View Full Version : Theresa May Sticks Two Fingers Up....

16th May 2012, 19:48
[I]"Theresa May has stuck two fingers up at a bunch of police offers and said stuff like “you all suck” and “eat my cuts you lazy baxxxxxds”.

Or something like that. She may not have actually said it.

OK, she didn’t. But she might as well have done, given the effect her words had.

Theresa May is cutting the police budget by 20%, and she’s also changing pay & conditions – so basically, coppers will get less money, their jobs will get sh1ttier, and everything’s going to change".

Beware of a few expletives....


16th May 2012, 19:58
Theresa in Hot Water Again

"Home Secretary Theresa May has denied her relationship with the police is beyond repair after she was heckled at the Police Federation conference.


16th May 2012, 22:26
my misses has just got a ballot paper from the BMA on taking strike action.

i can't see Cameron being PM for a second term

16th May 2012, 22:59
my misses has just got a ballot paper from the BMA on taking strike action.

i can't see Cameron being PM for a second term

I agree with you. Once you have the less militant unions taking to the streets your in trouble.

18th May 2012, 18:14
Way he's going, he might not even make it through his own term.

Political parties aren't some branch of government, they have their own rules. It's notoriously difficult to remove a Labour leader because of how their rules are, the leader has to near enough stand aside. At a guess, it was thought at the time of writing them that no real Labour leader would put his/her party at risk and it became a gentlemens agreement. Worked fine until Blair came along ;)

In contrast, it's easy for the tories to remove theirs - a number of signatories and out he goes (near enough)

But has he been bad enough to cause his party to lose faith in him? They didn't do THAT bad at the local elections

Could the LibDems ever decide to try save themselves by walking out of government?

18th May 2012, 21:12
But has he been bad enough to cause his party to lose faith in him? They didn't do THAT bad at the local elections

Could the LibDems ever decide to try save themselves by walking out of government?

there will be 100,000s of people who will have to work for longer, for less money and pay more into a pension who I can't see voting Tory for a long time, seeing he didn't get enough of a majority to form a gov 2yrs ago, i can't see him doing that in 3yrs time,