View Full Version : Visa for my future sister in law?

13th May 2012, 10:57
When me and my fiance marry we'd would like to sponsor her sister who is 21 join us in UK, I have looked at family dependency and family visitor visa, know does anyone have any advice on this? Or know any way she could live and work in the UK?

13th May 2012, 11:07
Hmmm, now this is potentially tricky

Family visit - possible, but this is just for a visit.

Emigrating over - that is a whole different kettle of kippers. The UK despite the common perception that anyone can just walk in, is a notoriously difficult place to come to legally

Is she a doctor, staff nurse, IT specialist perhaps?

13th May 2012, 11:17
When me and my fiance marry we'd would like to sponsor her sister who is 21 join us in UK, I have looked at family dependency and family visitor visa, know does anyone have any advice on this? Or know any way she could live and work in the UK?

only real way she could come to the uk as Iani has said is a family visit visa, if she is lucky to get one, she could spend up to 6 months in the UK,
possible student visa ? - if she/ you have the finances,
and as Iani has said, if she is skilled then there is the tier 2 visa, but really her job wold need to be on the job shortage list and the number of visa's are capped at about 22,000a yr !
get a dependcy is virtually impossible - only under extreme and compassionate circumstances - meaning no chance if she has any family in the phils, and unless she is destitute,:NoNo:

13th May 2012, 11:23
No Iani, she is still studying. Thanks people this is how it seemed to me. Such a shame.