View Full Version : An outrage

7th June 2012, 23:40
Former soldier who took on NHS bosses in fight to get life-saving drug dies of terminal cancer aged 37

Father of two spent six months battling to get drug Avastin
Postcode lottery meant he could not get medicine that was available to patients living just a few miles away
Eventually lied about address to get treatment - but it was too late

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2155882/Former-soldier-took-penny-pinching-NHS-bosses-fight-life-saving-drug-dies-terminal-cancer-aged-37.html#ixzz1x9LmUJKu

:angry:What a disgrace, had he jumped off the back of a lorry in Dover onto the gravy train he'd have the full NHS resources thrown at him

8th June 2012, 00:49
What a disgrace, had he jumped off the back of a lorry in Dover onto the gravy train he'd have the full NHS resources thrown at him

your so right