View Full Version : More Human Filth Arrested for Grooming

12th May 2012, 16:22
Nine men have been arrested in a second sex grooming case uncovered by police who smashed the Rochdale child sex ring.


Out on bail just like the scum who've been convicted and jailed http://www.sherv.net/cm/emoticons/sick/vomit-into-the-toilet.gif

12th May 2012, 20:47
'Vulnerable' to PAKISTANI MUSLIM men do they mean ?:rolleyes:

13th May 2012, 02:34
Getting sick of this pc bullshit now:cwm23:
Saw lots of it on question time it is obviously racially motivated as they think our girls are white trashy meat and their's to exploit.
They never do this to their own race so it has to be an Racial act.
No point in saying Asian men all the time they are 90% Pakistanis
....... sick of the lot of em

13th May 2012, 03:16
Arrested on suspicion of sexually assaulting an underage girl. Is it normal to get bail for such a serious allegation. :cwm23:

13th May 2012, 08:27
Arrested on suspicion of sexually assaulting an underage girl. Is it normal to get bail for such a serious allegation. :cwm23:

Well it seems it was with the excrement just jailed :censored:

13th May 2012, 08:47
No doubt we are over run with Pakistanis. Its just going to get worse with the rate they breed at.:cwm23:. The governments in the past are to blame. (both governments)

20th May 2012, 09:01
Another 2 arrested & :censored: bailed

Two more men have been arrested in connection with a child sex ring in Rochdale.

The men, both 33, were held last week on suspicion of rape and sexual assault before being bailed.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2146805/Two-arrested-Rochdale-child-sex-ring-gang-jailed.html#ixzz1vOXlOXb0

20th May 2012, 11:01
It appears to have been a regular pastime amongst members of 'certain' communities. :angry:

I'd liken them to a pack of depraved Hyenas.

20th May 2012, 11:47
cannot add to this

Arthur Little
21st May 2012, 11:45
I'd liken them to a pack of depraved *Hyenas.

'cept nobody's *"laughing". :nono-1-1: