View Full Version : North's attitude to race "stuck in a time warp"

14th June 2012, 12:38
NORTH-EAST attitudes to race are 40 years behind the rest of the country and the region is stuck in a time warp, a damning report claims today.

Public agencies are failing to take diversity issues seriously, with the police among the worst culprits, the heavyweight study by academics from three North-East universities says.

Professor Gary Craig, a research director on the Race, Crime and Justice in the North-East Region report, said: “In the North-East, we are still not used to a multicultural society and issues such as racism are still very serious, particularly in rural areas where the minority population is relatively small and isolated.

“We are witnessing the same difficulties with racism that you would have found in other regions 30 or 40 years ago.

Sometimes it feels like being in a time warp.”

The study was funded by the Ministry of Justice and took eight months to produce.


Grooming gangs, terrorists .....................

14th June 2012, 13:26
What utter rubbish.

Perhaps we don't have as many MPs and councillors from the Indian sub-continent pushing their agendas as they do down South. :rolleyes:

I don't remember the electorate being asked to vote on whether or not we wanted 'diversity' ANYWHERE in this country. :angry:

Some of these overpaid professors need to go and do some proper work.

14th June 2012, 14:08
I agree graham. In anycase its the buisinessmen and politicians who have ruined this country. Cheap labour. And that is why we are in this mess.

14th June 2012, 15:29
What is the point in having a 'high' standard of living (for some) if we are no longer able to live happily in our own traditional way in our own country ? :NoNo:

That is one major difference between here and the Philippines.

At least they haven't sacrificed their identity, customs and national pride...such as it is, now they're an independent nation.

Perhaps that's why you see such happy smiling faces everywhere, despite the hardships they suffer day to day.

14th June 2012, 16:21
What is the point in having a 'high' standard of living (for some) if we are no longer able to live happily in our own traditional way in our own country ? :NoNo:

That is one major difference between here and the Philippines.

At least they haven't sacrificed their identity, customs and national pride...such as it is, now they're an independent nation.

Perhaps that's why you see such happy smiling faces everywhere, despite the hardships they suffer day to day.


Nominated for "Post of The Week"

14th June 2012, 16:55
Talking to the wife this morning. Where our kid goes to school in the phils they want them to go in class 30 minutes early every day to have a flag ceremony. Apparently they have to sing the national anthem before classes start. Imagine that happening here?:doh

15th June 2012, 01:55
Talking to the wife this morning. Where our kid goes to school in the phils they want them to go in class 30 minutes early every day to have a flag ceremony. Apparently they have to sing the national anthem before classes start. Imagine that happening here?:doh

Sing the national anthem over here your joking. Half the kids in inner city schools struggle to string a sentence together in English let alone sing the national anthem. Standards are constantly dropping and this is because to many kids, English is a second language because their parents cant speak the language either. :cwm23: