View Full Version : Wasn't anticipating spending half the day in hospital

3rd May 2012, 18:45

Had difficulty sleeping last night because of bad neck pain.

I was about to take my boy to college and suddenly got almost unbearable pain in my neck. It's been a recurring problem for years now, but never as bad as this was.

So, paramedics come and cart me off to A & E, since basically I couldn't move. :NoNo:
How embarrassing. :cwm3:

X-rays show 'normal wear and tear' in neck bones.

Given strong painkillers (which have had no effect) and sent off home ....not much wiser.

A few days holiday are called for I reckon. Can't drive anyway.
Thanks go to my boy for his patience while keeping his grumpy old dad company in one of the establishments I most hate to be.

3rd May 2012, 18:57
since basically I couldn't move.
How embarrassing. #

i dont think thats embarrasing graham..you do need help;) and were getting oldy so lets accept the facts:D
btw anyway get well soon;):Jump:

3rd May 2012, 20:08
Too many neck juices ? :D

Hope it eases soon

3rd May 2012, 20:10
hope all is well there graham, i hope you have one of those swivel chairs in your house that way no neck turns:xxgrinning--00xx3:

3rd May 2012, 20:49

Had difficulty sleeping last night because of bad neck pain.

I was about to take my boy to college and suddenly got almost unbearable pain in my neck. It's been a recurring problem for years now, but never as bad as this was.

So, paramedics come and cart me off to A & E, since basically I couldn't move. :NoNo:
How embarrassing. :cwm3:

X-rays show 'normal wear and tear' in neck bones.

Given strong painkillers (which have had no effect) and sent off home ....not much wiser.

A few days holiday are called for I reckon. Can't drive anyway.
Thanks go to my boy for his patience while keeping his grumpy old dad company in one of the establishments I most hate to be.

Sounds bad graham. At times like this you want your fiance with you to massage it better. A few days rest will see you through it.

3rd May 2012, 20:56
you need some phillipine sunshine to warm ya bones up instead of this crap weather we,ve been getting .im off on monday to lapu lapu for another year bring on the sunshine lol

3rd May 2012, 21:04
Cheers folks...still sitting about like an old cripple. :rolleyes:

Skilled bit of chiropractic attention might not go amiss.

Massage by a sexy young lady could cause more swelling though. :cwm24:

3rd May 2012, 21:07

3rd May 2012, 22:13
Cheers folks...still sitting about like an old cripple. :rolleyes:

Skilled bit of chiropractic attention might not go amiss.

Massage by a sexy young lady could cause more swelling though. :cwm24:

Yes and if your fiance finds out you will have more than a pain in the neck to worry about.:laugher:

3rd May 2012, 22:17
you need some phillipine sunshine to warm ya bones up instead of this crap weather we,ve been getting .im off on monday to lapu lapu for another year bring on the sunshine lol

Thats something I never thought about. An additional positive for retiring in the Philippines. My ex wife's mother used to go to Spain every winter to get away from the cold weather in Manchester as she always felt so much better in the warmer weather.

3rd May 2012, 22:24
Yes and if your fiance finds out you will have more than a pain in the neck to worry about.:laugher:

Oy....I was referring to my fiancee ! :ReadIt:

Shame she's at the other side of the world though. :cwm3:

3rd May 2012, 22:29
get well soon Graham..and be a good patient! :D

3rd May 2012, 22:44
Oy....I was referring to my fiancee ! :ReadIt:

Shame she's at the other side of the world though. :cwm3:

Referring! You didnt say it.

3rd May 2012, 22:57
She reads this forum. :icon_lol:

Arthur Little
4th May 2012, 13:07
:cwm24: ... you've had a peck of troubles in the past 24 hours, Graham; what a [literal] "pain in the neck"! I hope you're feeling a lot more comfortable today, my friend. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
4th May 2012, 13:33
Massage by a sexy young lady could cause more swelling though. :cwm24:

Ahh ... but only if administered in the proper places. ;)

Doc Alan
4th May 2012, 14:34
Hope you get well soon Graham :xxgrinning--00xx3:. I realise you dislike visiting hospitals even more than I do :omg:.
I’m not qualified to give you a diagnosis or suggest treatment – that’s for your own doctor(s). I’m sure also you have had a look on the internet (
for example http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/neck-pain/Pages/Introduction.aspx ), from which you will know neck pain or a stiff neck is a common problem, although not usually requiring emergency admission to hospital.
However, from what you have told us, I would tactfully suggest that in your case it is likely to be due to ‘wear and tear’ that occurs on the joints and bones in your neck - cervical spondylosis .This is almost inevitable with increasing age. If the changes compress nerves, there can be “ pins and needles “ and numbness in your arms and hands ( cervical radiculopathy ). It can be made worse after your neck has been held in an awkward position - such as sitting at the computer - or twisted.

• Try as much as possible to carry on with your normal lifestyle, keep active and take painkillers to relieve the symptoms.
• Holding a hot water bottle or heat pack to your neck may reduce pain and muscle spasms.
• Sleep on a low, firm pillow at night.
• No good evidence that chiropractice or acupuncture are effective.
• Think about asking your GP to refer you for physiotherapy, or if intolerable pain persists, to a pain clinic for painkilling injections.

4th May 2012, 14:44
I would recommend going to a chiropractor, did wonders for me before when I had back pain. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th May 2012, 14:54
Get well soon buddy :) Nothing worst than any kind of back ache or pain.

Take care John

4th May 2012, 16:04
Thanks Doc Alan for the advice, and to my other friends. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Still daren't make any sudden movements....or ends up feeling like someone's belted me in the neck with a sledgehammer...fancy painkillers or not. :rolleyes: