View Full Version : This weeks Scum of the Earth

8th June 2012, 18:31
Robbers sneaked into stroke victim’s hospital room and wrenched engagement ring off her finger as she lay in bed

The theft allegedly took place in Bradford when stroke victim Christine Brown was dozing

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2156514/Robbers-snuck-stroke-victim-s-hospital-room-wrenched-engagement-ring-finger-lay-bed.html#ixzz1xDwfE600

I wonder what country these disgusting vermin crawled out from ?

Robert Ziga, 28
Stanislav Jano, 24

Arthur Little
8th June 2012, 18:41
Robbers sneaked into stroke victim’s hospital room and wrenched engagement ring off her finger as she lay in bed

The theft allegedly took place in Bradford when stroke victim Christine Brown was dozing

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2156514/Robbers-snuck-stroke-victim-s-hospital-room-wrenched-engagement-ring-finger-lay-bed.html#ixzz1xDwfE600

I wonder what country these disgusting vermin crawled out from ?

Robert Ziga, 28
Stanislav Jano, 24

Regardless of WHICH country they belong to - or, indeed, the stone they crawled from beneath - those who commit atrocities like the one described above, deserve to be "stroked" ... with the birch! :xxaction-smiley-047

8th June 2012, 22:11
:censored: Low life scum.

8th June 2012, 22:41
That's what happens when you open your borders to a vast cesspool of crooks who come here to get what they can, like a plague of rats. :NoNo:

Are your daughters safe out there now ?

8th June 2012, 23:08
The criminal scum of the former Eastern Bloc flock over here in the knowledge that we are a soft touch and if caught will only receive a limp wristed sentence. Contrast this with Malaysia or Singapore - this type of vile crime is non existent because the filth know it wold be punished by a brutal thrashing and long prison sentence.

Arthur Little
8th June 2012, 23:19
a brutal *thrashing

*:yeahthat: ... as I've already advocated!

9th June 2012, 00:17
The criminal scum of the former Eastern Bloc flock over here in the knowledge that we are a soft touch and if caught will only receive a limp wristed sentence. Contrast this with Malaysia or Singapore - this type of vile crime is non existent because the filth know it wold be punished by a brutal thrashing and long prison sentence.


When the British were their colonial masters we also had the Birch and a proper system of punishment too, so they obviously decided to retain some of 'the best bits' of the old British system after independence. :rolleyes:

9th June 2012, 10:39

When the British were their colonial masters we also had the Birch and a proper system of punishment too, so they obviously decided to retain some of 'the best bits' of the old British system after independence. :rolleyes:

It just goes to show how foolish and shortsighted the UK was in abolishing corporal and capital punishment.

9th June 2012, 10:46
Another germ

Norwich police hunt man who stole wallet from blind victim


9th June 2012, 12:30
in the good old days, if you did step out of place you got a good hidding from the locals, well that cannot happen now, but surely these so called imigrants who do this should be sent back to there country or where ever they came from, just my thoughts

9th June 2012, 13:09
Agree Steve, but unfortunately they have more rights than either their victims or the rest of us resident taxpayers. :NoNo:

9th June 2012, 13:16
Robbers sneaked into stroke victim’s hospital room and wrenched engagement ring off her finger as she lay in bed

The theft allegedly took place in Bradford when stroke victim Christine Brown was dozing

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2156514/Robbers-snuck-stroke-victim-s-hospital-room-wrenched-engagement-ring-finger-lay-bed.html#ixzz1xDwfE600

I wonder what country these disgusting vermin crawled out from ?

Robert Ziga, 28
Stanislav Jano, 24

This rates as one of the most disgusting reports I've ever seen.
I can't write how this makes me feel.

Just what goes through the minds of these people?

9th June 2012, 14:01
there is no names you can call people like this, the only thing for these people that do this is a hammer to there heads or better still a shotgun, yes wrong i know but these scum know no differance, you see them everywhere street corners and in gangs, and i bet 90% are from europe, its about time that we told europe and there people to f---- off, England can still be great if the goverment just listerned to its people, but time is running out i am afraid

9th June 2012, 14:09
we will keep reading about lowlifes like this until border checks are enforced and those with criminal records are not even able to board a plane or boat to the UK.

why are people from outside Europe asked when they apply for a Vist visa
do you have any criminal convictions in any country
(including traffic offences)

yet lowlifes can freely come to the UK from any European country just because we're in the EU :NoNo:,

Arthur Little
9th June 2012, 17:09
We're constantly being fed with stories about the horrors of war. And it's truly heartbreaking to hear about the fate of so many young men (and women) killed on active service in our Armed Forces. Deaths and bloodshed that could (and should) have been prevented had :Britain: declined to get involved in Middle East conflicts of little relevance to this country.

Contrast the bravery - and needless sacrifice - of those youngsters (who paid the ultimate price in the cause of freedom for a nation responsible for breeding :crazy: scum like the b:censored:s referred to above) with the latter's despicable behaviour, and you're left wondering WHERE the f:censored:k it is all going to end! :bigcry:

9th June 2012, 18:22
It will end when the UK ceases to put itself forward as the saviour of the world, some sort of stray dogs home for all those with a concocted hard-luck story and without the balls to stay and sort their own countries out. :NoNo:

I'm watching developments in Syria with bated breath.

The next lot of refugees ? :rolleyes:

In future they'll be fighting out their pathetic tribal and religious quarrels on OUR streets. :angry:

STUPID government and STUPID hand-wringing do-gooders !

Nature loves lowest common denominators, and that is rapidly what this country is on its way to becoming.

9th June 2012, 18:55
im ashamed of my country:NoNo: