View Full Version : ANOTHER baby mauled by a Bull Terrier.

5th June 2012, 10:15
On the radio news this morning.

A two-year attacked by a 'Staffordshire' Bull Terrier. :NoNo: The baby's ear and part of its nose torn off.

When oh when are STUPID IDIOTS going to keep delicate tiny babies away from :censored: potentially dangerous fighting dogs....or ANY dogs for that matter ?

The damned creature has been destroyed. Owner and parents should be whipped in my opinion. There are few subjects that make me more angry. :cwm23:

5th June 2012, 10:21
well, yesterday we was out at the local park, picnics and lots of kids having fun, then all you need is 1 prat to have one of these dogs and the owner is built the same , you know the sort walking with his arms open swagging , well this dog was running everywhere and all he was doing is the walk utter tw---t he was but you know what would happen if you said something, its not the dogs fault its the owners, these dogs are a status thats all, you have the tattood t---t and the missis 2 young babies and the dog nothing else, complete wasters that cant look after themselves never mind the kids and dog

5th June 2012, 10:31
The government should enforce properly the existing dangerous dog act and re-introduce licensing...subject to satisfactory home-check.

They should also stop listening to the soft-in-the -head fools who think all doggies are loveable little members of the family who can do no wrong. :rolleyes:

Dogs are predators that need training and controlling. They carry diseases and most are capable of killing a child or even an adult....especially those that have been bred specifically for their aggressive traits.

I'm not against dogs as pets. I owned my own pet store for 5 years, and have had some great dogs myself as pets, but I'm a responsible owner and live in the real world, not some soppy doggy paradise where owners consider that all dogs are some kind of humans with four legs. :NoNo:

5th June 2012, 10:51
The problem here is, that bull terriers are the new "yob dog". You know the thing, they have to have an accessory just to show how "well-ard" they really are (some would say the other accessory is a fat girlfriend with tasteless tattoos, stuffing a greggs pasty into her mouth whilst shoutin "Chelsea get your :censored: :censored: over ere now).

They have realised Rottweilers are too much trouble, big for a house, and if not controlled very well, can bite back, and they aren't allowed to have pitbulls anymore - so they went over to Staffies. The added bonus is that they look a little like pitbulls, if you sort of squint a bit.

They don't get them neutered, so nearly every other rescue pup is a staffie (It's the owners who should do us all a favour and get themselves neutered mind)

So we have a dog which is being kept for the wrong reasons, with an owner who has no idea, and is too arrogant to give a toss of the havoc his "accessory" might be causing.

The ironic thing is, staffies are not inherently vicious. They sure look it, and the way and shape they have been bred, they will pack a very strong bite, but if trained, then you're unlikely to have issues. Rottweilers have a bit of a strange mindset and need strong control, Yorkshire Terriers are by nature bad tempered and quite violent, but no-one has a problem because you don't just kick them away if they attack you, as sort of flick them away :icon_lol:

It's the old saying, how those who have the most kids and dogs tend to be those who shouldn't have control of either.

5th June 2012, 11:15
Too true.

It has got to the point now though where there has been so much out-crossing from the original Staffordshires (and I remain to be convinced that THEY are all loveable little innocents) that most of the dogs owned by the drug-dealers and other such crooks and assorted macho brain-dead scum, are now suspect as to temperament.

IMO all breeding of them should be stopped.

Yes, it is subjective and some may consider it unfair on the poor little doggies and their doting followers, but quite honestly there are more important things in this world than preserving outdated breeds of dog. :NoNo: Lord knows there are enough to choose from.

The soppy RSPCA should take the lead here by euthanasing all Pit-Bull lookalikes that come into their kennels.

The safety of helpless children (and other dogs) has to be more important, and it is a sad day for humanity when it is not.

5th June 2012, 11:38
The problem would soon go away if the Govt euthanised the owners - would also solve a host of other issues at the same time

5th June 2012, 11:41
My Patterdale dog, is very friendly, but it amazes me how people including kids approach him.
They stick their hands straight to pat his head!

When approaching and dog (if you must) you should offer the back of your hand for them to sniff and go off their reaction, if they do not want to be handled by you they will back away.

He (Charlie) is always on his lead around people and I am controlling everything, I would not automatically trust any dog no matter if the tail is wagging:NoNo:


5th June 2012, 12:02
It's the old saying, how those who have the most kids and dogs tend to be those who shouldn't have control of either.

what you say about the rest i do agree but this totaly wrong, i am 1 of 15 and we had dogs, lots of control in our home, the kids and the dogs never stepped out of place and look at us now

5th June 2012, 12:37
My Patterdale dog, is very friendly, but it amazes me how people including kids approach him.
They stick their hands straight to pat his head!

When approaching and dog (if you must) you should offer the back of your hand for them to sniff and go off their reaction, if they do not want to be handled by you they will back away.

He (Charlie) is always on his lead around people and I am controlling everything, I would not automatically trust any dog no matter if the tail is wagging:NoNo:



Even my normally sweet-natured and totally obedient Border Collie bitch was nervous of small children and growled if they approached her....through fear.

Not all dogs grow up with kids around them, and will naturally resort to instinctive defensive behaviour.

5th June 2012, 12:51
How many more times is this going to happen before the problem is seriously addressed. Half these idiots with staffordshires and other such breeds have no interest in animals, its just a status symbol. Time to outlaw many breeds or at least make licensing the owners compulsory.
Anybody who leaves a dog around an unattended baby or small child should be done for neglect. :cwm23:

5th June 2012, 12:55
AND whipped. :angry:

5th June 2012, 16:50
all dogs, even labrador pups can kill