View Full Version : Asian (Pakistani) gang convicted for sex trafficking

8th May 2012, 16:55
I hope the Judge gives these filthy scum the maximum sentence and they receive regular vicious beatings from the other inmates :angry:


Six members of an Asian gang who preyed on under-age white girls in Rochdale, Greater Manchester have become the first in Britain to be convicted of sex trafficking.

8th May 2012, 18:47
Wish people would stop calling them "asian". It is deeply offensive to Indians, Chinese etc when everyone knows it is just one part of society who is responsible for this sort of thing

8th May 2012, 18:49
Wish people would stop calling them "asian". It is deeply offensive to Indians, Chinese etc when everyone knows it is just one part of society who is responsible for this sort of thing

I fully agree - the papers should put PAKISTANI in block capitals

8th May 2012, 19:09
good they have been found guilty

8th May 2012, 19:30
Wish people would stop calling them "asian". It is deeply offensive to Indians, Chinese etc when everyone knows it is just one part of society who is responsible for this sort of thing

Totally agree pc crap as usual
Glad they got found guilty :censored:

8th May 2012, 19:37
Started watching the news report tonight.

The telly had to go off when the 'pundit' they brought on said it was NOTHING TO DO WITH RACE. :NoNo:

Gagged again folks.

No PAKISTANI girls involved. :Erm:

9th May 2012, 02:47
Pakistani Scum should be the headline and I'm all for a bit of Sharia law castrate the :censored:

9th May 2012, 09:07
I REALLY hate to make this suggestion, but it COULD be nothing to do with race. I shall explain.......

Ignore the fact they are pakistani for a moment, deep down, in the end they are perverted scum who are not man enough to find a girlfriend their own age, and are preying on underage girls.

Now where are they going to find these girls? In their own community? You have got to be kidding! They know full well they would have their underdeveloped bits ripped off by the girls families, also pakistani girls don't as a rule act like slags. Like it or not, they are very close knit family units and it just wouldn't be allowed.

So where do they find girls hanging around on street corners...............white ones, from broken backgrounds at the very least, and more often than not it seems, in care.

These girls are vulnerable, and they prey on them. The girls are stupid enough to believe these pigs actually love them, and when abused - just who are they going to tell?

So why do they do this? Perhaps it is their restrictive society and they can't get it anywhere else, and most white women either know exactly what these men are after and would tell them to go to hell (Or, and this is very un-pc but like I care - it is a simple fact that in mixed race couples, the majority of the time it is just certain combinations where the attraction is. We will all have noticed this, it is not racism, it is pure human attraction - white women are just not attracted to pakistanis, in the same way they are often attracted to black men, but white men are rarely attracted to black women. I once read why this might be, but it's for another thread if anyone ever wants to chat about it).

So they can't get it on with white women, they certainly can't get it on with pakistani women unless they get married to them - so they prey on impressionable vulnerable underage girls who in this country will be white.

So it MIGHT not be a race thing, in that they aren't up to some sort of race hate in the process.

On the other hand, it is time and time again, pakistani, pakistani, pakistani doing this. If that doesn't make it a race problem, then what does!

And even if this really isn't a race problem, then something which suddenly does make is so, is the defence their families put up - that it is the girls fault for tempting their sons, that they are bad girls. If this behaviour was cracked down on in their own community, and it was made an extremely shameful thing to do, then you can guarantee it would be near enough wiped out..............they choose not to

9th May 2012, 11:12
I totally understand what you're saying in your well-reasoned post.

It IS about one race preying on another though...therefore it IS inescapably about RACE.

No amount of politically-correct waffle and side-tracking by MPs like Vaz can hide the facts.

On the radio this morning he seemed to be intent on mentioning the BNP at every opportunity...thus seeking to portray anyone commenting negatively about these PAKISTANI as extremists to be ignored or silenced.

There are a LOT more people than the BNP who are extremely upset and angry by the way the majority native population of this country are being gagged and brain-washed into submission.:angry:

9th May 2012, 13:08
on the news its stated '9 men' well why mention they are men, why not also go further and mention the fact they are all 'pakistani men' :doh

9th May 2012, 13:12
....and the constant nonsense about most sex crimes/grooming being committed by Caucasians.

Well since they still make up around 90% of the population ?....doh. :doh

9th May 2012, 13:31
All jailed - I hope the Prison staff are very lax when it comes to segregating them from normal convicts


9th May 2012, 20:10
Radio 5 Live this morning. All the do gooders saying its not racial and its a crime thats commited by all races. Sorry they were Pakistani and the Girls were white it was racial.

9th May 2012, 20:33
They want to try playing politics with statistics - saying most such crimes are committed by caucasians?

Well how about they try this - let's have the number of pakistanis who have been charged with this crime and the number of caucasians.
Then let's compare these stats with the overall ethnic population of the country.

Anything above the percentage population which is pakistani will make extremely uncomfortable reading for those who wish to dismiss this. No doubt they will somehow scream it's raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacist for daring to produce those stats

Well ok let's take things a different tack. Does anyone think that if things were reversed, and it was ethnic brits who were preying on immigrant children, that by now all hell would be breaking loose, and as for the fact the police didn't act for a year, calls for the entire police force to be replaced etc etc

9th May 2012, 20:49
They should never have been let into the country. Any of of them. I.M.O. Instead of us tax payers keeping them in jail why dont they deport them back to pakistan and take their passport away from them?

9th May 2012, 21:04
sad sad sad thats all i have to say on this

9th May 2012, 21:08
They should never have been let into the country. Any of of them. I.M.O. Instead of us tax payers keeping them in jail why dont they deport them back to pakistan and take their passport away from them?

Hanging them would be a better idea http://nordfolk.net/images/smilies/noose.gif

Ako Si Jamie
9th May 2012, 22:32
Well they're my nomination for maggots of the month.

9th May 2012, 23:23
They should never have been let into the country. Any of of them. I.M.O. Instead of us tax payers keeping them in jail why dont they deport them back to pakistan and take their passport away from them?


Let them go back to their own filthy cesspit where clearly such animal behaviour is the norm...going by the fine example set by their prophet and his 9 year-old wife. :NoNo:

I hope the police WHO COULD HAVE DONE SOMETHING can sleep at night now, knowing that these CHILDREN were continuing to be raped by these monsters for YEARS. :cwm23:

10th May 2012, 13:17
They're hunting down more filthy vermin :-

Asian grooming gang detectives hunt for FORTY more men who may have had sex with underage girls

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2141279/Rochdale-child-sex-trial-Police-hunt-40-suspects-promise-arrests.html#ixzz1uT6hC08f

10th May 2012, 16:10
This the sort of thing that happens when you stupidly invite vast numbers of people from an alien culture and belief-system into your country. Even worse when those people view their HOSTS as evil 'Infidels'. :rolleyes:

Those who shout down people like Enoch Powell and Nick Griffin MUST take off their blinkers and expose their eyes to the REAL WORLD, instead of pretending that we can all live in some cuddly cosy politically-correct utopian fantasyland. :NoNo:

All that we (the 'silent majority') ask is that the laws of our land are obeyed and our culture and customs respected.

That simple request does not mean that we are Nazis or racists.

10th May 2012, 18:03
This the sort of thing that happens when you stupidly invite vast numbers of people from an alien culture and belief-system into your country. Even worse when those people view their HOSTS as evil 'Infidels'. :rolleyes:

Those who shout down people like Enoch Powell and Nick Griffin MUST take off their blinkers and expose their eyes to the REAL WORLD, instead of pretending that we can all live in some cuddly cosy politically-correct utopian fantasyland. :NoNo:

All that we (the 'silent majority') ask is that the laws of our land are obeyed and our culture and customs respected.

That simple request does not mean that we are Nazis or racists.

The Labourites and hand wringing bleeding heart Liberals want Britain to be a multicultural cesspit where the needs and wants of the incomers are pandered to and satisfied at the expense of the indigenous population. Are their any other nations that act in such a stupid fashion ?

10th May 2012, 18:25
The Labourites and hand wringing bleeding heart Liberals want Britain to be a multicultural cesspit where the needs and wants of the incomers are pandered to and satisfied at the expense of the indigenous population. Are their any other nations that act in such a stupid fashion ?

Only the ones who are having exactly the same sort of problems as us, and it would be even worse for them if they weren't able to pass their scum on through the one-way channel turnstile. :rolleyes:

10th May 2012, 18:40
Only the ones who are having exactly the same sort of problems as us, and it would be even worse for them if they weren't able to pass their scum on through the one-way channel turnstile. :rolleyes:

Any names ? I cant think of any that have problems of the magnitude of ours. As far as I'm aware countries like France, Germany, Spain , Italy, USA, Australia treat their immigrant (on the basis of this thread Muzzie) trouble makers less tolerantly and a good deal more robustly. Less pandering to human rights and more willingness to convict, jail and/or deport. Fit in or eff off attitude

10th May 2012, 18:50
Aww I have to go out I'm going to add my tupence later:xxgrinning--00xx3:

10th May 2012, 19:07
Any names ? I cant think of any that have problems of the magnitude of ours. As far as I'm aware countries like France, Germany, Spain , Italy, USA, Australia treat their immigrant (on the basis of this thread Muzzie) trouble makers less tolerantly and a good deal more robustly. Less pandering to human rights and more willingness to convict, jail and/or deport. Fit in or eff off attitude

True, we're certainly the world-leaders in this field.

I get the impression that Australia are setting themselves up for a similar fate, despite their less than charitable attitude towards boat people type 'refugees'....possibly Canada too.

10th May 2012, 19:08
Aww I have to go out I'm going to add my tupence later:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Been missing your input Les. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

10th May 2012, 19:41
Aww I have to go out I'm going to add my tupence later:xxgrinning--00xx3:

I'll second Graham - Look forward to it Les I’ve missed your common sense input :D

True, we're certainly the world-leaders in this field.

I get the impression that Australia are setting themselves up for a similar fate, despite their less than charitable attitude towards boat people type 'refugees'....possibly Canada too.

You’re right I’ll get the full spec when my mate returns here for his annual visit in July, he’s been there 25 years and he says it’s getting worse, starting to pander to the ethnics, criminal scum and yobs cocking a snook at authority, nanny state, political correctness etc. You could be in the UK if it wasn't for the climate, cheap beef and seafood, relatively small number of allah followers.

11th May 2012, 00:06
Oh there'll soon be a demand for Halal Jumbucks down at the Billabong. Count on it....RSPCA turning a blind eye, as here. :rolleyes: