View Full Version : Calls from 'British Consumer' ?

25th May 2012, 18:17
Anyone else been phoned by this bunch of Indians, wanting to know all your personal details for a 'survey' ?

That's two calls I've had today...same crappy script.

My contribution to the survey consists of two words.

The second one is OFF. :cwm23:

25th May 2012, 19:38
I think I had similar the other week, when they asked for me by name I told them I was dead. I use a few ploys with these goons - the dead one, the I've just been declared bankrupt one, the it's my cousins house I'm housesitting for a month, I renewed my insurance/changed electricity etc yesterday one

25th May 2012, 19:41
the trouble with calls to your home, everyone is doing it, cancer reseach, saving for the blind, save the dogs, cats and even donkeys, i tell them all, i give to only 1 so shall i stop giving them to give to you , that works

25th May 2012, 20:16
Sometimes I like to play with them...talking like Donald Duck is one of my favourites. :D

25th May 2012, 20:17
Anyone else been phoned by this bunch of Indians, wanting to know all your personal details for a 'survey' ?

That's two calls I've had today...same crappy script.

My contribution to the survey consists of two words.

The second one is OFF. :cwm23:

Foxtrot Oscar :icon_lol: