View Full Version : “He needs help with regards to thinking skills.”

7th June 2012, 18:43
Quote from a scrotes defending lawyer :laugher:

Facebook jibe nails court liar

A DOZY yob on trial for a baseball bat attack was forced to plead guilty after boasting he’d get off — on Facebook.

Michael Ruse, 21, posted a status update before the jury was sent out saying: “I think I get away with it tbh x.”

Arrogant Ruse, who attacked a friend’s dad, added things were “looking good” after a pal got in touch.

Their exchange was printed and delivered anonymously to the prosecution at Portsmouth Crown Court.

Faced with the evidence, Ruse admitted assault — then returned to Facebook before sentence to describe Judge Ian Pearson as “stuck up”.

Imposing a 46-week suspended jail term, the judge said: “You pleaded guilty only really because you were stupid enough to put on Facebook what amounted to a full confession.”

Russell Pyne, defending, said: “He needs help with regards to thinking skills.”

After the hearing, Ruse, of Leigh Park, Hants, posted on Facebook: “Best start sorting myself out.”


7th June 2012, 22:39
No doubt we're paying for his broadband. :rolleyes: