View Full Version : Confused about the latest news of my visa refusal

14th June 2012, 13:09
My husband told me that my Spouse Visa Appeal Representative told him that he rang up Leicester (AIC) and somebody told him there that they already send my appeal to the ECO in Manila with a Notice of Reconsideration and just wait for them to overturn the decision, it might take a maximum until October.My husband think that it's a positive result already I don't want my husband and most especially me to expect too much and at the end it would give us a negative result.Does anybody here can enlighten me about this?

14th June 2012, 13:31
they have sent your papers back to the embassy in Manila for the ECO manger to look at it, and to reconsider your app, so they will either grant the visa or upheld the refusal. if the ECO manager agrees with the refusal it will go to appeal and could take months. or if they overturn the refusal you could have your visa within a few weeks.

14th June 2012, 14:04
Its a nightmare. I will get the media involved if they refuse our application.

14th June 2012, 14:19
Thanks joebloggs,I told my husband that, but he said my rep is pretty sure that ECO will overturn the refusal and soon give me a visa.It's not that I don't trust my representative because he's a solicitor for more than 30 years now but I think he's giving my husband a false hope,I'm not tryin' to be negative.But my husband is really sure that soon we will be together and have my visa in few weeks/months time.Am I being stupid now or just paranoid?

Arthur Little
14th June 2012, 15:44
My husband told me that my Spouse Visa Appeal Representative told him that he rang up Leicester (AIC) and somebody told him there that they already send my appeal to the *ECO in Manila

Having just replied to your previous thread, I'm heartened by the fact that the refusal has ALREADY BEEN passed back to the British Embassy for reconsideration by an Entry Clearance *Manager (ECM!) :) And ... short of building up false hopes ... I would say that, if your husband's solicitor happens to be an Immigration specialist, then so much the better!

14th June 2012, 17:07
This is my representative email to my husband today:

As per our meeting I am able to confirm that I have today been able to obtain a response from the Tribunal.

I have been told that the appeal was given a reference yesterday of xx/xxxxx/2012 and that the delay in allocating this was due to the fact that the appeal was being reviewed. I was told that as a result of the review copies of the appeal and its supporting bundle of documents have been sent to Manila with a request that they "reconsider" the application for entry clearance. This apparently is a euphemism for an instruction to grant the application. The embassy has been given until the 24/10/12 to respond and if they do not manage this your application will be automatically and immediately listed for a hearing in Leicester. I am told that a hearing will take place within eight weeks of being listed. If Manila does reconsider the application it will issue a visa.

I am informed that a letter confirming this will be sent to me today, and when it arrives I will send you a copy.

All in all I am very satisfied with this position as Leicester were able to review the appeal without me having to attend a review hearing which means that they are satisfied the the documents prove a bona fide relationship. A favourable outcome must now be a certainty.

If you want to speak to Leicester its number is 0300 123 1711 and they will deal with any query of yours as sponsor if you mention the above appeal reference. Your wife can of course query the embassy in Manila by mentioning the original reference of MANILA/xxxxxx and the appeal reference as to when they intend to respond to Leicester.

14th June 2012, 17:25
This is my representative email to my husband today:

As per our meeting I am able to confirm that I have today been able to obtain a response from the Tribunal.

I have been told that the appeal was given a reference yesterday of xx/xxxxx/2012 and that the delay in allocating this was due to the fact that the appeal was being reviewed. I was told that as a result of the review copies of the appeal and its supporting bundle of documents have been sent to Manila with a request that they "reconsider" the application for entry clearance. This apparently is a euphemism for an instruction to grant the application. The embassy has been given until the 24/10/12 to respond and if they do not manage this your application will be automatically and immediately listed for a hearing in Leicester. I am told that a hearing will take place within eight weeks of being listed. If Manila does reconsider the application it will issue a visa.

I am informed that a letter confirming this will be sent to me today, and when it arrives I will send you a copy.

All in all I am very satisfied with this position as Leicester were able to review the appeal without me having to attend a review hearing which means that they are satisfied the the documents prove a bona fide relationship. A favourable outcome must now be a certainty.

If you want to speak to Leicester its number is 0300 123 1711 and they will deal with any query of yours as sponsor if you mention the above appeal reference. Your wife can of course query the embassy in Manila by mentioning the original reference of MANILA/xxxxxx and the appeal reference as to when they intend to respond to Leicester.

Interesting posting. Thanks for posting.

I see what Arthur means and thus cause for optimism. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th June 2012, 17:34
thanks Sir Arthur and Lastlid :) I can sleep better now tonight...

15th June 2012, 20:23
sending the bundle to manila and the ECO manager reconsidering the application I'm pretty sure is standard procedure and happens at all appeals.

goodluck and lets hope the ECO manager over turns your refusal :xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th June 2012, 20:32
sending the bundle to manila and the ECO manager reconsidering the application I'm pretty sure is standard procedure and happens at all appeals.

goodluck and lets hope the ECO manager over turns your refusal :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Yes, that's how I understand it also.
It's a standard part of the appeals procedure.

eahjay, I don't want to appear negative in any way, but you should not read anything special into this action as it's a "standard procedure"

Based solely on what you have divulged here about your application, I feel the decision was very harsh and am sure the ECM will overturn. Just my opinion

16th June 2012, 00:49
Yes I agree with Terpe. Don't read to much into your email. The first stage of the appeal is to have it referred to the ECM back in Manila. Hopefully this is the only stage for you and he will overturn your decision. Good luck :xxgrinning--00xx3: