View Full Version : does joining a tour group, will guarantee an approve tourist visa?

7th May 2012, 10:37
Hello there,

I am seeking an advice if anyone here can help me with my concerns:

1. I am currently living now in Egypt, I wanted apply for a tourist visa here goin to London, is there any chance that my application will granted if I can show them I am a part of a group touring London and not intended to stay there.

2. To be honest, te only reason bein i am doin this is i wanted to meet my ex bf who is living in London, thats why i am taking this chance and seeking way to obtain a tourist visa to see him, as no one is sponsoring me,

3. Is there anyone here who knows how can i find a legitimate travel package from Cairo-London as all the money I worked hard, I am willing to put up in here just to see him again in any way possible,

Please I am in need of help as he is leaving next month to US, and i want to see him before he leave even just for a day :cwm3:

Thank you

7th May 2012, 10:47
Visiting the UK as part of a tour group will NOT guarantee anything, although it would make easy to satisfy your travel arrangements.
Primarily you need to prove that you will not be remaining in the UK, so if for instance you have a job to return to in Egypt and can provide contracts, salary statements and information showing that you have good reason to return, then that will help you. If you have assets in the Philippines or Egypt, that will also help your case (house/car etc).
Then if you can show you have sufficient funds for the trip, and have a good itinerary planned out you will meet that part of the requirement.
Finally, have a good supporting letter, providing details of what you will do, why you will goto the UK and why you must return to Egypt afterwards etc.
Good luck.

7th May 2012, 10:57
Thank you Mr RickyR for the advice regarding my status my only concern is I couldnt find any site which offer a tour packages which includes everything, If i may ask am I the one who should do my itinerary? as i guess having a group will much simplified things..
I am currently working in a hotel here in Egypt till dec this year, anotherthing i just came bck from a vacay in Phil, will it be questionable in regard with my reason of applying for a tourist visa?

7th May 2012, 11:01
Please don't spend all your money on him.

If you are important enough to him he will visit you there in Egypt.

It is not expensive or difficult for someone living in the UK to do that.

I know it's none of my business, but don't waste your time or money on people who may not be worth it.

7th May 2012, 11:07
Thank you Graham,

I been here before as well, having the concern of visiting him when he was still my boyfriend without meeting him yet and you will advise me not to go as it is dangerous.

He visited me already once here before and we are happy, but he broke up with me after few months of bein in rlatinoship.

I am happy I see again your reply. :) I know it sounds stupid and desperate what I Am planning but I already made up my mind. I will do everything and anything just to see him personally again and asked what went wrong?:cwm3:

Please kindly advise me how can i get a cheap travel package goin to London from here.
I will greatly appreciate your help.

Thank you

7th May 2012, 11:13
You are very young.

Find somebody else.

I wasted so many years of MY young life chasing people I couldn't have :cwm3:...that's why I'm saying this to you.

Good luck, and I hope someone will come long soon who is right for you. :)