View Full Version : Need a wife?

13th July 2007, 14:00
first of all I admit I'm rarely around hear as I'm mostly visit a german Phil-Forum.
But there has been posted a link I like to show you all.

Are you a busy guy looking for the perfect wife from the third world? if you are like us, you have found that searching, sellecting, chatting, visiting and marrying a wife from the third world take a lot of valuable time that could be spent doing other things like going to strip clubs, football games and hunting. If you wish there was a service to do this for you then


i did remove this link becuase some filipina's might be offended by it.. but for those who might find it funny, i've put it back.. so be warned. joebloggs

13th July 2007, 14:20
fake dating web site, but some, if not all filipina's might find it insulting.. so be warned ladies..

13th July 2007, 17:05
I think the person who made that website had a bad experienced with the filipina..but it is very insulting to us!

13th July 2007, 17:19
personally i think .. . . on the right day, in the right light . . . .


don't get me wrong LadyJ, I totally respect the phils and the people there, but it's a parody of how some people think the "mail order bride phenomenon"! ;)

13th July 2007, 19:05
Look at the costs doing it the way we did......probably cheaper using a catalogue and having them delivered via DHL :cwm24:

13th July 2007, 20:35
personally i think .. . . on the right day, in the right light . . . .


don't get me wrong LadyJ, I totally respect the phils and the people there, but it's a parody of how some people think the "mail order bride phenomenon"! ;)

maybe it wouldn't be so funny bigtombowski if you ever marry your filipina, and seeing how upset and insulted she becomes of all the media stereotyping of filipino's and thai's, that they are all bar girls, marry old western guys who are old enougth to be their grand dad. when i tell people where my wife is from, i get all the old jokes :icon_lol:, is she a ladyboy, how much did i pay her for, etc. i'm embarrassed for my wife, and unlike some people i didnt pick her from a dating website, i knew her sister, she could have been from any country in the world. in just happened she was from the philippines. I've had some of this crap from my own family, and from people i know, the fact is my wife is more intelligent than everyone of them, has earned 2 degrees and finds it all insulting to her and her country.. :cwm24:

13th July 2007, 21:39
Look at the costs doing it the way we did......probably cheaper using a catalogue and having them delivered via DHL :cwm24:

Only be cheaper if your wife phill than some big size 22 brit:icon_lol:

13th July 2007, 22:37
its not so funny or offensive but it is amusing,u know wat,people all have different ideas and say silly stuff,after i told my family i met my gf my brother wants to know when we will get married even after my first visit to her,as if my gf will just marry me that easy and quick?

maybe whoever did the web site as a phil wife?and just put down all the dumb stuff people think?

the one thing i know my gf is wonderfull so i dont really care what people think,so :censored: them!

[Bad language edited out - Admin]

13th July 2007, 22:57
the one thing i know my gf is wonderfull so i dont really care what people think,so :censored: them!


14th July 2007, 07:27
:xxgrinning--00xx3: thats true, i can laugh at anything and anyone, but my wife don't have the manc/scouse sense of humor.. yet .. :D

but i know it all :censored: my wife off, when she see's tv and newspapers taking the :censored: out of filipino's and thai's. coronation street with freds elliots bride, of course not only is he at least twice her age, but shes thai, and shes a scammer:NoNo:. and ting tong thai mail order bride in little britain..

the poor thai's have even a harder time than the pinoys, as i've said i go on a big thai forum, where many bar girls, are seen by people and even the embassy as prostitutes :NoNo:

i tell some people when asked where my wife is from, thats shes from Mindanao an island near the south china sea the reaction oh thats interesting, but when i tell people shes from the philippines sometimes i get the jokes or a smirk :NoNo:.

anyway my wife doesn't come on this forum, so :D :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th July 2007, 08:26
She will cook and clean for you
She will have sex with you any time you want
She will not express her opinion or get mouthy with you
She will take care of your kids from your prior marriage(s)
She requires nothing other than rice and fish to eat
She can be traded in for another within 5 years

HELL...................................is he mad? :angry:

True, it is very insulting to us.

14th July 2007, 09:16
She requires nothing other than rice and fish to eat

And lb for lb fish costs more than gold!!

14th July 2007, 10:48


14th July 2007, 11:36
She will cook and clean for you
She will have sex with you any time you want
She will not express her opinion or get mouthy with you
She will take care of your kids from your prior marriage(s)
She requires nothing other than rice and fish to eat
She can be traded in for another within 5 years

I don't cook much because my husband only eats lumpia and lechon kawali:doh
I don't clean because if I clean his mess he will say he can't find anything:action-smiley-081:
I can express my tiger looking face if I want to:CompBuster:
First thing I asked my husband b4 if he has kids below 18 because I don't like to look after them I only like him the one to pamper:furious3:
I don't eat rice and fish without veggy:angry:
In 5 years, I will be an elderly, no one will like me:Brick:

How is the owner of the site is related to Hitler then?

14th July 2007, 11:43
How is the owner of the site is related to Hitler then?
He can smell gas :omg:

14th July 2007, 11:44
hey, my gal Marivic found Tingtong from little britain intensely funny -- but in a much different way than the UK cynical sense of humour would interpret it! Her interpretation of the humour was more "innocent" in a way! lol! and I LOVE IT!

14th July 2007, 11:46
If you click on the media coverage and read right though it shows its not aimmed at those couples who are in loving relationships but sex tourists which is a terrible problem in Phill and other asian countries.

I have had two blokes chatting come up and telling me about how they have been to phill many times and a different woman each time maybe several on a trip. The really shocking things this was said in front of the girls they were with and in front of my Wife who was disgusted.

14th July 2007, 12:18
that's disgusting behaviour! sad men right?

14th July 2007, 13:44
that's disgusting behaviour! sad men right?

You need to be prepared to meet and see some strange people/things when in phill. Ofcourse meet a lot of nice people and see lots of beautiful places to.

I don't know what other similar countries to phill you have been to if your like me and haven't when you first went there it wil be an eye opener.

14th July 2007, 13:48

14th July 2007, 16:37
from what I can tell it's a parody type front end to a us-filipino chat room. so I don't see what the big deal is :Erm:

whether or not it reinforces stereotypes, or acts to break them I don't know.. but generally I'd say the latter was the case :CompBuster:

14th July 2007, 21:06
looking at the reactions of users on here, it seems the guys think its funny :icon_lol: and women think its insulting :NoNo:... :Erm:

maybe because women have to put up with it, while the guys don't.. as for bigtombowski g/f maybe she will see it as not so funny when shes here in the uk and faces the streotyping first hand :Erm:

14th July 2007, 21:09
looking at the reactions of users on here, it seems the guys think its funny :icon_lol: and women think its insulting :NoNo:... :Erm:

maybe because women have to put up with it, while the guys don't.. as for bigtombowski g/f maybe she will see it as not so funny when shes here in the uk and faces the streotyping first hand :Erm:

Well put but i think we need to reassure the Ladies that the site is actually trying to attack the people who belive this way and not them.

15th July 2007, 01:45
joe . . . you obviously have strong opinions on the issue at hand and i guess i can agree with everybody's side on here, so lets not go pointing fingers. I mean . . . i wouldn't click on a link that was something like www dot Irishmen are stupid dot com . . . because i would find it demeaning, so i just wouldn't click it. Maybe some others would get a laugh, and that's cool for them. Maybe if it were a parody at how irish people have the unfair (but sometimes deserved) reputation for being stereotypically stupid, then I'd go to it and laugh it up. It's all a matter of context, but really, i don't see why there should be an argument! If someone doesn't like it they won't go back! for me it's like a funny-once-movie. Its a roar the first time but u watch it again and it's the most boring thing on the planet! :)

it's my humble opinion and my 2 cents' worth --



15th July 2007, 04:17
i don't have strong opinions on it, but my wife does :yikes: for me everyone is a target :D, but i can understand why she gets :cwm23:, this and people thinking shes chinese :D make her :censored:...

no argument, bit of a debate, its good that its woken a few people up :icon_lol:, i work with :Rasp:, who shouldn't be let out on their own, everytime i've been to the philippines, i get all the paedophile and ladyboy jokes, this is how the saddo's see the philippines, they wouldn't even be able to spell the philippines never mind find it on a map :D., i've been 8 times to the philippines over many years, and the filipino people deserve a better image that most brits have of them, if not the world.

I can understand why the couple on here, who are advertising the housekeeper job, when they say they will take a filipino who are running away from an Arab family, i work with 2 libyans, and they tell me in their country they get treated badly and they do the jobs libyans dont want to do.

bigtom, you will have the best and worse time of your life in the philippines, the best because you'll meet your lady, and see how kind and decent most of the filipino's are, also how beautiful the philippines is, but you will not forget the poverty you might see, if you go thru some parts of manila.. :cwm24:

but have a great time, :xxgrinning--00xx3: and no theres no argument, my wife can defend herself and me :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol: .. fearless.. talking about fearless, she needs to clean out the gutters on the roof :D, oh don't all moan at me, me and me stepson tired to, but its 30ft + up :cwm24: we both got to about 20ft and had to come back down :yikes:, but the wife, pushing past, at a height of 5ft in her slippers, was up the ladder and cleaning the gutters before we could blink.. what a gal, thats filipina's for you :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:, my hero :xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th July 2007, 11:31
wow! lol!

In a sense I look forward to the poverty .. .. and to be honest, Manila isn't on my list of places to visit -- but I will see poverty where Mar lives because her family is poor from what i understand . ..

and in a weird way, there has always been a part of me that has desired to live in a "developing" country. I have always loved the idea of becoming a member of the local community in one of these places, and interestingly, most of the gals i had dated in the past had come from "developing" countries.

I have always had the dream to live amongst local communities and make a difference, one that is totally non-financially-motivated, and one that is of benefit to those who could never afford it any other way!

I guess, I have been preparing for the worst type of poverty . . . and . . . i'll not know what it feels like to be around it until i actually am! :D
The guy here in Belfast who teaches me Bisaya, he gives me a "no-frills", "warts and all" view of what the Philippines is really lilke. He tells me the GOOD things, and he also tells me the BAD things. I learn about all the beautiful silver linings and also the dark side of the beauty.

Hopefully, before i go, my eyes will be quite open to what im gonna see! lol¬

anyway, i have been rambling on here for long enough lol!



21st July 2007, 19:18
that's a harsh site i can't imagine how some people can do such thing for a laugh:cwm23: filipinos are human being not a laughing stuff I admit filipinos looking for a foreigner not for their own sake and most of the time they put themselves at risk to have a better life and there's nothing wrong in finding a nice life bec that's everyone goal to have a better future Still filipinos are the best wife can be:xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st July 2007, 20:31
that's a harsh site i can't imagine how some people can do such thing for a laugh:cwm23: filipinos are human being not a laughing stuff I admit filipinos looking for a foreigner not for their own sake and most of the time they put themselves at risk to have a better life and there's nothing wrong in finding a nice life bec that's everyone goal to have a better future Still filipinos are the best wife can be:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Exactly what the makers of the site are trying to say if you read though the media coverage page. Its attacking those who treat phills badly.

22nd July 2007, 02:08
i think the site is for those who can grasp the sharp irony of the page!

for example. i don't get all "hot under the collar" when i read this


coz i know it's only joking about irish people being stupid . . . in fact, if there were a massive disclaimer right there that said . . . "this is just a parody on the stereotypes that irish people have been attached to", then it would make me think . . . ummmm they are trying to make a statement!

again .. . if u don't like the idea of a "FILIPINA WIFE STORE", if the idea repulses you, parody or not, then PLEASE don't click on it!


22nd July 2007, 02:10
Jokes About The Irishmen
"Hey," said a new arrival in the pub, "I've got some great Irish jokes."

"Before you start," said the big bloke in the corner, ", I'm Irish."

"Don't worry," said the newcomer, "I'll tell them slowly."


22nd July 2007, 08:28
When I was in London last year I would wander around the streets alone on bright sunny days whilst Fiance goes for work, some people would ask me straight away if I am Japanese but would comment on my nice tan(i do have Jap blood and I am bit fair but tans up easily), I would tell them I am a Filipino and they would roll their eyes and wonder where that country is. Yes they can't even locate it in the map. I used to say it's in the Far East. That makes them confuseddotcom all the more. But anyway, I have not encountered anyone who have humiliated me for my being a Filipino but some friends of my fiance had warned him before not to get too serious with a Filipino lady as they would just want a ticket to the UK or any other Western Countries and would run off after getting the Citizenship, I know that has happened and fiance knows that too but duuhhh, the relationship grew stronger and we are now engaged and about to be married. And those jokes about Filipino ladyboys are true as well, I live here in the street of Manila where you could see them hanging out at night trying to catch any foriegn guy and yes my cousin is a ladyboy who is trying to sort his visa for the Republic of Ireland where he is to join his boyfriend. It's really fascinating to note. But who gives a :censored: right?
i don't have strong opinions on it, but my wife does :yikes: for me everyone is a target :D, but i can understand why she gets :cwm23:, this and people thinking shes chinese :D make her :censored:...

no argument, bit of a debate, its good that its woken a few people up :icon_lol:, i work with :Rasp:, who shouldn't be let out on their own, everytime i've been to the philippines, i get all the paedophile and ladyboy jokes, this is how the saddo's see the philippines, they wouldn't even be able to spell the philippines never mind find it on a map :D., i've been 8 times to the philippines over many years, and the filipino people deserve a better image that most brits have of them, if not the world.

I can understand why the couple on here, who are advertising the housekeeper job, when they say they will take a filipino who are running away from an Arab family, i work with 2 libyans, and they tell me in their country they get treated badly and they do the jobs libyans dont want to do.

bigtom, you will have the best and worse time of your life in the philippines, the best because you'll meet your lady, and see how kind and decent most of the filipino's are, also how beautiful the philippines is, but you will not forget the poverty you might see, if you go thru some parts of manila.. :cwm24:

but have a great time, :xxgrinning--00xx3: and no theres no argument, my wife can defend herself and me :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol: .. fearless.. talking about fearless, she needs to clean out the gutters on the roof :D, oh don't all moan at me, me and me stepson tired to, but its 30ft + up :cwm24: we both got to about 20ft and had to come back down :yikes:, but the wife, pushing past, at a height of 5ft in her slippers, was up the ladder and cleaning the gutters before we could blink.. what a gal, thats filipina's for you :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:, my hero :xxgrinning--00xx3:

22nd July 2007, 08:35
Fearless! You're right, gals from Mindanao are fearless...fiance have bought 4 large mirrors over the years for his place but did not have the courage to bore holes on the wall. I persuaded him to buy a drill at Robert Dyas in High Holborn, operated the machine and had him as helper. Viola, mirrors and frames on walls instantly. Call me Filipino and I'll show you one. Joe! I like your wife...tough girl hehe! Regards xxx

22nd July 2007, 08:39
I just joined this site to find support and understanding because the `thai or filipino` bride bit is tiresome and rude. This link is not right for this forum/group because we all need to support each other. I know when my GF comes here - we will be ridiculed and laughed at, but luckily my family are behind us entirely and that is enough for me.

22nd July 2007, 08:50
Fearless! You're right, gals from Mindanao are fearless...fiance have bought 4 large mirrors over the years for his place but did not have the courage to bore holes on the wall. I persuaded him to buy a drill at Robert Dyas in High Holborn, operated the machine and had him as helper. Viola, mirrors and frames on walls instantly. Call me Filipino and I'll show you one. Joe! I like your wife...tough girl hehe! Regards xxx

:xxgrinning--00xx3: - how many british or western girls, would climb more than 30ft up a ladder in the rain , in her flip flops :yikes:, and think nothing of it :yikes:, i felt ashamed that i couldn't climb up all the way, but i felt not as bad when my filipino stepson didnt get any further than me :D...

so respect to the Mindanao girls and all filipina girls :xxgrinning--00xx3:

and about the comments about thai's and filipina girls, well i dont know if my wife has had anything said to her, anyone who did would have to be stupid to her face :cwm3:, but ive had all the jokes from people i work with, about mail order brides, ladyboys, paedophiles , etc... just stupid and ignorant people :doh

22nd July 2007, 09:05
:xxgrinning--00xx3: - how many british or western girls, would climb more than 30ft up a ladder in the rain , in her flip flops :yikes:, and think nothing of it :yikes:, i felt ashamed that i couldn't climb up all the way, but i felt not as bad when my filipino stepson didnt get any further than me :D...

so respect to the Mindanao girls and all filipina girls :xxgrinning--00xx3:

and about the comments about thai's and filipina girls, well i dont know if my wife has had anything said to her, anyone who did would have to be stupid to her face :cwm3:, but ive had all the jokes from people i work with, about mail order brides, ladyboys, paedophiles , etc... just stupid and ignorant people :doh
I would haha but I would do it on barefeet as flipflops might slow me down. That's just how Filipina girls are made of like pasta in Italy (al dente) firm and tough i sould add yet tender. You're one hell of a lucky guy Joe and to all the Brits out there who are married to a Filipina. Cheers!!! You've all done well...

22nd July 2007, 09:17
I would haha but I would do it on barefeet as flipflops might slow me down. That's just how Filipina girls are made of like pasta in Italy (al dente) firm and tough i sould add yet tender. You're one hell of a lucky guy Joe and to all the Brits out there who are married to a Filipina. Cheers!!! You've all done well...

How about "eyetalians"...???:rolleyes:

22nd July 2007, 10:11
How about "eyetalians"...???:rolleyes:

And oh yeah, Italians too...sorry for missing you out Aromulus:D