View Full Version : Drunk Kosovan Driver Killed Unborn Baby

18th May 2012, 20:48
A drink-driver has been jailed in a landmark case for causing the death of a baby whose premature birth was triggered by a crash.

Gurim Pajova, a Kosovan refugee who was driving without a licence or insurance, failed to negotiate a bend on a narrow country road following an all-day drinking session.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2146133/Kosovan-illegal-driver-killed-passengers-unborn-baby-triggering-premature-birth-drunken-crash.html#ixzz1vFiVlv00

Another piece of human filth who is allowed to live here :angry:

18th May 2012, 20:51
These scumbags have no regard for our laws. :angry:

18th May 2012, 21:10
No-one should drink and drive. Period.

18th May 2012, 23:26
No-one should drink and drive. Period.

Absolutely right. Zero tolerance of drink driving.

19th May 2012, 08:36
Sentencing with drunk drivers who kill is a joke. I know of a few cases where the drunk has got away with a suspended sentence :NoNo:

19th May 2012, 08:53
Oh lets think here -

In my town a few years ago, there was a nice Kosovan family, who were here as refugees. They had a council house, their oldest son was about to take his GCSE's, the youngest had never known anything but England. They were by all accounts a model family and very popular in their street.

Immigration swooped on them in the early hours, probably knowing otherwise the neighbours might have argued for them and it would have been a harder task. They were put on a plane home, and last thing we heard, they were living in a ruined house, with the youngest fretting and asking when they were going home. Remember, that kid had never known anything but a warm secure house, and now they were in a shack.

So, they weren't criminals, they were very settled, but off they went because they were refugees and the country was deemed fit to go back. Services over there were wrecked, and it's debatable how fit it was, but hey.

Precedent set

Kosovo is not in the EU. No right of entry to the UK is there.

NATO made the place safe for the people there, that's cost to the EU countries.

Allegedly one reason they were at risk over there, was because they were muslims and the Serbs, which see Kosovo as their ancestral home wanted them out. People seem to forget that for years prior to the breakup of Yugoslavia, the Kosovans were attacking the Serbs to try drive THEM out - thus proving neither side is exactly whiter than white, but it's so often the case. The difference between a war hero and a war criminal often depends on which side the eventual winner is.

So they were discriminated because they are muslims. Now what is banned for muslims again but appears in this story?

This was now a number of years ago. So exactly what is this criminal a refugee from? More to the point what the hell is he still doing in our country!

19th May 2012, 10:05
Well good for them being able to jump the 20 year queue to get a council house .:rolleyes:

I'm tired of the powers that be in our country setting themselves up as saviours of the rest of the world while their own citizens are told to shutup and get on with it. :angry:

19th May 2012, 11:22
Well good for them being able to jump the 20 year queue to get a council house .:rolleyes:

I'm tired of the powers that be in our country setting themselves up as saviours of the rest of the world while their own citizens are told to shutup and get on with it. :angry:

Think it was back when the place was in dire crisis, and a number of countries agreed to temporarily take some in. I absolutely haven't a clue how they got the house - and a few people in this town wondered how various Kosovans refugees (There wasn't just this family) managed to get houses in that district when it was one with a bit of a waiting list - as opposed to the BNP voting ghettos to the north of town.

I'd bet there were financial grants from central government/EU, but hey, it's a long time ago now. No idea how

Whole point is - if they kicked a law abiding family out, then the precedent was set. Kosovo was deemed safe, off they went - that was the law. So just why the :censored: is this lowlife allowed to remain :angry:

19th May 2012, 11:36
come on down to the fine country called great brittain, yes great for the free handouts, just pop on that under carriage and say those magic words, are we in england and you get more money then you can imagine and a house too, cloths food you name it you may have it, roll up, roll up, keep the queues moving,

Arthur Little
19th May 2012, 12:04
Another piece of human filth who is allowed to live here :angry:

:iagree: with your *sentiments ... but *the rules should apply to ANYONE - regardless of ethnic origin - who's responsible for causing death while driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Arthur Little
19th May 2012, 12:09
No-one should drink and drive. Period.

:yeahthat:'s my point ... EXACTLY!

19th May 2012, 14:56
:iagree: with your *sentiments ... but *the rules should apply to ANYONE - regardless of ethnic origin - who's responsible for causing death while driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Totally agree Arthur. Death by dangerous driving straight to prison