View Full Version : Our visitor visa refused (no real surprise), but the reason - grief

11th May 2012, 07:17

Well, few weeks back we thought we'd try apply for a visitor visa for my lurvvvved one to come visit me in the UK for a month.

Didn't to be honest really expect them to agree, because..........it's just the way they are, and I posted a thread at the time about if it was worth it.

Well, a trip to the city later, the worldbridge office guard chatting me up (seriously :rolleyes: ), then the wait - and she's got her documents back with the refusal :rolleyes:

The reasons though, firstly that she wasn't able to provide wage slips. Well this is normal for people in domestic work over there, one of those things.

The other reason - the embassy thought that her boyfriend - me - would not let her leave the uk and would marry her.

Well someone there is a right comedian, that's all I can say. Sheeesh. I haven't even got my decree nisi yet. They think I'd chain her to the sink or something.

Ho hum pigs bum

I'm feeling a little upset now to be honest, and for the next few months the air fares to that location are sky high (no pun intended) so we just can't afford - since we have something else to save for ;)

11th May 2012, 07:30
:NoNo: always a risk of refusal no matter what you send

did she not send bank statements showing her wages going into her bank account?

yes they can always throw in 'would not let her leave the uk and would marry her.' as a secondary reason for refusal to back up the no wage slips :angry:

11th May 2012, 11:35
Makes your blood boil doesn't it....considering the :censored:s they do let in, AND permit to stay. :cwm23:

Arthur Little
11th May 2012, 13:11
:anerikke: ... worth a try ... though bad luck it didn't work out as you'd hoped, mate. :icon_sorry: Needless to say, :iagree: with Graham's statement ... and wish you Godspeed with your decree nisi to enable you to remarry asap.

11th May 2012, 18:13
Thanks :D

As for the decree nisi, well that should be this month - very soon hopefully. Wouldn't it though look suspicious if I applied for a spouse or fiancee visa so soon after getting divorced though? I'm sure I read somewhere this could happen - although this is a bit crazy as wanting to get married again is an extremely good reason to get divorced in the first place!

11th May 2012, 18:39
It would only look suspicious to a total fool who hadn't bothered to look at the evidence showing the history of the new relationship. :NoNo:

Celebrities with mammaries the size of beach balls and brains the size of peanuts don't seem to experience such problems, neither do the thousands of benefit parasites who keep popping new ones out every year....paid for by you and me. :angry:

11th May 2012, 18:53
Thanks Graham, that's good to know. It's just that I'm sure I read somewhere it makes them suspicious - which just doesn't make sense because it's a reason to get divorced. If I hadn't met someone else, I possibly wouldn't have bothered

Then again, like others I currently feel like my life plans and future are on hold due to.........you know what..........that the government might implement. :cwm23:

11th May 2012, 20:21
Thanks :D

As for the decree nisi, well that should be this month - very soon hopefully. Wouldn't it though look suspicious if I applied for a spouse or fiancee visa so soon after getting divorced though? I'm sure I read somewhere this could happen - although this is a bit crazy as wanting to get married again is an extremely good reason to get divorced in the first place!

i suppose it could be a bit suspicious and some might think it was a marriage of convenience if you married straight away, , i suppose it depends how long you have known your fiancee thou, and also there are people who have got married straight away and go their visa on this forum , so i wouldn't worry about it too much :rolleyes:

11th May 2012, 22:25
I was divorced in 2006 (left it to the ex sort it out and pay for :rolleyes:) and never bothered to pick up my final whatever it's called.
Might even have been sent to my last address because I was moving house at the time.:Erm:

Anyway, hasn't stopped her getting married again.