View Full Version : Proof of relationship - chat log. Does it matter if it's mine or hers?

3rd June 2012, 16:52

Mind if I ask this quick question, it doesn't seem to have been asked before - maybe because it's daft..........answers on a postcard to the usual address.

We all know in a visa application, they want proof of relationship - and this can be e-mails, telephone bills, yahoo/skype/msn/sending over a pigeon chat logs etc

Well, since the one making the application for a UK visa is the foreign national (Even though the UK partner probably and does help enormously in filling in the forms and stuff), does this mean that the chat log needs to be her end? Or does it really matter.

In my case for example, I can go into Yahoo mail, and click on "conversations" - and it shows all the dates we chatted. At the top it says it's my mailbox, then there is a long list with her name on again and again with dates and times.

It's just - it would be a LOT easier for me to print these out at my end and take them to her for her submission, but perhaps it needs to be showing from her mail account?

I suspect this is a silly question, but if you don't ask....

Thanks again

3rd June 2012, 17:17
I don't think it matters. In our case I had them printed at this end and posted them to my wife. It could have equally been done at the other end.