View Full Version : flights to manila

4th June 2012, 10:16
anyone flown with air china, if so what are they like, seems to be the cheapest way to the phils at this moment

4th June 2012, 11:27
Outlaws went with them recently - nightmare, 5 hours in Beijing, baggage weight probs on return leg in Manila. Best avoided

4th June 2012, 12:55
My wife arrived here in the winter courtesy of Air China and had no problems at all in fact she was quite impressed. Please also bear in mind they codeshare with Virgin on the route from Beijing and are considered a 4 star airline but like any aircraft operator, schedules and baggage can from time to time be less than perfect so u pays your money and u take your choice.

4th June 2012, 13:38
Rumour is they have a stop over in the Spratelys now :icon_lol:

I have no personal experience with them but it would take a considerable reduction in the standard return fare (£800?) to make me choose them.

4th June 2012, 20:57
I would not use them while China is in a territorial dispute with the Philippines? I was even wondering if Cathay Pacific flights are safe from interference?

4th June 2012, 21:32
Fair point Deeen, might not be the best time to book a flight with them considering the current political situation between China and Phil, as an alternative u wont get any better than Singapore Airlines if their prices arent too expensive.

4th June 2012, 22:09
Hopefully Aquino and Dave will push things through for direct flights from Manila to Heathrow......:xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th June 2012, 22:13
Hopefully Aquino and Dave will push things through for direct flights from Manila to Heathrow......:xxgrinning--00xx3:

you never know, stranger things happen at sea:)

5th June 2012, 15:00
Hopefully Aquino and Dave will push things through for direct flights from Manila to Heathrow......:xxgrinning--00xx3:

All Aquino needs to do is sort things out at his end then commercially astute airlines will do the rest