View Full Version : Philippines is Part of China

9th May 2012, 19:27
A Freudian Slip.....

"BEIJING - An anchor on China's state-run television network has accidentally declared the Philippines a part of China, in an embarrassing gaffe as tensions between the two nations run high.

He Jia, anchor for China Central Television's (CCTV) nationally televised news broadcast, made the claim during a late Monday broadcast that has been repeatedly replayed on the Internet.

The presenter apparently meant to say that the Huangyan islands -- known in the Philippines as the Scarborough Shoal, and claimed by both nations -- is China's territory.

"We all know that the Philippines is China's inherent territory and the Philippines belongs to Chinese sovereignty, this is an indisputable fact," she said in the broadcast, which has since disappeared from the CCTV website but is available elsewhere on the web. "


9th May 2012, 19:37
Hong Kong, Taiwan, The Philippines. all part of China, what next the UK :icon_lol: they own many of the companies here :doh:NoNo:

9th May 2012, 19:44
Chinese Imperialism / Colonialism

We have a chinese restaurant here called The Imperial Dragon, just a few doors down....:yikes: :icon_lol: