View Full Version : new neighbours

5th June 2012, 11:55
we have some new people next door they rent the place and its a young couple with a baby, the language that comes out there mouths, he sounds a right bully, f--ing this and f---ing that to the baby, shut your f---ing crying,your doing my f----ing head in, the baby must be so clever if they understand his langauge, makes me boil but what do you do, yes i dont speak to them but maks you so mad, but is this how it is now, the funny thing about this is i dont hear the baby at all, and it seems only to happen once the mother goes out, i shall have to keep my ears open to this bully and may have to make a phone call if it gets any worst

5th June 2012, 14:55
I think you should make social services aware of what you have heard immediately. If the child came to any harm and you hadnt reported it then you will feel awful.

5th June 2012, 15:01
Yep, keep an eye on things and phone social services if you have any concerns for the child's safety. :)

Such a shame that people like this are allowed to breed. :NoNo:

5th June 2012, 15:16
Yep especially if your saying it only happens when the mum goes out. Danger signals there Steve and I think you should make a call

5th June 2012, 15:28
Personally I agree with all the above comments and suggestions.

It's always a difficult and tricky call but I do think you should think extra cautiously.
Me I would make an initial call immediately explaining your concerns. Since they are new in the area it could be a good time for social services to do some background checks.

5th June 2012, 16:52
They may have a history of the same and that is why they have moved about. Certainly have the Social Services number to hand, maybe try to covertly record what you hear through the walls.