View Full Version : Strange but true

stevie c
30th April 2012, 19:18
Ok folks this is an unusual post.

I have been watching ghoshunters & this brought back memories a few years ago when i saw the ghost of my grandad sitting in an armchir at my parents house....Real i certainly think so proof i have none only my own personel account.

Now who believes in life after death & ghosts & what are your own opinions...Also have any of you experienced seeing a ghost?

30th April 2012, 19:33
They say seeing is believing...BUT..if it's really true, I don't ever want to see one! :gost: :Bolt:

stevie c
30th April 2012, 19:35
To be honest rayna it wasn't rightening or worried me at all as it was my granadad but it was over so quickly

30th April 2012, 19:38
I have lots of vivid and memorable dreams....particularly recently when I've been wearing a 24-hour Nicotene patch.

Like a lot of people I suppose, also see patterns, shadows and shapes on walls and in other places that look like animate objects. - Can make you jump sometimes. :omg:

30th April 2012, 19:40
well close relatives would be fine I think..every now and then, I get to have dreams of my grandad visiting me and I always end up crying when I wake up because I'm really close to him..he died when I was 11 or 12y yrs.old..but in general, I would rather not see a ghost if it's really true..:omg: I always say to my friends I don't believe in it but always refuse to gather proofs..hahahaha..:icon_lol:

30th April 2012, 19:53
I dont like to think there is such a thing.....I prefer to believe they dont exist....:omg:

30th April 2012, 19:53
You should not watch this if frightened of ghosts...especially with sound:



stevie c
30th April 2012, 19:55
I have lots of vivid and memorable dreams....particularly recently when I've been wearing a 24-hour Nicotene patch.

Like a lot of people I suppose, also see patterns, shadows and shapes on walls and in other places that look like animate objects. - Can make you jump sometimes. :omg:

Graham it wasn't a dream & i hadn't been drinking in fact it was during the day time i really cannot explain it

30th April 2012, 20:23
"Ghosts" definitely do not exist.

No scientific eveidence to the contrary has ever been provided.

I often wonder if the people on programs like "Ghosthunters" actually believe believe in what they are saying, or if they are just making it all up for the TV!

stevie c
30th April 2012, 20:26
There are many cases that cannot be disproven scientifically or otherwise :xxgrinning--00xx3:

30th April 2012, 20:31
Scuse...have to go and investigate a noise up in the loft. :Erm:

stevie c
30th April 2012, 20:42
Scuse...have to go and investigate a noise up in the loft. :Erm:

Could be mice :D

30th April 2012, 20:58
I have heard lots of stories lets face it we all have. But I will believe it if I see it.

Arthur Little
30th April 2012, 21:40
Ok folks this is an unusual post.

Maybe so, Stevie :anerikke: ... but interesting, nonetheless.

i saw the ghost of my grandad sitting in an armchair at my parents house....

... not so strange :NoNo: - especially if you and your grandad had been particularly close.

Now who believes in life after death ... ?

Hmm ... as a Christian, I like to believe there IS such a thing. ;)

30th April 2012, 22:09
Gggrrr.. I hate but love this kind of video... :omg:

30th April 2012, 22:12
I haven't seen one... but I'd probably :Bolt: run and shi*t myself

30th April 2012, 22:16
Food for beetles and worms for us Atheists. :cwm3:

I asked my son not to let them cook me...just in case. :cwm24:


Arthur Little
30th April 2012, 22:52
I asked my son not to let them cook me...just in case. :cwm24:

:gp: ... that's my BIG WORRY about the cremation process! :devil-smiley-029:

30th April 2012, 22:56
Also I will request a bamboo tube going up from my box, with a little bell on top. :)

Arthur Little
30th April 2012, 23:13
On a humorous note:

Remember well, :rolleyes: a retired female member of the clergy telling me about her feelings of unease prior to a funeral service she'd been asked to conduct at Perth Crematorium - when the bereaved relatives had requested an item of praise containing the words:-

"So light up the fire,
Let the flame burn ... etc ..." :cwm24:

30th April 2012, 23:26
So much better when you can visit a grave and say 'hello'. They cremated my dad, and it just isn't the same. :cwm3:

1st May 2012, 01:58
Graham it wasn't a dream & i hadn't been drinking in fact it was during the day time i really cannot explain it

i believe you, ghosts do exist, some are spirit, but some are possibly a recording of an event which took place, i think walls ie ,,, the stone or bricks are material which can record an event in very much the same way as a video tape or sound tape,

also the mind can project an image so it looks as if its infront of you and not in your head,

there are many possibilities :yikes:

1st May 2012, 02:01
You should not watch this if frightened of ghosts...especially with sound:

jesus graham :yikes: i just sh:action-smiley-081: myself , my heart jumped out my chest :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

1st May 2012, 10:07
You should not watch this if frightened of ghosts...especially with sound:

jesus graham :yikes: i just sh:action-smiley-081: myself , my heart jumped out my chest :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

:laugher: ...worked then.

First time I saw it I literally fell off my seat. :icon_lol:

Arthur Little
1st May 2012, 10:38
You should not watch this if frightened by ghosts...especially with sound:

:cwm24: ... watch what, Graham?

:icon_sorry: ... I seem to've missed this somehow ... :Erm:

1st May 2012, 11:06
:cwm24: ... watch what, Graham?

:icon_sorry: ... I seem to've missed this somehow ... :Erm:

The video on my post.

Can't you see it ?

Arthur Little
1st May 2012, 12:06
The video on my post.

Can't you see it ?

Whoops ... you mean the Michael Jackson one? :icon_sorry:

Arthur Little
1st May 2012, 12:20
Whoops ... you mean the Michael Jackson one? :icon_sorry:

Ah yes ... well ... :anerikke:... there always WAS something weird about him!

Hadn't realised this clip was so far back! :yeahthat:

1st May 2012, 12:57
Talking about this things, remember me of one of my colleague to read this :


It said that it is a real story, please don't blink and turn on your audio :D :Cuckoo::icon_lol:

Arthur Little
1st May 2012, 14:17
:yikes: ... S C A R Y !!!