View Full Version : stress

1st May 2012, 21:08
how do you chaps handle this, there seems to be more stress for me at this moment with work, today i thought iwas going to explode, i hate bringing it home with me, it takes time to try to come down from this, what do you do to calm down, poor em thinks its something she has done, when all i want is a few mins to to relax, f------ work:doh:doh:doh:doh

stevie c
1st May 2012, 21:10
soak in a hot bath glass of wine & a nice cuddle with the mrs does it for me :xxgrinning--00xx3:

1st May 2012, 21:16
Deep breaths......

1st May 2012, 21:19

1st May 2012, 21:21

1st May 2012, 21:29
Or remove the source of the stress.....depends what it is though I guess.

1st May 2012, 21:56
think about your future goals, in philippines :xxgrinning--00xx3:

believe to yourself you have no worries your are care free,

and at the end of the day you go home to your wonderful wife,

now what stress ,,, none :xxgrinning--00xx3:

1st May 2012, 22:00
stay positive and think life is so short to ruin with stress:xxaction-smiley-047:D

1st May 2012, 22:34
It is a horrible experience for the partner who has been waiting all day to greet you.

In today's stupid rat-race existence it must lead to more relationship breakups than even finances.

Steve, before you go through that door get a grip on yourself.

One of my own regrets when considering 'the bad times' is exactly the scenario you have described.

Get out of your vehicle and walk the last 10 minutes home if need be.

Easier to go back and pick up your car than your marriage. :NoNo:

2nd May 2012, 00:37
Don't bring the work home and Don't bring home to work. Your right the moment you walk through the front door it should be F work. Go to work looking forward to coming home and don't let anyone spoil that. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

2nd May 2012, 07:07
Massage with Katinko.....:D

BTW definition of stress....The confusion created when one's mind overrides the body's desire to beat or choke the living sh1t out of some a$$hole who desperately needs it :D

2nd May 2012, 07:11

Exercise is a recognised way of helping to manage stress.

From the NHS website...

"Relaxation can help to relieve the symptoms of stress. It can help you calm down and take a step back from a stressful situation.Although the cause of the anxiety won’t disappear, you will probably feel more able to deal with it once you've released the tension in your body and cleared your thoughts.All relaxation techniques combine breathing more deeply with relaxing the muscles.
Don't worry if you find it difficult to relax at first. It's a skill that needs to be learned and it will come with practice.
Yoga and tai chi are both good ways to improve breathing and relaxation.

Relaxed breathing
Practise deep breathing at a regular time and in a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed. Loosen or remove any tight clothes, such as shoes or jackets. Be completely comfortable".


2nd May 2012, 09:33
I have virtually beaten stress out of my life.

Basically, I don't give a :censored:. :)

2nd May 2012, 10:22
I have virtually beaten stress out of my life.

Basically, I don't give a :censored:. :)

That is the best way....

2nd May 2012, 10:27
I think first u should talk to your wife tell her u just stressed with work and just want relax we all need that some time alone just to relax maybe you and your wife could go out for a walk or do somthing when u off :) life too short to be stressed.

2nd May 2012, 18:59
Funny old thing, stress. I find it stressful agreeing with someone when I don't agree with them. Like at work for example....

Anyhow, stress is recognised by the H.S.E. "Work Related Stress". More common than we might think but hard to prove, unlike a broken toe for example.


2nd May 2012, 20:02
well thanks all for the great ways to get rid of stress, good days bad days, roll on the weekend

2nd May 2012, 20:07
I find the staff stressful where i work well i guess thats becouse i work with women haha and now got 2 gay guys at work now my place is full of people bitching about one another :)

2nd May 2012, 20:39
12 days to go. Back to the phils. Stress free. aaaaaaaaaaaaaah:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
2nd May 2012, 21:50
It's said that the stress factor can be counteracted by proper time management ... something my wife & I were discussing this very afternoon, and a skill - I have to confess - I'm not always very good at! ;)

2nd May 2012, 21:53
It's said that the stress factor can be counteracted by proper time management ... something my wife & I were discussing this very afternoon, and a skill - I have to confess - I'm not always very good at! ;)

I do agree to certain degree....:D

Are you the sort of person, Arthur, that rolls up for a flight at the last minute or always gives it 3 hours before boarding? :D

2nd May 2012, 22:18
I'm in permanent stress mode but I have somehow managed to figure out how to keep it within and not affect my life too much.
I do find a massage and some personal time helps reduce it but I just won't let it affect me anymore - a few years ago it was a different story. I read a few PMA books and an NLP book that helped me stay positive.
I hope you curb it but its really down to you re-programming your mind to adopt a midset that bans stress.

Arthur Little
2nd May 2012, 22:24
Are you the sort of person, Arthur, that rolls up for a flight at the last minute or always gives it 3 hours before boarding? :D

:Erm: ... well ... no - the latter - I'm [usually] organised enough in that respect, I have to say. :rolleyes: Perhaps less so in my day to day living habits, however.

But then ... :anerikke: ... I'm retired.

2nd May 2012, 22:31
the trouble with work stress is that the company knows what is happening , and tell you to slow down and never mind the work, then the next is they are complaning that the work is not being done, never mind, the pays good and better still the weekends getting closer too:)

2nd May 2012, 22:33
the trouble with work stress is that the company knows what is happening , and tell you to slow down and never mind the work, then the next is they are complaning that the work is not being done, never mind, the pays good and better still the weekends getting closer too:)

Spot on! Exactly right Steve. Seen that one before....

2nd May 2012, 22:38
:Erm: ... well ... no - the latter - I'm [usually] organised enough in that respect, I have to say. :rolleyes: Perhaps less so in my day to day living habits, however.

But then ... :anerikke: ... I'm retired.

My theory is that those that just roll up at the last minute are not so inclined to be the easily stressed type and those that arrive 3 hours early, maybe the opposite.

2nd May 2012, 22:47
My theory is that those that just roll up at the last minute are not so inclined to be the easily stressed type and those that arrive 3 hours early, maybe the opposite.

I get there early because I hate queues and I like watching the planes, but I get on the plane last because it's so pointless (and stressful) trying to get to the front of THAT queue. :)

Arthur Little
2nd May 2012, 22:52
My theory is that those that just roll up at the last minute are not so inclined to be the easily stressed type and those that arrive 3 hours early, maybe the opposite.

:gp: ... your theory could easily prove to be right!

3rd May 2012, 09:57
Stress at work can sometimes arise because you feel unable to delegate tasks to others. Look at delegating work to colleagues and also look at perhaps finding ways to better manage your time, including your time out of work.

3rd May 2012, 11:06
12 days to go. Back to the phils. Stress free. aaaaaaaaaaaaaah:xxgrinning--00xx3:

:icon_lol: i hope you have a stress free holiday, no illness, no delays at the air port, no block cards, no one trying to rip you off etc.. stress free is doing nothing at home :rolleyes:

Doc Alan
3rd May 2012, 19:23
I’ve resisted offering advice so far, for several reasons :-
• Not only is “ stress “ a common reason for attending the doctor, but many doctors themselves have stress. Even contributing to the forum can be stressful !
• It’s difficult to define – most agree stress is an adverse reaction to excessive ( or even too few ) pressures at work, home, or elsewhere.
• Stress affects people in different ways and what one person finds stressful can be normal to another. It depends on age and gender ; background and culture ; skills and experience ; personality and general health.
• There’s a huge number of internet articles – of variable quality.

However, if anyone regularly has more than a few of the following, they need to take it seriously, and do something about it, perhaps along the lines already suggested by other members :-

 Memory problems
 Inability to concentrate
 Poor judgment
 Seeing only the negative
 Anxiety
 Constant worrying  Moodiness
 Irritability or short temper
 Agitation, inability to relax
 Feeling overwhelmed
 Sense of loneliness and isolation
 Aches and pains
 Nausea, dizziness
 Chest pain, rapid heartbeat
 Loss of sex drive
 Frequent colds
 Avoiding people / responsibilities
 Excessive use of alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs ( prescription or illicit ).

Stress is a risk factor for various health problems :-

 Heart disease / high blood pressure
 Digestive problems
 Sleep problems  Depression
 Obesity
 Skin conditions like eczema

It can’t be ignored but ways to deal with it are an individual matter and may need a visit to the doctor.

South-east boy
4th May 2012, 11:58
I just want to be looking forward to my hols in just under 2 weeks time, but my car has been giving me right hassle! :doh

First off it broke down on the way to work, got a new coilpack and thought it was fixed. Drove it a few days later to have the rear brakes done and then on to the MOT. Failed the MOT for welding, and guy couldn't do the work for aweek and a half, so I was car-less again! Finally get the welding done and on the way to the MOT, the car died twice with a new problem and rev counter/revs kept flicking about! Took it to another garage the next day which is more expensive, but good and they thought it was the throttle body. Tried one from another car and it was still doing it. The tried this manifold sensor from another car and it seemed to be ok. Ordered the part, fitted it and seemed to be ok. I picked it up last night and it drove fine to my parents, but on the way back home it started doing it again! :rolleyes:

So then had to take it back to the garage! It's now 3 weeks since the first problem and the only times I've been driving it has been on the way to & from getting it fixed! All the cost is eating away at my holiday spending money and is not what I need right now! :NoNo: :cwm23: If I'd known a few months back, I would have ahd this expense, I would have sold it and bought another, but now I've spent all this getting it fixed, there's no money for another! :NoNo:

4th May 2012, 12:06
Sorry to hear about your car's problems.

Have you joined any forums relevant to your car make/model ?
What sort of car is it ?
Always a mine of useful info on those sites, and can save you a mint on rip-off garage prices. :)

4th May 2012, 12:11
Lots of different ways to beat stress you can find on the internet, but it's down to what works for you, I try to leave work at work, Yol don't deserve me bringing it home, but she is amazing at helping me through it, same can work for you, they just need to remember you need to get your boots off and sit down first, once they understand that, our lovely pinays are incredible. Without Yol at my side I would not be coping with the stress at work we've had since September, but best of luck mate you will find your own way in time.