View Full Version : British Food - It really is soooo bad.

31st May 2012, 10:19
I was going to reply to the thread about the "60 reasons Britain is great", however I thought this deserved a new one.


Why is British food so awful... Really, why do we serve such garbage. We have some great chefs in the UK in addition to some fantastic cookery shows but then when you go out to eat, it's all garbage unless you eat something none British.

The UK must be one of the easiest places in the world to make money on food, you take any old garbage, deep fry or microwave it, and provide the biggest portions you can find, and everyone is happy.
I mean why take a perfectly good fish, and deep fry it to destruction, probably to hide the fact it wasn't a good fish in the first place.
What really annoys me is that places in the UK can't even serve basic food from basic ingredients, I mean if you can't serve chips that are made freshly from potatoes, why even bother. We can make frozen chips at home.

English breakfasts and Sunday Roasts are probably the wierdest food in the world, you can take a combination of random food, over cook it, and throw it all on a plate, in enormeous portions.

Salad, I mean what do we do to a good salad in the UK, we take the worst possible lettuce and murder it, then throw in something random for the garden and then serve it with everything that we can, knowing that no-one will eat it because its awful.

Meat, we have a great habit of destorying the meat. We love our meat to be overcooked until it barely resembles meat, and then cover it in gravy and sauces to hide the fact it's awful.

OK rant over....

Awaiting the incoming...... :) :Bricks:

31st May 2012, 10:47
I'll be first Ricky - some of my favourite Brit meals

Haddock, New Potatoes (preferably Jersey Royals), Peas doused in parsley sauce
Full English Breakfast
Sunday Roast (beef, turkey or chicken but not pork or lamb) ideally with cauliflower in white sauce
Cottage Pie, peas & carrots

31st May 2012, 10:56
British food tastes so bland...:vomit-smiley-011:

31st May 2012, 11:13
Haddock, New Potatoes (preferably Jersey Royals), Peas doused in parsley sauce

Noiw that is a nice meal actually. Not deep fried :-)

31st May 2012, 11:16
Thanks for explaining why I NEVER eat out in this country. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I cook my own tasty meals with fresh ingredients and yes, REAL (occasional) potato chips. :)

I partly attribute my healthy and youthful good looks to this too. :D

31st May 2012, 11:18
I was going to reply to the thread about the "60 reasons Britain is great", however I thought this deserved a new one.


Why is British food so awful... Really, why do we serve such garbage. We have some great chefs in the UK in addition to some fantastic cookery shows but then when you go out to eat, it's all garbage unless you eat something none British.

The UK must be one of the easiest places in the world to make money on food, you take any old garbage, deep fry or microwave it, and provide the biggest portions you can find, and everyone is happy.
I mean why take a perfectly good fish, and deep fry it to destruction, probably to hide the fact it wasn't a good fish in the first place.
What really annoys me is that places in the UK can't even serve basic food from basic ingredients, I mean if you can't serve chips that are made freshly from potatoes, why even bother. We can make frozen chips at home.

English breakfasts and Sunday Roasts are probably the wierdest food in the world, you can take a combination of random food, over cook it, and throw it all on a plate, in enormeous portions.

Salad, I mean what do we do to a good salad in the UK, we take the worst possible lettuce and murder it, then throw in something random for the garden and then serve it with everything that we can, knowing that no-one will eat it because its awful.

Meat, we have a great habit of destorying the meat. We love our meat to be overcooked until it barely resembles meat, and then cover it in gravy and sauces to hide the fact it's awful.

OK rant over....

Awaiting the incoming...... :) :Bricks:

Well said!....I agree
Eating out in this country is the most dissapointing experience ever!
I much prefer Filipino foods and have been eating them ever since my wife arrived here.....including dried fish!

31st May 2012, 11:28
:yikes::D i deeply love my own food either pinoy or english:D i make sure it taste right to my own preference of course:action-smiley-081:


31st May 2012, 11:45
anything but the balot!!!!! i must agree that our food is quite bland but you definitely cant say a sunday roast is bad if its cooked well! but i do find myself mainly cooking food with an Asian influence wether it be indian, chinese or even pinoy!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

31st May 2012, 12:07
I like Traditional Sunday lunch :D

Except for some of the frozen rubbish thingy :NoNo:
Thats why I always try to fix our menu, Filipino foods twice a week, Italian foods once a week and the rest of the week English foods :bigcry: My husband said the proper meal for him is English foods, sigh :cwm3::rolleyes:

31st May 2012, 12:13
British food tastes great IF it is cooked properly with the right ingredients. And no need to compromise on health either. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

31st May 2012, 12:14
I like Traditional Sunday lunch :D

Except for some of the frozen rubbish thingy :NoNo:
Thats why I always try to fix our menu, Filipino foods twice a week, Italian foods once a week and the rest of the week English foods :bigcry: My husband said the proper meal for him is English foods, sigh :cwm3::rolleyes:

Exactly. The traditional sunday roast. Great if it is cooked well with the right ingredients and bland if it isn't.

31st May 2012, 13:24
British food tastes so bland...:vomit-smiley-011:

not if you cover it in ketchup :D

misses covers her food with soya sauce :NoNo:

Arthur Little
31st May 2012, 14:06
:icon_sorry: ... I disagree! British food remains, for me, the most palatable to be found ANYWHERE. :hubbahubba:

Okay ... it may not be the healthiest food on the planet ... :anerikke: ... but - in my experience - it's certainly the tastiest!

Luverly grub! :t11t2: And at least you know what you're eating! :rolleyes:

31st May 2012, 14:13
Luverly grub! And at least you know what you're eating!

Eh ?

What about Haggis ? :Erm: :omg::D

Arthur Little
31st May 2012, 14:16
As for it being "bland"? :nono-1-1: ... DEFINITELY not!

Arthur Little
31st May 2012, 14:19
Eh ?

What about Haggis ? :Erm: :omg::D

Ah ... now you've "caught me out" there, Graham!:23_111_9[1]: ...

Arthur Little
31st May 2012, 14:29
Ah ... now you've "caught me out" there, Graham!:23_111_9[1]: ...

... even I'm not 100 percent privy to the ingredients in haggis! :NoNo:

31st May 2012, 14:51
Don't ask. :icon_lol:

31st May 2012, 15:05
Eh ?

What about Haggis ? :Erm: :omg::D

I like Haggis! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

31st May 2012, 16:38
British food tastes great IF it is cooked properly with the right ingredients. And no need to compromise on health either. :xxgrinning--00xx3:


31st May 2012, 16:47
We got our own taste when it comes to food and I, as a Filipina do love British Food very much! :) Maybe because my Fiance's mother cooked traditional English food every day for our dinner and the family took me to those traditional pubs round Lincolnshire and neighboring countys when I was there last year. FOOD also is one of the reasons why I am coming back. :icon_lol:

I don't know why I just soooo love you food, sounds funny but true! You have different taste and way of cooking which amazes me much. Also, I love GRAVY specially bisto best beef gravy its just so lovely! I love doner kebab, lamb chops, steak and Sunday dinners. I do miss and crave for Filipino food, we always end in a Chinese take away in the village but not as good as our homemade foods but can cure my cravings.

31st May 2012, 17:29
Better watch your waistline. ;)

31st May 2012, 18:30
Well said!....I agree
Eating out in this country is the most dissapointing experience ever!
I much prefer Filipino foods and have been eating them ever since my wife arrived here.....including dried fish!

Me, likewise :D.....the only bread in the house is Jane's brioche...I dont touch the stuff only when feeding the ducks

Rice and fish are our staples.

Also noticed a drop in my blood pressure..its now normal...the pharmacies are having less trade from me as well...no more heartburn and other dietary ailments.

Im sure there's some sort of conspiracy going on about killing of the western population, toot sweet!

I ask you, does it make sense that the north of England has a lower life expectancy than Manila.

Not only should fags have the skull and crossbones on them, so should most of the empty caloried junk on our supermarket shelves.

31st May 2012, 19:43
British food, maybe it's because most of us are from UK, that our experience is often of parents or friends who frankly would struggle with the recipe for ice. We also have a lazy culture, where "oh how can our grandparents have had time to cook a roast - and we want it NOW.

I nearly cried (ok exaggeration, but you know what I mean) when I first saw that advert for McCain microwave jacket potatoes.

Get it right though, or learn to cook.....

Steak should be cooked so a good vet could get it back on it's feet. Vegetables - you do not boil them to oblivion, even better if they are steamed. Sauces with meat - well why not if you want. Ketchup belongs in a certain episode of The Goodies.

I can cook incredible curries if we want to go down that route.

Oh and as for deep fried fish, well try coming to Yorkshire, you'll find thick fresh wet haddock used, not like that disgusting thick batter with a piece of dried up tadpole in the middle they used to dish out in schools. Has to be with mushy peas though.

It's only really bland if either

a - you cook it wrong

b - you're some Indian who likes smothering everything in garam masala

Oh if I ever cook a curry, and someone asks me for a bottle of soy sauce to smother all over my delicate spiced rice, then I won't be responsible for my actions :icon_lol: Yes this has actually happened

31st May 2012, 20:30
We got our own taste when it comes to food and I, as a Filipina do love British Food very much! :) Maybe because my Fiance's mother cooked traditional English food every day for our dinner and the family took me to those traditional pubs round Lincolnshire and neighboring countys when I was there last year. FOOD also is one of the reasons why I am coming back. :icon_lol:

I don't know why I just soooo love you food, sounds funny but true! You have different taste and way of cooking which amazes me much. Also, I love GRAVY specially bisto best beef gravy its just so lovely! I love doner kebab, lamb chops, steak and Sunday dinners. I do miss and crave for Filipino food, we always end in a Chinese take away in the village but not as good as our homemade foods but can cure my cravings.

im not surprise:omg::D you still as sexy as me melovesnengland..:D
wait until you live here for few years and you will love the food you most love baCk when you are in PH:rolleyes::icon_lol:

31st May 2012, 20:32
Better watch your waistline. ;)

waistline is so easy to decrease it :omg::icon_lol:

31st May 2012, 22:19
Not on a lot of the little wobbly-bottomed Filipinas I see here in the UK after a few years residence. :cwm3:

Sadly the junk food diet seems to be taking over in the Phils too now, for those who can afford to buy the Western-style saturated fat laden muck.

The Americans in particular have a lot to answer for. :rolleyes:

31st May 2012, 22:21
Not on a lot of the little wobbly-bottom Filipinas I see here. :cwm3:

Sadly the junk food diet seems to be taking over in the Phils too now, for those who can afford to buy the Western-style saturated fat laden muck.

The Americans in particular have a lot to answer for. :rolleyes:

I agree.

31st May 2012, 22:30
I expect the wibble wobblies have been despatched back to the phil and traded in for newer models. :D

31st May 2012, 22:32
I expect the wibble wobblies have been despatched back to the phil and traded in for newer models. :D

What a thing to say ! :omg: :icon_lol:

31st May 2012, 22:42

1st June 2012, 05:24
As a spinoff to the wibbly wobbly bit. Me and Mrs Lastlid go to Macdonalds about once a week, for example. For a while she had either the same as me, a burger meal or similar. However I noticed she struggled to eat everything so I started to buy her the kids Happy Meal. And she said that the kids Happy Meal portions were like standard portions back in the Philippines. Also a similar story when we eat out elsewhere. She says the portions are so big here in the UK.

1st June 2012, 07:35
im not surprise:omg::D you still as sexy as me melovesnengland..:D
wait until you live here for few years and you will love the food you most love baCk when you are in PH:rolleyes::icon_lol:

I will just have a little visit on your house Moy and lets have a DRIED FISH party2x! :xxparty-smiley-050::66:

1st June 2012, 07:48
I was going to reply to the thread about the "60 reasons Britain is great", however I thought this deserved a new one.


Why is British food so awful... Really, why do we serve such garbage. We have some great chefs in the UK in addition to some fantastic cookery shows but then when you go out to eat, it's all garbage unless you eat something none British.

The UK must be one of the easiest places in the world to make money on food, you take any old garbage, deep fry or microwave it, and provide the biggest portions you can find, and everyone is happy.
I mean why take a perfectly good fish, and deep fry it to destruction, probably to hide the fact it wasn't a good fish in the first place.
What really annoys me is that places in the UK can't even serve basic food from basic ingredients, I mean if you can't serve chips that are made freshly from potatoes, why even bother. We can make frozen chips at home.

English breakfasts and Sunday Roasts are probably the wierdest food in the world, you can take a combination of random food, over cook it, and throw it all on a plate, in enormeous portions.

Salad, I mean what do we do to a good salad in the UK, we take the worst possible lettuce and murder it, then throw in something random for the garden and then serve it with everything that we can, knowing that no-one will eat it because its awful.

Meat, we have a great habit of destorying the meat. We love our meat to be overcooked until it barely resembles meat, and then cover it in gravy and sauces to hide the fact it's awful.

OK rant over....

Awaiting the incoming...... :) :Bricks:

Think you're eating in the wrong places mate! I've had some fantastic british grub recently from top end resturants to my local gastro type boozer. British fod has come on leaps and bounds if you go out and look for it. The wife and me also knock out some fantastic stuff (even if I do say so myself) now with the help of cook books done by UK chefs.

I'll not disagree that there are places that still knock out below par stuff that they've basically taken out of a bag and warmed through in the kitchen, thinking about those 2 for 1 pubs. Horrible.

1st June 2012, 15:00
I dont think the general quality was being berated just the blandness of the overall British diet.

This was the observations of my dear wife when she first arrived here. Believe me, I took her and experienced many of our finest but, alas all found to be tasteless compared to her normal Filipino fare.

Luckily, thanks to the multicultural society we now live, we are able to get most of the Filipino foods we both desire, apart from a few exceptions :D

1st June 2012, 16:18
I dont think the general quality was being berated just the blandness of the overall British diet.

This was the observations of my dear wife when she first arrived here. Believe me, I took her and experienced many of our finest but, alas all found to be tasteless compared to her normal Filipino fare.

Luckily, thanks to the multicultural society we now live, we are able to get most of the Filipino foods we both desire, apart from a few exceptions :D

That's what I thought so too..:D

1st June 2012, 16:31
Anyone eaten 'Aso' ?

I have...except I didn't realise it until I was told later.

....Thought those legs of pork were a bit skinny. :Erm:

1st June 2012, 18:11
C'mon what about beef stew and dumplings,faggots(no offence) and pasties Mmmm Delishh especially when served with rice ! ! !

1st June 2012, 18:54
Part of the problem, I think, is that when eating out you have to pay a bit extra for British grub in a restaurant that is tasty, nutritional and healthy.

I just had some absolutely cracking english food recently, eating out, for example, but had to pay more for the privilege of the quality.

1st June 2012, 19:08
My son cooked us a scrumptious home-made Lasagne again today. :)

Me, I'll eat owt as long as it looks dead, but I think as you get older your taste buds (like everything else :rolleyes:) require a bit more stimulation. :t11t2:

1st June 2012, 19:44
My son cooked us a scrumptious home-made Lasagne again today. :)

Me, I'll eat owt as long as it looks dead, but I think as you get older your taste buds (like everything else :rolleyes:) require a bit more stimulation. :t11t2:

Speak for yourself :Sex:

1st June 2012, 21:18
rather eat anything what em cooks for me then going back to my old ways, toast and more toast, those was the days:rolleyes:

2nd June 2012, 08:17
To be fair I actually find some of the SE Asia food to be a bit bland, especailly when I tell them I don't want MSG used! I think it could be down to the fact they over cook alot of their meat, not a fan of well done. Just my opinion.

2nd June 2012, 11:51
Too much fat and salt in a lot of Filipino food for me, and not enough spices.

Sugar in the bread...yuk.

Confectionery and cakes either too sweet or too bland.

That'll be why I cook my own food when over there then. :D

I love the Pili and Peanut brittle though...plus all the fresh fruit. :)

Arthur Little
2nd June 2012, 12:06
Sugar in the bread...yuk.

:iagree: ... SACRILEGE! Almost as bad as adding sugar to porridge! :vomit-smiley-011:

2nd June 2012, 12:18
I put honey on mine. :)

I've got my son into the habit of making porridge too...as it's so healthy.

I just wish I could also get him into the habit of washing up afterwards. :doh

Arthur Little
2nd June 2012, 12:35
I put honey on mine. :)

Ah ... 'course you're a "busy bee" :icon_lol: - not a retired old codger :olddude: like me!

Arthur Little
2nd June 2012, 12:38
I've got my son into the habit of making porridge too...as it's so healthy.

:iagree: ... Myrna likes her [Quaker] oats.

Arthur Little
2nd June 2012, 12:42
I just wish I could also get him into the habit of washing up afterwards. :doh

:gp: ... porridge pots ain't the easiest to wash! :NoNo:

2nd June 2012, 13:08
We both like porridge.
My wife likes it more than me and will eat it anytime not just for breakfast.

Porridge is a very healthy food with lots of benefits.

2nd June 2012, 13:20
Yep, I'll cook it anytime too.

Cheap, filling and good for you. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

At this moment I'm cooking liver and onions, potatoes, mixed veg and gravy...all from fresh ingredients of course, like mum used to make. :)

2nd June 2012, 13:36
............At this moment I'm cooking liver and onions, potatoes, mixed veg and gravy...all from fresh ingredients of course, like mum used to make. :)

Wot, no chilli?

2nd June 2012, 13:40
:iagree: ... SACRILEGE! Almost as bad as adding sugar to porridge! :vomit-smiley-011:

Where as using salt which I believe to be the preference north of the boarder is so much more healthy and tastey!!!! Not

Arthur Little
2nd June 2012, 13:55
Where as using salt which I believe to be the preference north of the boarder is so much more healthy and tastey!!!! Not

Ah ... only a mere pinch of salt ... just to take away the blandness. Oh ... and also for the sake of bringing out its full flavour. :)

2nd June 2012, 13:56
Yes, that's what I do too. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
2nd June 2012, 14:01
Funnily enough ... porridge was the first dish I ever cooked! ;)

2nd June 2012, 14:02
Honey and / or carnation milk helps. Or some stewed fruit. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
2nd June 2012, 14:09
Or some stewed fruit. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

:rolleyes: ... that's supposedly ideal for evacuating the bowels. :action-smiley-081:

2nd June 2012, 14:16
I love stewed fruit, Arthur. Gooseberries. Rhubarb. Apple. Plums. Etc. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Cant get Mrs Lastlid to eat it though....:NoNo:

2nd June 2012, 14:24
And prunes.....:D :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
2nd June 2012, 14:27
I love stewed fruit, Arthur. Gooseberries. Rhubarb. Apple. Plums. Etc. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Me too ... rhubarb especially. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Cant get Mrs Lastlid to eat it though ... :NoNo:

... pity that! Mind you, I don't think rhubarb is grown in the Phils ... but feel free to correct me if I'm wrong ... :Erm:

2nd June 2012, 14:30
... pity that! Mind you, I don't think rhubarb is grown in the Phils ... but feel free to correct me if I'm wrong ... :Erm:

I am guessing you are probably right. Shes not seen much of our classic fruit before, if any.

2nd June 2012, 16:41

Noooo! :omg:

School meals. :cwm3:

2nd June 2012, 16:55

2nd June 2012, 16:57

2nd June 2012, 17:15
rather eat anything what em cooks for me then going back to my old ways, toast and more toast, those was the days:rolleyes:

Me too...whatever Jane puts in front of me, I eat.

Porridge was my daily breakfast for years then, one day last year I got sick of it.. Perhaps it was the honey ..weetabix took its place.

2nd June 2012, 17:17
Some of my personal favourites:-

Bubble & squeak
Toad in the hole
Fish and chips with mushy peas
Hot pot
Steak & kidney pudding
Cornish pasty (can't beat a proper pasty)
Cottage pie (minced beef with veggies, topped with mashed potato. yum!)
Shepherd's pie - (almost the same as cottage pie but with minced lamb)
A beautifully cooked Sunday Roast with all the trimmings (incl Yorkshire pudding!)

Treacle pudding
Treacle tart
Spotted Dick
Rhubarb Crumble
Traditional homemade Christmas Pudding


lovely grub :xxgrinning--00xx3:

2nd June 2012, 17:22
Faggots too. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

What about crispy bacon sarnies ? :)

2nd June 2012, 18:12
Bubble & squeak

..my mother-in-law taught me how to cook it ....leftovers from our sunday lunch , lovely!!

Rhubarb Crumble

...love it:hubbahubba::hubbahubba: and or banana crumble :hubbahubba::hubbahubba:

2nd June 2012, 18:14
Some of my personal favourites:-

Bubble & squeak
Toad in the hole
Fish and chips with mushy peas
Hot pot
Steak & kidney pudding
Cornish pasty (can't beat a proper pasty)
Cottage pie (minced beef with veggies, topped with mashed potato. yum!)
Shepherd's pie - (almost the same as cottage pie but with minced lamb)
A beautifully cooked Sunday Roast with all the trimmings (incl Yorkshire pudding!)

Treacle pudding
Treacle tart
Spotted Dick
Rhubarb Crumble
Traditional homemade Christmas Pudding


lovely grub :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Yes. And much of this can be cooked so that it tastes great and alternatively it can be cooked poorly with poor ingredients and bland in taste.

2nd June 2012, 18:15
Bread and butter pudding.

Home made rice pudding.

2nd June 2012, 18:45
Yes. And much of this can be cooked so that it tastes great and alternatively it can be cooked poorly with poor ingredients and bland in taste.

Failing that, pour over lashing of hot and spicy banana sauce with a side dish mountain of rice:xxgrinning--00xx3:

2nd June 2012, 23:15
Living in the UK for a year now, I managed to live without eating rice everyday :Rasp: And I finally reached my ideal weight eating something else other than rice :):egyptian:

2nd June 2012, 23:19
Living in the UK for a year now, I managed to live without eating rice everyday :Rasp: And I finally reached my ideal weight eating something else other than rice :):egyptian:

oh thats cool confuseme:D can you give your menu for not eating rice..then:D

3rd June 2012, 00:52
Rice, 3 times aday, everyday :D:xxgrinning--00xx3:

3rd June 2012, 01:18
Living in the UK for a year now, I managed to live without eating rice everyday :Rasp: And I finally reached my ideal weight eating something else other than rice :):egyptian:

Hey...me too. :D


3rd June 2012, 12:13
oh thats cool confuseme:D can you give your menu for not eating rice..then:D

Low carb diet?

Low on rice, bread, potatoes and pasta.

4th June 2012, 01:57
I replace rice with veggies. I still treat myself with carb once in a while
oh thats cool confuseme:D can you give your menu for not eating rice..then:D

4th June 2012, 01:57
Ha ha ha :icon_lol:
Hey...me too. :D


4th June 2012, 07:02
I replace rice with veggies. I still treat myself with carb once in a while

Low Carb / Atkins.

4th June 2012, 14:16
Having spent the last 6 years in the RP I am like a dog with 2 d*cks/cat who got the cream now I'm back with regard to the choice/quality/availabilty of the fresh ingredients here. Not forgetting the price. Part of the fun in the RP was finding (and buying up all the stock) of the simpliest ingredients that you know wouldnt be there next week.

All these buy 1/take 1, 3 for 2 offers and I'm pretty sure that it's cheaper here contrary to the usual beliefs than the RP. Certainly quality is miles ahead on chicken, ground beef, vegetables etc.

Just a shame my wife isnt here yet to cook them all for me :icon_lol:

5th June 2012, 09:43
Having spent the last 6 years in the RP I am like a dog with 2 d*cks/cat who got the cream now I'm back with regard to the choice/quality/availabilty of the fresh ingredients here. Not forgetting the price. Part of the fun in the RP was finding (and buying up all the stock) of the simpliest ingredients that you know wouldnt be there next week.

All these buy 1/take 1, 3 for 2 offers and I'm pretty sure that it's cheaper here contrary to the usual beliefs than the RP. Certainly quality is miles ahead on chicken, ground beef, vegetables etc.

Just a shame my wife isnt here yet to cook them all for me :icon_lol:

I think it's fair to say that British Food (especially meat and dairy products) is some of the best anywhere in the world.
Mostly due to some tough lessons and legislation following the various issue we had over a number of years.
Even the French are back to buying British beef :xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th June 2012, 09:59
And so the French should. British beef is amongst the best in the world - if you support your local farmer. Irish isn't too bad, although their cheese might be cheap, but it isn't so great (Seems to have faded from view, but a few years ago the EU were subsidising Irish farming by all accounts, and it was appearing in the supermarkets undercutting the British stuff). Speciality British cheese is superb, French is a quality all of it's own. German hams the same.

This might sound nuts, but carrots from Yorkshire are something a bit special, or maybe it's because they don't have to travel far to where I am.

I often take a carrot into work as a snack - leading to colleagues saying "whats up doc" and "eee-awwwwwww"

5th June 2012, 10:05
Ermm how can rice be fattening? It's really filling and you don't need much, and it might be a stereotype, but you don't see many fat asians unless they're on a western diet of McCrap.

For goodness sake - anyone - do not do the Atkins diet :yikes: Of course you will lose weight - you do it because it screws up your bodys systems. As soon as you come off it, you will end up looking like the michelin man.

If anyone wants a healthy and sustainable diet, then plenty of vegetables, fish, lean meat, cut back on wheat products (goes against traditional British and French diets, but you don't have to have bread with every meal), don't pile up the potatos, a few are ok etc
Oh and for other reasons, don't eat too much fruit. There's some evidence the body can't digest different fruits together, but it's also pretty rubbish for your teeth :icon_lol:

5th June 2012, 12:48
Yep. Go easy on the carbs. :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3: Unless you are either a manual worker or a sportsman or a kid.

5th June 2012, 12:53
...Or are lucky enough to be a greedy pig who can eat all u like without putting on an ounce....like me.

It's all in the genes. :D

5th June 2012, 12:58
...Or are lucky enough to be a greedy pig who can eat all u like without putting on an ounce....like me.

It's all in the genes. :D

You must burn it off somehow, Graham....:D

5th June 2012, 13:40
According to my boy, most of it is converted to flatulence. :action-smiley-081:

An area where he does NOT seem to share my sense of humour. :Erm:

David ted
5th June 2012, 13:59
i agree-i thought filipinofood was dreadful-everything fried.the shopping mall food fast food-was so usa

5th June 2012, 14:41
Hahaha. :laugher:

Honesty is the best policy. :D