View Full Version : Sinophobia in the Philippines

7th May 2012, 10:25
MANILA - "As the maritime standoff between China and the Philippines over Scarborough Shoal in the South China Sea nears one month, Philippine legislators are preparing a retaliatory trade war by calling for a boycott on Chinese-made goods.

House minority leader Danilo Suarez said he will suggest a resolution to impose "a simple economic sanction to China" when Congress resumed session on May 7. His proposed move would likely involve a review of all the goods and services the Philippines imports from China. Other congressmen are pushing for punitive new taxes aimed at pricing China-made goods out of local markets".


7th May 2012, 10:29

7th May 2012, 10:30
Aquino Open to China Sea Oil Deal Separate From Territory Spat

"Philippine President Benigno Aquino said he’s open to an agreement with China that would allow companies to exploit oil and gas resources while the governments separately resolve South China Sea border disputes.
Aquino said his administration may split the issues to “have a political discussion on one side” and “have commercial issues on another side,” speaking in a May 4 interview at Malacanang Palace in Manila. “So long as our sovereignty is respected, we are open to partner with them.”

The U.S. ally has resisted joint exploration in some offshore areas claimed by China, increasing tensions as the countries compete for energy resources. The exploration unit of Philex Mining Corp. (PX), the Philippines’s biggest metals producer, last month said the dispute will probably delay plans to exploit what may be the country’s biggest gas field".


7th May 2012, 11:08
There'd be nothing left on the shelves. :Erm: