View Full Version : IMPORTANT: British Embassy - Consular Services Survey - PLEASE RESPOND

12th May 2012, 17:07

Here is a survey being run by the Foreign Office about consular services, including obtaining documents such as birth certificates, CNI, Passports, Visas any help overseas.
I personally am very unhappy with the services provided by the British Embassies overseas, I think the outsourcing of visa processing is poor show, the removal of passport processing services as denying a basic service and the very impersonal and difficult service as a show of how the British Embassy is really not really there to serve.

12th May 2012, 17:28
i was going to :furious3: the embassy off, but it looks like i need to register :NoNo:

12th May 2012, 20:44
If you want to find out how worthless you are as a British Citizen...walk through their door....after leaving your passport with the Filipino security guard of course. :NoNo:

13th May 2012, 15:08
Seems Ive gotta send my kids original passports off to to HK along with other original documents to be processed just to get them renewed.. If I didn't have a R.P bank account to get a bank draft or a credit card I probably wouldnt be able to pay them as they are unable to accept cash..
They are no longer there to give Brit citizens assistance... They are just another British overseas tax office.... Thats all.