View Full Version : external hard drive or cloud?

25th May 2012, 10:14
Hi chaps
I thought i better look at getting something to back up my pc apart from burning them on to cd's I was looking at getting a external hard drive then someone mentioned about this cloud system?? I thought he meant those things in the sky

does anyone use this cloud system for backing up or should i stick to an external hard drive

25th May 2012, 20:37
"Why Use Online Backup Services?
In this increasingly digital world, most of us keep hundreds, if not thousands, of digital files on our computer. From financial records to family photos, music files to personal and business contacts, your hard drive is likely chock full of irreplaceable data. The scary yet irrefutable truth is your hard drive can fail at any moment. And if it isn't equipment failure that does it in, fire, floods, theft and even user error all pose serious, viable threats to your data as well. Subsequently, backing up your computer is crucial.

A growing number of consumers and small businesses are opting to back up their data online – and for good reason. First-rate online backup services, including ZipCloud, SugarSync and SafeSync, offer distinct advantages over conventional onsite backup methods such as backing up to external hard drives. For instance, most have convenient schedulers, allowing you to schedule backups to automatically occur at a set time or whenever changes are made to already backed up files. Remote backup services also tend to be more secure, employing cutting-edge security measures and technologies, like military-grade encryption, to safeguard your data. Lastly, keeping backups offsite "in the cloud" ensures you have accessible copies of your data should something locally wipe out or damage your computer (think a fire or natural disaster). Browse through our articles on online backup services to learn more about the benefits of backing up online."

25th May 2012, 20:39
In truth, the best form of back up is to 2 different and distinctly seperate places and to 2 different media, if your data / info etc is of some value to you.

25th May 2012, 22:31
I have 3 hard-drives on my pc, plus an external hard-drive.

I also store my photos online at Imageshack (free) and Photobucket (free).

Sometimes if I'm bored I'll put a USB memory stick in and transfer some stuff on to that too.

You never know when a nuclear war will break out or if the house will burn down.

I suppose we all like to think that all the rubbish we've got stored will be of immense interest to those left behind in the event of our early demise...(not). :icon_lol:

For important stuff you can't beat pieces of paper.

25th May 2012, 22:55
I was a very keen photographer at one time...
whenever I did any important photoshoots
I would back up straight from my memory card to laptop while keeping the originals on the card
then burn all originals to 2 seperate types of removable disc!
Then back up to a portable hard drive!
All before i even left the venue!
Then i would make another copy and drop it at my office and have even put an extra copy at my mums just in case!
A bit of overkill I guess but when it comes to somebody's wedding day or special event, you just cant be too careful:icon_lol:

25th May 2012, 23:11
Well I'm sure your photos were of a high enough quality to be worth saving....unlike some of the crap that I've taken over the years, but still stuffed my computer with. :rolleyes:

26th May 2012, 08:48
I use external hard drives and have 3 copies of everything, I like to know where they are and for me thats the best way.

My family tree data is backed up onto 3 memory sticks and to the hard drives!
Its not if a hard drive will fail, but when:omg:


26th May 2012, 15:15
thanks chaps I will be taking a better look at the cloud services they seem a good option and will in the mean time get an external hard drive for now

27th May 2012, 14:48
thanks chaps I will be taking a better look at the cloud services they seem a good option and will in the mean time get an external hard drive for now

did you take a look at this ?

2nd July 2012, 14:43
Both never rely on cloud or mechanical alone Amazon who host alot of the Cloud services you know had a wobble this weekend and its not the first (yet still a good service)

Even if the keep your data somewhere if they have a major outage its very annoying if the data is unaccessible when you need it..

14th July 2012, 12:27
Well you can get both, In my opinion I don't trust uploading important data to the web but is also an economic and very usefull way to organize your computer space.

hard drive for mac (http://www.g-technology.com/products/g-drive.cfm)