luck to all of you who applied and more good luck for us who are planning to apply soon.....

I am hoping everything will be ok...

2nd May 2012, 05:41
will going to experience that when we lodge our visa soon....actually thinking of it is very stressful already ...how much more waiting for the result......hope all will be approve.....lets all pray

2nd May 2012, 07:34
I don't envy you chaps and chapesses right now. When we applied I found that I wanted to plan ahead to take my mind of the uncertainty and waiting and my wife was the opposite as she felt all the planning should be left until we got the visa. It led to arguments :icon_lol:

Stay cool if you can. :xxgrinning--00xx3: Those results will be coming through soon enough.....and then the bliss!

2nd May 2012, 10:56
Hi She-von! :Wave: Just be more patient, everything will be okay! I lodged mine last April 19 but I try not to worry much instead I keep myself busy and keep my mind off it. Goodluck to all of us who are still waiting and for all those who are applying soon! God is with us so no worries!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

2nd May 2012, 12:57
Agree with you smileyangel.Prayers is the best antidote for all the worries and stressful day.Lodged mine on Feb.29.I know and I do believe that my visa will be release soon.In a perfect time because God is still preparing something good for me..:D:Jump::Jump:

3rd May 2012, 05:53
Hi Got emailed today from Manilavisainfo that my visa will be despatched shortly..after 2months and 3days at last!!! I got it. Thanks be to God..everything is in a perfect time..Just keep on praying Guys for those who are waiting.. your time will come soon..:Jump::Jump::Jump:

3rd May 2012, 06:51
Hi aronbabev congrats...hope mine is soon:)

3rd May 2012, 06:59
Hi Got emailed today from Manilavisainfo that my visa will be despatched shortly..after 2months and 3days at last!!! I got it. Thanks be to God..everything is in a perfect time..Just keep on praying Guys for those who are waiting.. your time will come soon..:Jump::Jump::Jump:

Good news....at last. Phew!! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

3rd May 2012, 07:28
Hi Got emailed today from Manilavisainfo that my visa will be despatched shortly..after 2months and 3days at last!!! I got it. Thanks be to God..everything is in a perfect time..Just keep on praying Guys for those who are waiting.. your time will come soon..:Jump::Jump::Jump:


Congratulations! At last you finally got your visa. Im just 2 days ahead of you when applied. Got mine last apr. 10.

3rd May 2012, 07:36
Agree with you smileyangel.Prayers is the best antidote for all the worries and stressful day.Lodged mine on Feb.29.I know and I do believe that my visa will be release soon.In a perfect time because God is still preparing something good for me..:D:Jump::Jump:

:xxgrinning--00xx3: Congratulations aronbabev!!! It's good to know your waiting game is over :Jump:

3rd May 2012, 07:38

Got mine last apr. 10.
Congratulations too FebMary. It's good to hear good news :xxgrinning--00xx3: :Jump::Jump::Jump:

3rd May 2012, 08:04
Congratulations too FebMary. It's good to hear good news :xxgrinning--00xx3: :Jump::Jump::Jump:

thanks smileyangel...

Keep the virtues of patience..There is always perfect time for everything. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

3rd May 2012, 09:37
Thank you guys..it's not the finish line yet. it's just a starting for a new adventure..For all those who are waiting just be patient, time will come for you soon..keep on praying..God bless us all!!!

Miss Taurus
3rd May 2012, 11:59
Hi Got emailed today from Manilavisainfo that my visa will be despatched shortly..after 2months and 3days at last!!! I got it. Thanks be to God..everything is in a perfect time..Just keep on praying Guys for those who are waiting.. your time will come soon..:Jump::Jump::Jump: congrats :xxgrinning--00xx3: hope mine soon:pray: I lodged my fiancée visa march 13 2012...

3rd May 2012, 15:15
Congrats Febmary...God knows what's best for us....

3rd May 2012, 19:38
Hi Got emailed today from Manilavisainfo that my visa will be despatched shortly..after 2months and 3days at last!!! I got it. Thanks be to God..everything is in a perfect time..Just keep on praying Guys for those who are waiting.. your time will come soon..:Jump::Jump::Jump:

This is great news aronbabev after the long wait, I bet you are very excited :Jump: Congratulations and all the best in the UK :Hellooo:

3rd May 2012, 19:39

Congratulations! At last you finally got your visa. Im just 2 days ahead of you when applied. Got mine last apr. 10.

Congratulations febmary, it's really nice to hear good news. All the best :Hellooo::Jump:

3rd May 2012, 22:28
Congrats guys..:Jump::xxgrinning--00xx3:

What time of the day did you receive the notice that the result of your application is out?

4th May 2012, 05:05
Hi Got emailed today from Manilavisainfo that my visa will be despatched shortly..after 2months and 3days at last!!! I got it. Thanks be to God..everything is in a perfect time..Just keep on praying Guys for those who are waiting.. your time will come soon..

WOW!!!!!! Aronbabev, Congratulations...!!!!!:Jump: I'm so happy for you... Is that a Fiancee Visa?
Yes Aronbabev, my visa will just come on the perfect time. :D for now, i better enjoy the moments with my brothers and my mom because I know I bloody miss them so much once I get there.
God Bless Aronbabev....:D

4th May 2012, 07:24
This is my first posting here and I have read all the messages in this post as I am about to go through the same procedure. I was overwhelmed at the response to your heart felt plight and did not realise that not all of the Philippine community are the same as in my home town. My congratulations to you and I wish you all the best for your future together

4th May 2012, 08:25
Congratulations febmary, it's really nice to hear good news. All the best :Hellooo::Jump:

Hi iamghee..Thank you...KInd regards.:)

4th May 2012, 09:56
Hello She-von am in My Spouse Visa...Hoping and praying your and the rest who are waiting are very soon...keep on praying..:D God bless u all..

4th May 2012, 10:45
Hello She-von am in My Spouse Visa...Hoping and praying your and the rest who are waiting are very soon...keep on praying..:D God bless u all..

Hi aronbavev, just curious if you have gotten all your papers back today? Did the embassy change the status when you track your application online? Did it say that your visa has been despatched apart from receiving an email?

4th May 2012, 11:01
Tracking status change into " processed application return to courier" after the email from VFS. Just wait a day..

Arthur Little
4th May 2012, 11:48
Hi Got emailed today from Manilavisainfo that my visa will be despatched shortly.. :Jump::Jump::Jump:

:meet-1: ... Nora, isn't it!? I'd been searching through this thread, and - quite by accident - came across your good news tucked away here.

Heartiest Congratulations on the approval of your Fiancee Visa; don't be shy - proclaim the glad tidings from the rooftops!!! :Hellooo: