View Full Version : Cultural Differences Between the UK and the Philippines

26th May 2012, 09:04
1. What we refer to in the UK as a rotten egg, the Filipinos call it a delicacy by the name of balut :repuke:

2. In the UK's capital city it is nearly impossible to park, and yet in Manila the whole city is a car park :D

Feel free to add your own ;)

26th May 2012, 09:16
Beaches are free for everyone in the UK. There are however more amenities at a Philippine beach resort. UK beach resorts don’t have restaurants and bars actually on the sand. :D;)

26th May 2012, 09:19
Poverty / Wealth / Cost of living
And the Yank influence :omg: :D

Just a few facets of cultural difference.

26th May 2012, 09:30
Where to start ? :Erm:

The Filipinos in general are a pleasant and happy people....not a set of miserable :censored:s ? :)

26th May 2012, 09:37
In the UK we say turn on and off the lights, in the Philippines they say open and close the lights.

26th May 2012, 09:47
We know how to drive safely :icon_lol:

26th May 2012, 10:01
you can pee everywhere here in PI,you'll be thrown to jail if you do that in UK and we use different vocabulary:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

26th May 2012, 10:15
Beaches are free for everyone in the UK. There are however more amenities at a Philippine beach resort. UK beach resorts don’t have restaurants and bars actually on the sand. :D;)

yes uk beaches dont have packs of strays dogs trying to get your food (if you goto Southport or blackpool you'll probably be chased by packs of scousers thou :NoNo:)

that reminds me of something i saw on sabang beach on Palawan, a pack of dogs chasing a water buffalo along the beach :doh:crazy:

26th May 2012, 11:54
***In Britain, its rude to turn up in somebody elses place and eat all their foods,...filipino can deal with it well, we can even serve all our foods inside the fridge for everybody,..hahhaa

***British humuor (sarcasm) filipino humuor (racism)

***British people is very particular with time,...filipinos always arrive late.

***In Britain , its rude to point using your nose, eyes,fingers ,,...we filipinas love doing it!!

***British people are polite you cant even count how many thank you's , please, pardon me and sorry they could say in a day...filipinos are also polite by just smiling and having a nod lol..

***My husband, a British dont like to eat meat with bones ,....but he got a filipina wife and taught him how to eat them properly.

***British is very good in grammar , but not in spelling ....Filipino are good in spelling but are confuse with grammar.

*** Every British have Milk and Bread inside the fridge ... Filipinos have Rice in the cupboards...as in plenty of rice lol!!

*** British People drive like lunatics...Filipinos have to be lunatics to drive!!

26th May 2012, 11:58

I like those observations. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

26th May 2012, 13:10
hahahah put a smile on my face! cheers:xxgrinning--00xx3:

26th May 2012, 13:17
*** British humuor (sarcasm) filipino humuor (racism)

*** Every British have Milk and Bread inside the fridge ... Filipinos have Rice in the cupboards...as in plenty of rice lol!!

*** British People drive like lunatics...Filipinos have to be lunatics to drive!!


26th May 2012, 14:54
British use cutlery when eating....Filipinos love to use hands when eating......
British loves to get tanned....Filipinos loves to get white......

26th May 2012, 15:31
Philippines, you can go to the bar and make new friends.
UK, you have to take your friends with you.

26th May 2012, 15:45
Philippines, you can go to the bar and make new friends.

yes if your paying :D

tv is :action-smiley-081: in the phils, i can never find anything worth watching :NoNo:

26th May 2012, 15:49
yes if your paying :D

tv is :action-smiley-081: in the phils, i can never find anything worth watching :NoNo:

exactly word that the husband utter:yikes::action-smiley-081::cwm24: every time :xxaction-smiley-047 while were watching tele back home in PH specially the noon time show wowoweeeee:icon_lol:
and now i cant blame him and knows as to why:hubbahubba::icon_lol::action-smiley-081:

26th May 2012, 17:29
I like my steak medium rare. My wife likes her steak "nuked".

26th May 2012, 18:51
differant culture, in the phils we wash and wipe, here we wipe and wash:action-smiley-081:

26th May 2012, 18:53
differant cultures, here we eat to live, the phils they live to eat:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

26th May 2012, 19:19
differant cultures, here we eat to live, the phils they live to eat:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

:yikes::D:D very true and you think very funny well i wont blame you either lolz..i know what you saying:cwm24::icon_lol: but you should live there all your life in order to completely realize of what you saying:D

stevie c
27th May 2012, 11:48
Here in the uk we have health & safety regulations in the Phils there are none

27th May 2012, 11:49
Well,you can buy condoms there, but they're extremely small ! :cwm24:

28th May 2012, 10:11
in philippines adult parents get fed on childrens party here in UK adults would leave the party with an empty stomach

28th May 2012, 10:22
in philippines adult parents get fed on childrens party here in UK adults would leave the party with an empty stomach

...and would need to show their CRB certificate on entry. :)

28th May 2012, 10:30
in philippines you can go to a friends house without prior notice and served with best food by the host but here in uk you cannot do that...and most of the time you only be serve by a cup of tea

unmarried couple (even at young age) who live together are widely acceptable here in uk and not in phils.

in PI we support parents and family financially here in UK they dont.

in phils we have close family ties unlike here in uk.

in phils grandparents when they retire spend time looking for their children here in uk you normally see them in pub everyday.

when filipino moan in something particular they leave most brit i know they moan yet still stay.

28th May 2012, 10:43
You can learn a whole new form of communication with eyebrow raising, lip puckering, grunts and pssst's :D

28th May 2012, 21:32
In the UK we say turn on and off the lights, in the Philippines they say open and close the lights.

I corrected my mahal on this one day by trying to literally open the light socket. She asked what I was doing and I said 'I'm trying to open the light, like you said'. :icon_lol: Now it is 'please turn on the light po' :xxgrinning--00xx3:

The other one I love is: put it in THE REF. Hold on, I'll have to get on to the Football Association to get one over here....

28th May 2012, 21:35
You can learn a whole new form of communication with eyebrow raising, lip puckering, grunts and pssst's :D

Yes. :laugher:

28th May 2012, 21:35
As long as she keeps telling me she lubs me, I'm happy. :D

29th May 2012, 10:02
In UK you can only get on and off the bus at the official bus stop - in Philippines the buses will stop wherever you want to get on or off :D

29th May 2012, 10:08
In UK a motorbike is for one passenger only..........


29th May 2012, 10:19
In UK you can only get on and off the bus at the official bus stop - in Philippines the buses will stop wherever you want to get on or off :D

Yes, some things are BETTER in the Philippines. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

29th May 2012, 10:35
In UK you can only get on and off the bus at the official bus stop - in Philippines the buses will stop wherever you want to get on or off :D

..except in Makati Central Business District...everybody have to follow the traffic rules there (7am-9pm), loading & unloading areas..or the drivers would be fined and their driver's license will be confiscated..:xxgrinning--00xx3:

29th May 2012, 10:38
In UK you can only get on and off the bus at the official bus stop - in Philippines the buses will stop wherever you want to get on or off :D

sometimes they pull over to the side of the road, have seen many times people getting on and off in the middle of traffic.

29th May 2012, 10:56
:NoNo: health and saftey people would :yikes: if they saw what goes on in the Phils :icon_lol:

29th May 2012, 11:28
They are a severe limit to true freedom; in that respect, the Philippines is much more free than England.:D

29th May 2012, 13:09
They are a severe limit to true freedom; in that respect, the Philippines is much more free than England.:D

the health care they will need will not be free thou should they get injured in the phils , unlike in the UK :rolleyes:

29th May 2012, 16:23
the health care they will need will not be free thou should they get injured in the phils , unlike in the UK :rolleyes:


30th May 2012, 12:44
the health care they will need will not be free thou should they get injured in the phils , unlike in the UK :rolleyes:

If folk could get a refund on the British stealth tax they could afford to go private!:icon_lol:

30th May 2012, 16:35
I thought I saw a post on this thread about if 'you marry a filipina, you marry the family'...looks like its be removed.....I wld have to agree with that statement, going by my experience.....woe betide any one marrying someone who's family is in financial straits....if not directly, certainly indirectly, you will be bailing them out....very honourable this close family ties thingy...unfortunately you pick up the tab.....again, we all know, when you marry a filipina, you marry the family....so guys, unless you got deep pockets do your homework....many a marriage gone to the wall because of this culture issue....it could be a very expensive ride :D:xxgrinning--00xx3:

31st May 2012, 16:10
I thought I saw a post on this thread about if 'you marry a filipina, you marry the family'...looks like its be removed.....I wld have to agree with that statement, going by my experience.....woe betide any one marrying someone who's family is in financial straits....if not directly, certainly indirectly, you will be bailing them out....very honourable this close family ties thingy...unfortunately you pick up the tab.....again, we all know, when you marry a filipina, you marry the family....so guys, unless you got deep pockets do your homework....many a marriage gone to the wall because of this culture issue....it could be a very expensive ride :D:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Wow what a big tar brush you have there, The only bit that make's sense is the last sentence "....it could be a very expensive ride" but surely that's true for most if not all marriages. Personally I think that your post is a bit rude if not ignorant because of your experience. Most families could use a little extra cash in any country not just the phils besides what did you think geting married was about ? I could be wrong though you could be a politician or a banker then I would understand your point of view. In my experiance you dont need deep pockets when marrying a fillipina just a deep heart.

31st May 2012, 17:37
Wow what a big tar brush you have there, The only bit that make's sense is the last sentence "....it could be a very expensive ride" but surely that's true for most if not all marriages. Personally I think that your post is a bit rude if not ignorant because of your experience. Most families could use a little extra cash in any country not just the phils besides what did you think geting married was about ? I could be wrong though you could be a politician or a banker then I would understand your point of view. In my experiance you dont need deep pockets when marrying a fillipina just a deep heart.

First and foremost please accepted my apologies.....it was not my intention to offend anyone.

In reply though, I think you have totally misunderstood the point I was making.

The thread is about cultural differences....now bearing in mind there are many people on here new to this sort of relationship so, and I think rightly we have the duty to inform.

No relationship is all moonlight and roses a Fil/Brit relationship is no different....all I was doing was pointing out a possible pitfall.

No way was I being negative.....my situation is, im happily married with a Filipina with 2 beautiful babies.....they are my world.

What my wife does with her money is her affair, if she sends, its her business..I dont question either way....we also send boxes, I might add, un begrudgingly.

I accept all and everything about my wife including her family, cousins included.

The financial issue is not a problem for us, yes a big heart is important but, that alone, in the cold light of day won't pay bills if your financially on the fringes.

Im not ignorant or intentionally rude, just forthright in my opinions....im also able to accept constructive criticism.

Mark :xxgrinning--00xx3:

31st May 2012, 17:46
NEUTRAL viewpoint here :D....but, yes I agree that some guys hooking up with a Filipina do not seem to grasp the MAJOR differences in family values between the average Brit and the vast majority of Filipinos, and yes, unless they are happy and willing to adapt to their Filipino partner's cultural mindset, problems could indeed lie ahead.

IMO the Pinoy tradition of looking after the extended family is one to be commended in this 'modern' world of selfishness, where a relation may die alone and rot in their home for weeks.

31st May 2012, 17:58
NEUTRAL viewpoint here :D....but, yes I agree that some guys hooking up with a Filipina do not seem to grasp the MAJOR differences in family values between the average Brit and the vast majority of Filipinos, and yes, unless they are happy and willing to adapt to their Filipino partner's cultural mindset, problems could indeed lie ahead.

IMO the Pinoy tradition of looking after the extended family is one to be commended in this 'modern' world of selfishness, where a relation may die alone and rot in their home for weeks.
My viewpoint is also neutral....My initial post was mean't of been lighthearted...not come across as 'rude and ignorant'... I should of inserted more smiles and thumbs up.

As always, Graham puts it more eloquently..cheers Graham :D

31st May 2012, 18:11
i must add my penny worth here, share and share alike, i think most partners who are here and work help the family here first, they way this contry is going, every little helps

31st May 2012, 22:37
My viewpoint is also neutral....My initial post was mean't of been lighthearted...not come across as 'rude and ignorant'... I should of inserted more smiles and thumbs up.

As always, Graham puts it more eloquently..cheers Graham :D

Yer welcome mate. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Eh, and wot's 'eloquently' mean ? :Erm:

1st June 2012, 09:19
in Philippines animals ie dogs.cats etc can just poooo/.... everywhere ..HERE OMG:yikes::action-smiley-081::cwm24::D ITS SO PRECIOUS that the owner need to have a plastic bag always ready to pick up the pet stuff:icon_lol::hubbahubba::D:omg:

1st June 2012, 09:47
Hahahha !:laugher:

Moy....you understand British humour. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

1st June 2012, 09:51
Hahahha !:laugher:

Moy....you understand British humour. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

:D love watching those scenario everytime:laugher:

1st June 2012, 18:03
First and foremost please accepted my apologies.....it was not my intention to offend anyone.

In reply though, I think you have totally misunderstood the point I was making.

The thread is about cultural differences....now bearing in mind there are many people on here new to this sort of relationship so, and I think rightly we have the duty to inform.

No relationship is all moonlight and roses a Fil/Brit relationship is no different....all I was doing was pointing out a possible pitfall.

No way was I being negative.....my situation is, im happily married with a Filipina with 2 beautiful babies.....they are my world.

What my wife does with her money is her affair, if she sends, its her business..I dont question either way....we also send boxes, I might add, un begrudgingly.

I accept all and everything about my wife including her family, cousins included.

The financial issue is not a problem for us, yes a big heart is important but, that alone, in the cold light of day won't pay bills if your financially on the fringes.

Im not ignorant or intentionally rude, just forthright in my opinions....im also able to accept constructive criticism.

Mark :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Fair enuff

1st July 2012, 19:01
Anyone considering riding in the national form of transport should first study this short educational film:


1st July 2012, 19:10
tv is :action-smiley-081: in the phils, i can never find anything worth watching :NoNo:[/QUOTE]

Who wants to watch tv when you have got a gorgeous wife there Joe? :icon_lol:

1st July 2012, 19:13
in Philippines animals ie dogs.cats etc can just poooo/.... everywhere ..HERE OMG:yikes::action-smiley-081::cwm24::D ITS SO PRECIOUS that the owner need to have a plastic bag always ready to pick up the pet stuff:icon_lol::hubbahubba::D:omg:

dont eat our hot dogs moy :D

1st July 2012, 19:18
tv is :action-smiley-081: in the phils, i can never find anything worth watching :NoNo:

Who wants to watch tv when you have got a gorgeous wife there Joe? :icon_lol:

thats true, but that do u do when u send her out working :icon_lol:



1st July 2012, 19:26
thats true, but that do u do when u send her out working :icon_lol:



Point taken Joe.:xxgrinning--00xx3::icon_lol:

2nd July 2012, 00:39
Nothing wrong with 'Eat Bulaga' ..with or without sound :xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th July 2012, 21:11
Filipinos ask for a gift "Pasalubong" :rolleyes:

In the UK we dont ask someone for a gift ;)

In the UK at a party the people are the most important thing.....At a Filipino party is the food thats most important :-))

27th July 2012, 22:19
I'd say getting there before the booze runs out was pretty important . :Erm:

....and not forgetting to stash some for later. :D

Mr Pickwick
28th July 2012, 16:01
Can some one tell me if its Noble to Belch in the Philippines?

As I am not sure weather to applaud or not?


28th July 2012, 23:45
Can some one tell me if its Noble to Belch in the Philippines?

As I am not sure weather to applaud or not?


You are not in China... nuff said?

30th July 2012, 00:40
In the uk if we are caught telling a lie then will will hold our hands up and admit yes we told a lie

That just does not happen in the Philippines and they will deny deny and deny it,even when you have caught them red handed and provide the good evidence they will still deny it :crazy:

That really winds me up and i just dont understand why they will not admit it :doh

30th July 2012, 10:55
I tried doing the same when the ex found a picture of a naked Fililpina with my towel next to her, amongst our holiday snaps. :omg:

(Before we were married).

30th July 2012, 12:59
Im thinking here that cultural differences can present greater hurdles than age differences.

30th July 2012, 13:22
In the uk if we are caught telling a lie then will will hold our hands up and admit yes we told a lie

That just does not happen in the Philippines and they will deny deny and deny it,even when you have caught them red handed and provide the good evidence they will still deny it :crazy:

That really winds me up and i just dont understand why they will not admit it :doh

My ex gf did that and she is scottish.

30th July 2012, 13:24
Loss of 'face'.

So much revolves around 'Face' in Asian cultures.

30th July 2012, 13:46
Nothin' like a good 'trump'... then blame the dog :D ...... works here.... works there :xxgrinning--00xx3:

30th July 2012, 14:12
"Face" is very difficult for us to understand.

The odd thing is that "face" can be lost or gained in front of complete strangers; it makes little difference.

In connection with "face", western guide books and suchlike very seldom dwell on the very numerous similarities between Filipino and Chinese culture.

Often Filipinos are themselves unaware of these, unless they have worked in Hong Kong.

(By way of example, both cultures have a superstition about a mother who has just given birth not washing for thirty days...yikes.)

I am no expert, but here are some things I have found out over the years - not that I have always complied with them...

Rule One - never ever raise your voice, espescially not in public.

Rule Two - never put someone in a position where they have to choose (hence the "it's up to you...")

Rule fifteen or so... don't open a present in public or expect a present to be opened whilst you are there - this is to avoid the risk that disappointment might show in the recipient's face, thereby causing the giver to lose face..

Others can add to these...