View Full Version : Question about evidence of maintenance

27th May 2012, 06:55

We're looking at applying for an unmarried parter visa.

I'm confused about the evidence of maintenance required however.

The UK border agency site says:

"To meet the maintenance requirement evidence must be provided that demonstrates:

Sufficient independent means,
Employment for one or both of the parties,
Sufficient prospects of employment for one or both parties."

Meaning that we must supply evidence of one of the above right?

Then it says:

"You must provide evidence that maintenance is available in the form of cash funds. Other accounts or financial instruments (such as shares, bonds and pension funds) are not acceptable, regardless of the notice period.

If you want to rely on a joint account as evidence of available funds, you must be named on the account along with at least 1 other named individual.

All evidence must cover the period of your relationship, and particularly the immediate period before you make your application.

The following types of documents are acceptable as evidence:

personal bank or building society statements; and/or
building society pass books; and/or
letters from banks or building societies confirming funds; and/or
letters from financial institutions regulated by the Financial Services Authority (or the home regulator, if the account is overseas) confirming funds."

So does this mean that we must supply evidence of

a) Sufficient independent means,
Employment for one or both of the parties,
Sufficient prospects of employment for one or both parties


b) suffienct funds?

or just either a) or b)?

Also, I mean what is suffient funds to support yourselves for 2 years: 40,000 GBP?

Or is simply having a job or an offer of a job for the British citizen evidence enough?

We both live in Bangkok and don't have any evidence of funds but I can prove that I will have a job upon returning to UK.

Very confused!

Thanks for any help


28th May 2012, 10:20
As it stands right now you need to show evidence of at least £111.45 per week per couple (not including children) as available for discretionary spending (means after non-discretionary spending such as rent/mortgage/council tax etc etc)

You need to supply evidence that your employment income will cover that.
Also you need to show evidence of suitable accommodation.

Take a look here for some detail. (http://filipinaroses.com/showthread.php/36554-How-To-Apply-For-A-Spouse-Visa)

30th May 2012, 08:20
Many thanks for that