View Full Version : sad and depress

9th June 2012, 12:56
hello! it's been a while since my last post.:bigcry: I received my refusal of entry April 13th ,Friday, I was so devastated.been busy on how to do my appeal and luckily a friend of my husband help us on my appeal.He will be my representative.He lodged the appeal May 8,2012 and he said he will let us know the reference allocated to the appeal in due course,but it's been a month now and I haven't receive any email from him.No news at all.I do really miss my husband so much.I can't do anything at the moment because I gave him the full authority about my appeal I am just relying on his email and phone call.
The Decision:
Submitting photographs in large groups does not satisfy me that this equates to a bona fide relationship.I am satisfied that your application does not meet the requirements of paragraph 281(iii)

9th June 2012, 13:09
that can't be the only reason for the refusal ?

9th June 2012, 13:42
hello! it's been a while since my last post.:bigcry: I received my refusal of entry April 13th ,Friday, I was so devastated.been busy on how to do my appeal and luckily a friend of my husband help us on my appeal.He will be my representative.He lodged the appeal May 8,2012 and he said he will let us know the reference allocated to the appeal in due course,but it's been a month now and I haven't receive any email from him.No news at all.I do really miss my husband so much.I can't do anything at the moment because I gave him the full authority about my appeal I am just relying on his email and phone call.
The Decision:
Submitting photographs in large groups does not satisfy me that this equates to a bona fide relationship.I am satisfied that your application does not meet the requirements of paragraph 281(iii)

Sorry to hear this news. Eahjay, what other evidence of your relationship did you submit? Was it just pics?

9th June 2012, 14:34
there's another reason about me not submitting statement of result for the English test.Without this ECO is not satisfied that my application meets the requirements of paragraph 281(i)(a)(ii)(iii), I didn't include my statement of result because I thought the certificate is enough proof of me passing the English test and it state there that I Pass w/ Merit.So, when I lodged my appeal I include the statement of result same w/ the confirmation of entry and receipt. I don't even know what kind of pictures they need to be satisfied that our relationship is genuine.I submitted all the necessary documents and that's the only reason they gave me why they refuse my entry.and I apologize for my mistake I received my refusal April 20.

9th June 2012, 14:37
another one reason is paragraph 281(i)(a)(ii-vi)

9th June 2012, 15:11
which english test did you take, did it have your grades for all the sections on your cert ?

i think the pics are just a secondary reason for refusal, the primary reason might be your english cert,

9th June 2012, 16:44
which english test did you take, did it have your grades for all the sections on your cert ?

i think the pics are just a secondary reason for refusal, the primary reason might be your english cert,

Very sorry to hear about your refusal.

I feel joebloggs is correct in that your lack of English Test pass certificate is the primary reason for refusal.
Usually the pass certificate/notification letter contains the name of the test and the score so that the ECO can see it's an approved test from an approved provider and with a pass at the required level.

Please can you let us know which test and which provider?

If it does not appear on the UKBA listing I doubt if the appeal will suceed and you may be better advised to re-apply with a compliant English Test Certificate and perhaps stronger evidence of your ongoing relationship.

9th June 2012, 16:57
University of Cambridge Esol Examination Key English Test Council of Europe Level A2 Pass w/ Merit. I thought the certificate alone is enough proof for them to know that I passed the English test requirements,that's why when I lodged my appeal I included the statement of results, confirmation of entry and the receipt as well.thanks for all your response.

9th June 2012, 17:07
University of Cambridge Esol Examination Key English Test Council of Europe Level A2 Pass w/ Merit. I thought the certificate alone is enough proof for them to know that I passed the English test requirements,that's why when I lodged my appeal I included the statement of results, confirmation of entry and the receipt as well.thanks for all your response.

I think that has been an extremely harsh decision for you. It should be so easy for the ECO to contact you and request you send in all other supporting documents to confirm you pass certifciate.
It's quite possible that the ECM may overturn the refusal. Lets hope so.

9th June 2012, 17:11
I've known my husband since 2008,we got engaged 2010,we've got loads of pictures to support the engagement.we also got loads of pictures together.Phone records and Skype records as well.We got married last year here in the Philippines.What kind or type of pictures do they like to see? Can't really understand that?Do I need to hire a photographer to take photos of us and follow us wherever and what ever we do for ECO's satisfaction?

9th June 2012, 17:17
I've known my husband since 2008,we got engaged 2010,we've got loads of pictures to support the engagement.we also got loads of pictures together.Phone records and Skype records as well.We got married last year here in the Philippines.What kind or type of pictures do they like to see? Can't really understand that?Do I need to hire a photographer to take photos of us and follow us wherever and what ever we do for ECO's satisfaction?

From what you've said and submitted I think the ECO was also very harsh on the comments about your relationship. The ECO appears to have based the given opinion based on the fact that the only photo's submitted were of groups and not just the two of you together. Relationship cannot be determined solely on photographs, they should just be supporting key events, things you did together and places you went together.
I can empathise with your frustration and disappointment

9th June 2012, 17:18
thanks, Terpe,I am really devastated until now, I do really miss my husband it's been 9 months since we're together.Hope it will be over soon.I don't know how much longer do I need to wait.

9th June 2012, 17:19
I've known my husband since 2008,we got engaged 2010,we've got loads of pictures to support the engagement.we also got loads of pictures together.Phone records and Skype records as well.We got married last year here in the Philippines.What kind or type of pictures do they like to see? Can't really understand that?Do I need to hire a photographer to take photos of us and follow us wherever and what ever we do for ECO's satisfaction?

You may have done this already. But we submitted about 50 photos of us together and / or with relatives / friends. We also included wedding photos. We were advised that about 25 or so would be enough but we submitted about 50 all the same. We were also advised to submit a mix of locality and pictures that didnt show ourselves repeatedly in the same clothing. No need for a photographer.

I just copied and pasted about 3 per A4 page. So they were imbedded on A4. This sufficed.

9th June 2012, 17:26
thanks, Terpe,I am really devastated until now, I do really miss my husband it's been 9 months since we're together.Hope it will be over soon.I don't know how much longer do I need to wait.

I realise that this will not help you now, but it may help others reading this. Nine months is quite a long time without meeting and that will surely have been a contributing factor in the ECO's doubts about the relationship.

When such time periods pass without actually meeting it's always a good idea to arrange a physical face to face reunion shortly before submitting an application for settlement visa.
The ECO is often looking to satisfy any concerns about "intervening devotion" to confirm the relationship is genuine and lasting and that there is an intention to live together in UK.
The best way to evidence "intervening devotion" is to demonstrate on-going and recent physical contact.
Other forms of evidence can often be enough, but they do inevitably lead to increased scrutiny of the submitted evidence, and so needs to be comprehensive and clear.

9th June 2012, 17:27
I also submitted loads of pictures together,I am very sure that our relationship is pure and genuine.My problem now is how long do I really need to wait after I lodged my appeal?

9th June 2012, 17:34
i only sent about 2 pictures of me and the misses, but that was many years ago before all these visa clampdown.

lets hope the ECM overturns your refusal and it doesn't have to go to appeal :rolleyes:

9th June 2012, 17:38
he went back to uk october,then I took the English test, it takes 1 month for the result ,then another 1 month for releasing the certificate.I applied the visa as soon as I finish all the documents needed. we've waited for the visa application result for 3mos we didn't even realized it will take that long.We thought Ill be in UK April or May.

9th June 2012, 17:41
thanks joebloggs.

9th June 2012, 17:42
he went back to uk october,then I took the English test, it takes 1 month for the result ,then another 1 month for releasing the certificate.I applied the visa as soon as I finish all the documents needed. we've waited for the visa application result for 3mos we didn't even realized it will take that long.We thought Ill be in UK April or May.

Let's hope and pray that the ECM will overturn the refusal. Appeals can take a really time. Six months would not be uncommon.

Maybe this is a crazy question, but is it at all possible to re-apply with all the needed additional evidence?

9th June 2012, 17:55
Yes,Lastlid I did all that,I think I submitted pictures more that what you did,different occasions,parties we attended together like valentine party,birthday parties,Christmas party and places we've been to like Hotels,Pubs,Parks etc.

9th June 2012, 18:00
Thanks Terpe, I don't know really what's the best thing to do. Do you think it is better for me to re-apply even if I've already lodged my appeal?

9th June 2012, 18:02
Yes,Lastlid I did all that,I think I submitted pictures more that what you did,different occasions,parties we attended together like valentine party,birthday parties,Christmas party and places we've been to like Hotels,Pubs,Parks etc.


9th June 2012, 18:05
Thanks Terpe, I don't know really what's the best thing to do. Do you think it is better for me to re-apply even if I've already lodged my appeal?

i would wait a bit longer, the appeals tribunal have to send your appeal to the ECM In Manila for them to review your application and see if they will over turn it.

9th June 2012, 18:10
If tne ECM overturned the decision,how long will it take? anybody....

9th June 2012, 18:16
thanks everybody for all your advise and suggestions...I know everything will be ok.In God's time.

9th June 2012, 18:16
If tne ECM overturned the decision,how long will it take? anybody....

if they over turned it, they will ask for your passport again, hard to tell, probably a week or so before you get it back with your visa.

9th June 2012, 19:07
I am sorry to hear about the refusal of your visa. I applied for unmarried partner and luckily i was given a visa together with my 2 dependent children age 17 and 15 we are all now here in uk. They say unmarried partner is one of the hardest visa to apply i beleive so but with all the proper documentations surely you will make it i as aout to pay a 180k for an agency just to make sure i will have my visa but last minute thought that's too much done it all by my self.
I took my test with the ILTS got 5.5 passing grade is 4 i submited that result together with all our documents, photos from day 1 till the recent, emails, what they are looking for is the truthfulness of eveything that has been submited do not give them not even a small doubt means make sure from day 1 till present you will be able to show them that the relationship is real. Do not lose hope just keep going you will surely make it just in ase you want to apply again make sure next time you will point out the missing link.

9th June 2012, 22:23
Hi Eahjay
sorry about your situation just to let you know that we submitted my wifes appeal in April and are still waiting to hear. I have phoned them and they explained that they have a huge amount of appeals and it took them over a month to get confirmation that the appeal fee was paid. Things seem to go very slowly at the appeal service but there is no reason why your representative can not phone up for an update. Their telephone number is 03001231711 .
Please be patient as I'm sure everything will work out fine in the end

Eyes O'Donnell
10th June 2012, 03:49
thanks, Terpe,I am really devastated until now, I do really miss my husband it's been 9 months since we're together.Hope it will be over soon.I don't know how much longer do I need to wait.

Sorry to hear about your refusal. I know exactly, 100% how you're feeling. Its so hard being away from the one you love. I am feeling really SAD and DOWN about being apart from my husband who I miss terribly :bigcry::bigcry::bigcry: We need to stay strong in our faith and lets pray to God that he'll enlighten the ECO's mind and soften their heart.Stay positive and everything will be okay in the end :)
God bless

10th June 2012, 06:39
Thanks bigmarco for the info.My representative is a good friend of my husband.My husband send him an email coz' we didn't heard anything from him after a month of lodging my appeal,yesterday he rang my husband informing him that he keeps on ringing the IAC every other day and they can't give him any info at the moment.My only concern is for him letting me know any update or just even send me a little email for me not to worry too much.I know this situation is really upsetting any comforting words will help me a bit to ease my pain and suffering.I hope and pray that our appeal will have a positive result bigmarco.

Arthur Little
14th June 2012, 15:05
:sorry-2: ... there's nothing I can add to what has been said already - except to offer my sincere sympathies to you and your husband - secure in the knowledge that :luv13: [ultimately] conquers ALL!

20th June 2012, 07:38
sorry to hear that eejhay,,,,my appel granted may 2011 it takes 8mos to wait but this is for visit visa....

keep praying you will be together soon,,,i will lodge my fiance application nxt week and i am very nervous i don't want to feel what i hve experienced twice when i gt refused for my visit visa...:)