View Full Version : im new here..need help please

18th May 2012, 14:45
i need help to anyone who can give me some advise,insights about my current situation.Heres what i am facing now.
I been reading some forums here and came across to a problem similar to mine.Im an overstayer running 3 months now,,i booked my ticket already for next month but me and my bf trying to find a way for me to come back and settle here under spouse visa..WE need to know how will it be possible in legal way..ANY INPUTS TO THIS MATTER WILL BE APPRECIATED SO MUCH

Arthur Little
18th May 2012, 16:42
It has to be said ... overstayers are NOT exactly popular with members of this forum on principle. :nono-1-1: And I'm sure you can understand WHY!

But, what's done is DONE! No useful purpose would be served in me giving you a long lecture - after the event :NoNo: - and, hopefully, you've learnt your lesson. ;)

So ... what happens now? Well ... :anerikke: ... you have, wisely, booked your ticket home. Whether or not you'll encounter *problems with Immigration (and of *what kind) I can't foretell. But I seem to recall someone on this site mentioning the fact that being an overstayer needn't necessarily be a barrier to later applying for a UK Settlement Visa from a person's own country - providing the applicant "comes clean" about his or her breach of Immigration Rules. Which, of course, you're about to do. So - if this is the case - you might yet be "Lucky Lucy"! :rolleyes:

18th May 2012, 21:06
i need help to anyone who can give me some advise,insights about my current situation.Heres what i am facing now.
I been reading some forums here and came across to a problem similar to mine.Im an overstayer running 3 months now,,i booked my ticket already for next month but me and my bf trying to find a way for me to come back and settle here under spouse visa..WE need to know how will it be possible in legal way..ANY INPUTS TO THIS MATTER WILL BE APPRECIATED SO MUCH

Hi Lucy, welcome to the forum.

Firstly I have to say I support all that Arthur has already said.

In principle there have been many cases similar to your's. Normally previous overstay does not impact on Settlement Visa applications.
You will of course need to meet all other visa application requirements and you should expect that UKBA will scrutinise your application to be certain that you are not attempting deception of immigration rules.
Generally speaking, you would be best advised to apply for a spouse visa (meaning a Philippine marriage).
You will need to submit as much evidence as possible that shows the relationship is durable and genuine and that it's not a marriage of convenience

How long have you known each other? and what visa did you have when you entered UK?

I take it home is in the Philippines?

BTW, it's a very good idea to return home voluntarily and this will help your case.

18th May 2012, 21:25
you shouldn't have a problem with the over staying, there is no automatic ban for settlement visa's, thou if you have done anything that UKBA consider as 'frustrating immigration rules' (like fraud) you could face a ban from the UK.

18th May 2012, 23:40
Why didn't your boyfriend urge you to comply with the immigration laws ? :rolleyes: