View Full Version : New minimum income requirements for UK spouse visa

6th June 2012, 18:18
hi guys, hope everyone had a great weekend and enjoyed the jubilee celebrations :) does anyone believe that new minimum income requirement will come into affect this year? we were told in april this year that changes would come into affect, then a further statement mentioning 6th june, as of yet, i havent heard anything.. i hope these new proposals will not come into affect as we plan to start our visa process in the next couple of months. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
6th June 2012, 19:17
Hello again, Robert. I think you're already aware of MY feelings on this thorny subject. :angry: I deplore the whole concept ... and - with people like your goodself in mind - decided, yesterday, to resurrect an # old thread of mine in order to ascertain if ANYONE had heard anything further about the changes supposedly earmarked for 6 June.

# 'Minimum Income Proposals'

Whilst no-one seems to be any the wiser, I've had a few replies since ... one being from Joe, who believes they're likely to happen sometime this month. :doh

I seem to recall from our previous correspondence that - even though you might be eligible to apply for an EEA Permit - you'd prefer to use the UK Spousal route ... and, of course, that is your prerogative. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th June 2012, 19:31
also i think they need to give 3wks notice, so could be end of July, who knows, this gov done so many U turns :crazy::D

6th June 2012, 19:35
also i think they need to give 3wks notice, so could be end of July, who knows, this gov done so many U turns :crazy::D

And a U turn on U turns policy. :D

6th June 2012, 19:49
And a U turn on U turns policy. :D

yes so many turns they gone around the bend :Cuckoo::action-smiley-081:

6th June 2012, 20:26
Begs the question of if they'd need to put any change to income through parliament, in which case it'd have to be tacked on to a bill, and won't come in this year.

Depends on if it could be classed as a departure enough from the law to warrant being part of a parliamentary bill, as for example, they are having to do with the change of preventing anyone appealing against a refusal of family visit visa. Some types of applications they can just stop, but it looks like to prevent ALL - it's had to be tacked on to the crime bill.........or something like that.

Frankly who knows. They have said "in due course" - which could mean today, tomorrow or in 2 years

6th June 2012, 20:41
Begs the question of if they'd need to put any change to income through parliament, in which case it'd have to be tacked on to a bill, and won't come in this year.

Depends on if it could be classed as a departure enough from the law to warrant being part of a parliamentary bill, as for example, they are having to do with the change of preventing anyone appealing against a refusal of family visit visa. Some types of applications they can just stop, but it looks like to prevent ALL - it's had to be tacked on to the crime bill.........or something like that.

Frankly who knows. They have said "in due course" - which could mean today, tomorrow or in 2 years

immigration rules are not primary or secondary legislation and are therefore not generally debated in parliament. They come get force unless disapproved of by parliament which is unusual. There would be no need for proposed changes to the rules to be mentioned in the queens speech.

6th June 2012, 20:58
Ahh ok, thanks

6th June 2012, 21:21
I would not worry about the new income support as long you got full time job and you can prove you can take care your wife and got proof should be fine but the way things are these days nothing's easy.

16th June 2012, 18:35
Is this what you're referring to?


17th June 2012, 10:05
Is this what you're referring to?



18th June 2012, 21:30
So the changes will come into effect from the 9th July? I mean, it is definite that it will be at the lower limit of £18,600?

Arthur Little
18th June 2012, 22:32
Amazing that the Government invariably manages to crack-on with all its *unpopular [*with US measures ... while seeming to dragging its heels on other, more urgent issues. :doh