View Full Version : Can I still receive my ESA if I goto the Philippines or another Non - EU Country?

9th June 2012, 17:33
Just wondering, I know I can goto another EU Country for a short period of time, but can I goto the Philippines or another Non EU Country for a short holiday and still recieve my Contribution Based Employment and Support Allowance?

I would like to say thanks in Advance.

9th June 2012, 18:47
esa ,, employment support allowance, is paid because you agree to be available for work,

strictly speaking,if you are on holiday either eu , this country or any other country, then you are not available for work, therfore not entiteld to that bennefit,

leagaly you must inform them if you are sick and not available for work, in that case you may be eligable for a different allowence, you must tell them if you go on holiday, its possible they may allow a holiday break for a short period, but be aware your allowence may stop untill you return, short period being 1 or possibly 2 weeks, but that you would need to check with them, because holiday breaks i do not know i only think it may be possible

10th June 2012, 19:54
it will be stopped i was in same situation about this matter awhile back you will only get it if you inform them your going on holiday in uk hint hint you will only get it paid when you finish holiday and go back to employment office if you tell them your going out of the uk you will have to sign off

10th June 2012, 19:59
Yes, you must sign off and sign back on when you get back.

You are not 'available for work'.

10th June 2012, 20:00
I have since found out that so long as you are not going to be away from the country for more than 4 weeks and you are in receipt of ESA Contribution based and are in the Support group you can go to any Country so long as you let them know.

10th June 2012, 20:12
Have you got a link to the govt. site for that info....or had it confirmed in writing ? :)

10th June 2012, 22:13
You can be paid ESA for up to four weeks while on holiday abroad in any country if you return to the UK within 52 weeks. You must tell the ESA section before you go though I would recommend. I also twice spoke to them on the phone, not just to people who answer the phone but people in the Benefit Section.

Its on


If you are temporarily in another country, you can continue to receive either contribution-based or income-related ESA for the first four weeks of your absence, as long as you are unlikely to be away for more than 52 weeks.

10th June 2012, 23:29
Ah, ok. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I see the regulations are as complex as ever.