View Full Version : New UK border chief quizzed over links to holiday club called W.O.G.S

3rd June 2012, 08:19
:doh looks like this happened more than 20yrs ago

The new head of the UK Border Force was questioned by a senior Scotland Yard detective over his alleged involvement with a group whose initials spell out a derogatory term for black people.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2153828/New-UK-border-chief-quizzed-links-holiday-club-called-W-O-G-S-Immigration-officer-denies-claims-went-trips-controversial-group.html#ixzz1wiDtFgZV

3rd June 2012, 09:40
Some people really really need to get a grip :NoNo:

3rd June 2012, 09:46
Soon they'll be checking to see if anyone has an old jar of Robertson's Jam on the shelf. :NoNo:

The black girl I was engaged to back in the 80s used to collect the Golly badges ...funnily enough. She also had a sense of humour. :)

3rd June 2012, 13:28
If u got any old tapes of the black and white minstrel show or even love thy neighbour better have a bonfire quick before the pc police come a knocking:Cuckoo: