View Full Version : OMG, how did you all cope with wedding prep?!

9th June 2012, 18:25
A week and a half ago, after 4 long years, my partner and I got engaged (wheeee!!)! But since then, I've become so frustrated and stressed out with all the advice I've received about wedding preparations and my relatives insisting we have to get married at so-and-so place because it's more convenient for whatsisname, and it has to be much sooner rather than later because "your lolo's running out of time":omg:, and we have to invite everyone from this side of the family but it's okay if none of my other parent's family attends *hint hint*. The well-meaning interference is mind-blowingly stifling! Add the conflicting information I got from different churches about the Canonical interview & Pre-Cana seminar, and the caterer who agreed to a food-tasting scheduled for today but stopped replying to my messages, and you've got a newly engaged woman ready to break down!:bigcry::bigcry:

Today was the first day I sat down and thought about the legal side of things. Boy, am I confused! For some reason, my computer is currently unable to load any pages from the UK Home Office and I have no idea what forms/documents/requirements we'll need to get married and to have me move to the UK (yeah, I know I said a few years ago that I wanted M to move here, but after his last visit, he put his foot down and I'm moving instead).

So anyway, does anyone have any advice on the Canonical interview and church requirements? How long exactly before the wedding do we need to do this? Does the church need anything from the UK or the embassy to get this done? Can we just elope and get away with it (I have enough cash to get us both to Vegas)?:icon_lol:

9th June 2012, 18:29
Have a read on these sites..

http://www.weddingsatwork.com/culture_laws_churchforeign.html and


10th June 2012, 04:20
Thanks, Raynaputi!:Hellooo:

10th June 2012, 09:08
We just made sure we got married at City Hall, hundreds of miles away from the nearest relative, then back to the apartment with a few close friends and plenty of cases of beer.

Never caused us any problems, and she was on the plane with me to England 2 weeks later. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

A week to get over the jetlag and introduced her to my parents, who didn't even know I was engaged, let alone married. :icon_lol:

10th June 2012, 19:43
We did just that we oppted for civel wedding with the close relitives to her mum and dad then later we plan a big church wedding later for all the rest as marites has a very big familey i would need a small stadium to get them all in :laugher:good luck to you

18th June 2012, 21:18
introduced her to my parents, who didn't even know I was engaged, let alone married. :icon_lol:

Haha! Our parents are all excited about the wedding. I don't think we'd get away with sneaking off to get married.

we did just that we oppted for civel wedding with the close relitives to her mum and dad then later we plan a big church wedding later for all the rest as marites has a very big familey i would need a small stadium to get them all in :laugher:good luck to you

I know what you mean. :rolleyes: With a hundred guests (family with a handful of friends), my wedding is considered small and intimate.

19th June 2012, 11:13
They all think your loaded,if you do what they want you will buy more trouble than you know what to do with. :NoNo:

19th June 2012, 11:32
I think my wedding cost about p5000 including the 'extra' to the Judge and the San Miguels.

One relative present as a witness. :)

19th June 2012, 20:42
I think my wedding cost about p5000 including the 'extra' to the Judge and the San Miguels.

One relative present as a witness. :)

Yes, but in those day days you could have bought a house for P4000 :D

19th June 2012, 21:32
Oy...the Spanish HAD left by then you know. :D

19th June 2012, 21:34
Oy...the Spanish HAD left by then you know. :D


19th June 2012, 23:13
A week and a half ago, after 4 long years, my partner and I got engaged (wheeee!!)! ........... :

Many congratulations to you and your new fiancee on your engagement, Dontpushme! I do hope that making arrangements for your wedding becomes less stressful than it is for you at the moment :heartshape1:

19th June 2012, 23:27
Good luck with it mate, just focus on the end result, look deeply into your mahals eyes and focus on the future.
I went with the flow a little personally let the girls have it their way.

But don't stress because most people only think about themselves!


21st June 2012, 19:38
I know what you mean. :rolleyes: With a hundred guests (family with a handful of friends), my wedding is considered small and intimate.

Your situation sounds like mine and Ruby's. We both agreed simple, but nice..... I expect something fairly small..... Then I discover the 40 people in the entourage alone! She still insists it's simplified! :icon_lol: