View Full Version : Can i celebrate now??????!!!!

7th June 2012, 02:32
I woke up today and checked my email right away, found this message on my inbox. How about this guys?

Your visa will be despatched shortly. Passports can normally be collected from the Visa Application Centre after 3 days. Applicants in Australia and New Zealand should allow 3 days before tracking their documents via the local post. UKBA-Manila Visa Hub


7th June 2012, 02:38
you need to wait til your passport is in your hand :rolleyes:,
but good luck :xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th June 2012, 02:42
you need to wait til your passport is in your hand :rolleyes:,
but good luck :xxgrinning--00xx3:

But normally, people who receive this email got their visas? :Erm: Just got excited! :D The email woke me up! :icon_lol:

7th June 2012, 02:46
But normally, people who receive this email got their visas? :Erm: Just got excited! :D The email woke me up! :icon_lol:

no everyone get's that message, its an automatic response, means they have made their decision, most people get their visa, only a small number are refused, so some people have link this with getting a visa, i think some people who were refused also got this msg :NoNo:

7th June 2012, 02:51
no everyone get's that message, its an automatic response, means they have made their decision, most people get their visa, only a small number are refused, so some people have link this with getting a visa, i think some people who were refused also got this msg :NoNo:

Because the last time I got granted with my tourist visa I also eceived this email. Well, you're right there sir, moment of truth is when I get my passport on hand. Will let you know right away. :icon_lol:

7th June 2012, 03:24
The wording seems self explanatory. Congratulations :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Miss Taurus
7th June 2012, 05:23

7th June 2012, 05:42
congrats melovesengland!! :Jump::Jump::Jump::Jump::Jump: i hope i be hearing more celebration here... INCLUDING MINE :))

Eyes O'Donnell
7th June 2012, 06:19
Congratulations in advance :) God is really good :xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th June 2012, 06:41
It looks promising! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th June 2012, 08:11
good luck

7th June 2012, 08:58
The wording seems self explanatory. Congratulations :xxgrinning--00xx3:

thanks bigmarco. :pray::pray::pray: hope its a yes!

7th June 2012, 08:59

Tnx Ms taurus! I hope this is for real now! :)

7th June 2012, 09:01
good luck

thanks. Hope its a yes!

7th June 2012, 09:03
It looks promising! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Its does. I hope I got a yes. :pray:

7th June 2012, 09:04
Congratulations in advance :) God is really good :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Thank you eyes! positive3x! phew! Cant wait to see me passport back! :)

7th June 2012, 09:09
congrats melovesengland!! :Jump::Jump::Jump::Jump::Jump: i hope i be hearing more celebration here... INCLUDING MINE :))

fingers cross to us still mylittlehaven07!!! hope we get a yes! :Wave:

7th June 2012, 09:42
congrats! :Jump:

7th June 2012, 10:14
I'm praying for you here....and I'm an Atheist. :D

Good luck ! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th June 2012, 11:12
congrats! :Jump:

Thanks Raynaputi! :Wave:

7th June 2012, 11:13
I'm praying for you here....and I'm an Atheist. :D

Good luck ! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Thanks sir grahamw48! hope its a yes! praying mode!

7th June 2012, 12:33
Goodluck to us both! I got the same message too just this afternoon! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th June 2012, 12:40
So....fingers crossed for you too. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
7th June 2012, 14:04
Your visa will be despatched shortly . . UKBA-Manila Visa Hub


:appl: ... commonsense prevails! :BouncyHappy: Heartiest Congratulations! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th June 2012, 14:26
Goodluck to us both! I got the same message too just this afternoon! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Ohh! I hope we both get granted! Cross fingers to us!

7th June 2012, 14:27
So....fingers crossed for you too. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Yes! thank you Sir Graham. Will let you know right away the result. Nervous me!

7th June 2012, 14:28
:appl: ... commonsense prevails! :BouncyHappy: Heartiest Congratulations! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Thank you Sir arthur little! Fingers crossed still.

7th June 2012, 18:39
You definitely got it! Congrats! :Jump::xxgrinning--00xx3:

8th June 2012, 07:56
Well done and congratulations :Jump:

8th June 2012, 10:27
So....fingers crossed for you too. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Thanks! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

8th June 2012, 10:29
Ohh! I hope we both get granted! Cross fingers to us!

Yes! I hope so too! Fingers crossed for both of us! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

8th June 2012, 10:33
Hi guys! Just want to ask when you made your application? Thank you and Congratulations to you guys again!

8th June 2012, 10:39
Hi Paully! I lodged mine April 19, so it was 7 weeks of patiently waiting! :yikes:

8th June 2012, 10:40
Hi! May I know when you applied for your visa? Thank you and Congratulations to you!

8th June 2012, 10:41
I'm so happy for you! I hopw I will get mine soon!

8th June 2012, 10:48
I'm so happy for you! I hopw I will get mine soon!
Best of luck to you then! Just keep on praying :xxgrinning--00xx3:

8th June 2012, 15:12
Hi guys! Just want to ask when you made your application? Thank you and Congratulations to you guys again!

I lodge me app 26th of April and got an email 3 weeks after but was refused due to some mistakes on our app form but then we sent an email to the ECM requesting to reconsider our application and fortunately they grant our wish. As of the moment, I am waiting for my passport after I sent it back to the embassy last Friday. Hoping to receive a yes! :)

8th June 2012, 15:14
I'm so happy for you! I hopw I will get mine soon!

Hoping for all the best for you love! Hope we all get granted!

Arthur Little
8th June 2012, 17:03
Fingers crossed still.

Uncross your fingers ... this time it's DEFINITELY on its way! :)

8th June 2012, 18:08
happy happy news bless you lots :)
