View Full Version : tropical storm "AMBO"

3rd June 2012, 09:17
I hope this isn't too serious!


3rd June 2012, 09:20
It's dumped a load of rain over my place, but reading yeaterday, it is moving back out towards Japan now. But I believe some Filipine fishermen have been lost at sea.


If you use google earth and it's weather tab, you can get more info on the storm and track it.

3rd June 2012, 09:24
It's dumped a load of rain over my place, but reading yeaterday, it is moving back out towards Japan now. But I believe some Filipine fishermen have been lost at sea.

ohhh SH*T hope you haven't been flooded?! And i hope they try to rescue them! i Was in gen san with my girlfriend when SENDONG hit mindanao ive never heard rain like it! it was like hammers hitting the tin sheet roofing. then it gave way and we got flooded and we had to bail all the water out but some of our neighbours got flooded really badly:Help1:

3rd June 2012, 12:24
5 missing in the Philippines as Ambo leaves the Philippines.....


3rd June 2012, 16:31
In the dive shop we used


as our daily weather check, anything storm signal 1 or above meant no diving that day (and no ferries to Cebu)