View Full Version : working tax credit

14th June 2012, 19:30
we got a bit of confusion here..while i am waiting for my result for ILR:) the husband and i is trying to discuss about his work..at the moment his only working 12 hours a week and thats not intitle for us to claim any working tax credit at all:doh unlike he works for 30 hours a week before it more easier he claim the working tax credit..but now i cant rem the hours to be qualified to claim Working tax credit..but if i get work and work lets say 20 hours combine with mine "IF" get accepted on my application for job..:):rolleyes: are we be able to claim working tax credit in his name as am obviously still restricted :cwm3:on my visa (SPOUSE)status..GOD speed I can hear a news soon for ILR:cwm24::rolleyes::D
any idea:Wave:

14th June 2012, 19:36
I hope you get a job soon Moy.......:xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th June 2012, 19:40
I hope you get a job soon Moy.......:xxgrinning--00xx3:

well i have to come for interview tomorrow lastid..asking me to have CRB:doh I dont know how fast :rolleyes: no idea..they ask my passport or my birth cert nor marriage contract to bring along but at the moment sadly i cant provide so they ask me to bring at least a letter name on me or bills statement:Wave::)

14th June 2012, 19:53
we got a bit of confusion here..while i am waiting for my result for ILR:) the husband and i is trying to discuss about his work..at the moment his only working 12 hours a week and thats not intitle for us to claim any working tax credit at all:doh unlike he works for 30 hours a week before it more easier he claim the working tax credit..but now i cant rem the hours to be qualified to claim Working tax credit..but if i get work and work lets say 20 hours combine with mine "IF" get accepted on my application for job..:):rolleyes: are we be able to claim working tax credit in his name as am obviously still restricted :cwm3:on my visa (SPOUSE)status..GOD speed I can hear a news soon for ILR:cwm24::rolleyes::D
any idea:Wave:

16 hours required for lower rate of WTC isn't it ?
Can't he get another 4 hours from somewhere ?

Can he claim Child Tax Credit, Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit ?

The last two are linked to income level, not hours of work.

14th June 2012, 19:54
well i have to come for interview tomorrow lastid..asking me to have CRB:doh I dont know how fast :rolleyes: no idea..they ask my passport or my birth cert nor marriage contract to bring along but at the moment sadly i cant provide so they ask me to bring at least a letter name on me or bills statement:Wave::)

My previous employer, a couple of years ago, used to get a CRB check done for new employees before they commenced work. It seemed to take several weeks. I know that as I had to wait for them (the new recruits) to roll through the door before I did my bit with them. It was the slowest part of the recruiting process. But I gather they may have speeded the CRB process up now?

14th June 2012, 19:56
we got a bit of confusion here..while i am waiting for my result for ILR:) the husband and i is trying to discuss about his work..at the moment his only working 12 hours a week and thats not intitle for us to claim any working tax credit at all:doh unlike he works for 30 hours a week before it more easier he claim the working tax credit..but now i cant rem the hours to be qualified to claim Working tax credit..but if i get work and work lets say 20 hours combine with mine "IF" get accepted on my application for job..:):rolleyes: are we be able to claim working tax credit in his name as am obviously still restricted :cwm3:on my visa (SPOUSE)status..GOD speed I can hear a news soon for ILR:cwm24::rolleyes::D
any idea:Wave:

As far as i am aware, tax credits claims need to be made jointly and in such cases they are not considered as public funds. ie. As your partner has no restriction on claiming public funds and as you are his partner you also have no restrictiion on a jioint claim. Not sure about the hours limit on working tax credit but try the HMRC website.

14th June 2012, 19:58
As far as i am aware, tax credits claims need to be made jointly and in such cases they are not considered as public funds. ie. As your partner has no restriction on claiming public funds and as you are his partner you also have no restrictiion on a jioint claim. Not sure about the hours limit on working tax credit but try the HMRC website.

Ah. Now I had never considered tax credits as public funds either but some seem to consider them as such. :Erm:

14th June 2012, 20:47
On HMRC site you can type the details of income, hours, family members etc and they will tell you there what tax credits (if any ) you are entitled to.

Your local council will probably have a similar website.

Everyone below a certain income level is entitled to either housing benefit or a reduction on their council tax or both.

14th June 2012, 20:48
16 hours required for lower rate of WTC isn't it ?
Can't he get another 4 hours from somewhere ?

Can he claim Child Tax Credit, Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit ?

The last two are linked to income level, not hours of work.
16 hours before...i think now at least 24 am not sure but he cant get more hours in case i get hire..as he be looking after the kids if i out to work:)

14th June 2012, 20:49
It is public funds...being under custom regulations is mentioned in the side notes for a question on the application form

Its worded so it can not be misunderstood. I expect Joe will answer your question soon.

14th June 2012, 20:50
As far as i am aware, tax credits claims need to be made jointly and in such cases they are not considered as public funds. ie. As your partner has no restriction on claiming public funds and as you are his partner you also have no restrictiion on a jioint claim. Not sure about the hours limit on working tax credit but try the HMRC website.

it is claim jointly but what am not sure if its public funds either:rolleyes: and as a spouse visa holder yet..am RESTRICTED to claim any public funds on my name..it looks like i have to wait for any result for ILR then..:cwm3::rolleyes:

14th June 2012, 22:31
check here Moy...

...your husband should claim for it if he's entitled to it :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th June 2012, 22:37
check here Moy...

...your husband should claim for it if he's entitled to it :xxgrinning--00xx3:

thanks for the reply sars:xxgrinning--00xx3: but my concern is even if i work 20 hours or so a week and add on to the husband 12 hours a week..would it will qualify to claim tax credit? because ie..i will be working more hours than him it just iknow i cant claim any as because of my status..:)

14th June 2012, 22:44
I think it needs to be your husband who claims, therefore it is he who will need enough hours to qualify.

Citizens Advice Centre will...advise. :)

14th June 2012, 22:46
thanks for reply graham one way or another will sort but would like to know in case i get work and to know things that at least to boast our income.:)

14th June 2012, 22:56
Well, wishing you the best of luck with the job anyway.
Things can always be adjusted later. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th June 2012, 23:05
thanks for reply graham one way or another will sort but would like to know in case i get work and to know things that at least to boast our income.:)


15th June 2012, 01:00
i think thats boost :xxgrinning--00xx3: good luck moy:)

15th June 2012, 08:31
There's good helpful information from HMRC about Tax Credits look here at their webpage (http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/taxcredits/index.htm)

Tax credits were introduced in 2003, and the immigration rules were subsequently modified in 2005.

The rule change in 2005 affects couples where one partner is not subject to immigration control (eg. UK Citizen or permanent resident).

The rule addresses both working tax credits and child tax credits.
Under the rule, a couple may claim both these credits without jeopardizing any immigration status of the person subject to immigration control.

Means, a couple can claim child tax credits and/or working tax credits as long as one partner is a British citizen or otherwise exempt from immigration control.

When claiming any Tax Credit your UK citizen spouse/civil partner should tick the box for himself/herself as the claimant.

Claims for Tax Credits are assessed jointly if you are living with a spouse or partner who is allowed to claim tax credits.

It will automatically be a joint application at the request of HMRC and your name will therefore appear. This is not a problem for you.

Take a look at the HMRC webpage called What are Tax Credits (http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/taxcredits/start/who-qualifies/what-are-taxcredits.htm). This page also has other useful links too.

If you're responsible for children and you're a couple your joint paid working hours need to be at least 24 a week, with one of you working at least 16 hours a week.

If you're a couple and only one of you is working, that person will need to work at least 24 hours a week.

Hope this helps you.

Good luck with the job Moy
Hope it all works out well. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th June 2012, 12:24
so it means if:rolleyes: i can get a work for at least 25 hours a week the husband can claim the working tax credit although he only working 12 hours a week at the moment..:)
thanks for all the reply:Jump:

15th June 2012, 14:38
There's good helpful information from HMRC about Tax Credits look here at their webpage (http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/taxcredits/index.htm)

Tax credits were introduced in 2003, and the immigration rules were subsequently modified in 2005.

The rule change in 2005 affects couples where one partner is not subject to immigration control (eg. UK Citizen or permanent resident).

The rule addresses both working tax credits and child tax credits.
Under the rule, a couple may claim both these credits without jeopardizing any immigration status of the person subject to immigration control.

Means, a couple can claim child tax credits and/or working tax credits as long as one partner is a British citizen or otherwise exempt from immigration control.

When claiming any Tax Credit your UK citizen spouse/civil partner should tick the box for himself/herself as the claimant.

Claims for Tax Credits are assessed jointly if you are living with a spouse or partner who is allowed to claim tax credits.

It will automatically be a joint application at the request of HMRC and your name will therefore appear. This is not a problem for you.

Take a look at the HMRC webpage called What are Tax Credits (http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/taxcredits/start/who-qualifies/what-are-taxcredits.htm). This page also has other useful links too.

If you're responsible for children and you're a couple your joint paid working hours need to be at least 24 a week, with one of you working at least 16 hours a week.

If you're a couple and only one of you is working, that person will need to work at least 24 hours a week.

Hope this helps you.

Good luck with the job Moy
Hope it all works out well. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I stand corrected, thank you :D:xxgrinning--00xx3:

I appreciate you not just postin the link....even though im using high end phone, its still a drag touching links :)

15th June 2012, 15:54
thanks for the reply sars:xxgrinning--00xx3: but my concern is even if i work 20 hours or so a week and add on to the husband 12 hours a week..would it will qualify to claim tax credit? because ie..i will be working more hours than him it just iknow i cant claim any as because of my status..:)

your welcome Moy, joint claimants with children must work a combined 24hours per week with one claimant working at least 16hours.....assuming you got the job of 20hrs + the husband 12 hrs + three children no childminder because you said your husband will look after them during the times you are at work.....he can be entitled to claim working tax credit and child tax credit


if you dont work ...meaning your husband works under 16hours he is still entitled for child tax credit but no working tax credit

...one way or the other Moy I can see lots of money your husband can claim:REGamblMoney01HL1:

15th June 2012, 15:57
...one way or the other Moy I can see lots of money your husband can claim

:laugher::yikes::action-smiley-081: cant wait to have ILR on that case..sars hehehe..and goodluck on your coming application am sure you'll be fine !!:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th June 2012, 16:08
:laugher::yikes::action-smiley-081: cant wait to have ILR on that case..sars hehehe

you dont need your ILR MOy , havent you recieved the renewal pack yet i guess it always arrive in June...you can start filling that up for the child tax credit for your husband to claim not you and when you got your documents(passport) and start working just give the HMRC a call then they will work on the changes for add ons ie (working tax credit):xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th June 2012, 16:09
goodluck on your coming application am sure you'll be fine !!:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

thanks MOy !!:):xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th June 2012, 16:09
Lovely....fill ya boots! At least I know my 40p in the pound is being put to good use. You know it makes sense:xxgrinning--00xx3:

That aside, good luck with your application :D

15th June 2012, 16:31
Lovely....fill ya boots! At least I know my 40p in the pound is being put to good use. You know it makes sense:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Yup you know it makes sense ,....HUsband and I lost the entitlement for child tax credit and working tax credit ,why?? we must be working too hard but anyway,..I'd be more happy to give up my child tax credits to any british family who are working but making the ends meet rather than parasites of this country who doesnt even know the word ''WORK''

15th June 2012, 16:37
Yup you know it makes sense ,....HUsband and I lost the entitlement for child tax credit and working tax credit ,why?? we must be working too hard but anyway,..I'd be more happy to give up my child tax credits to any british family who are working but making the ends meet rather than parasites of this country who doesnt even know the word ''WORK''

hiya sars..im curious as to why you lost the said entitlement ?? and if not too ;) much question what sort of work you do ?? sorry for many question just curious sars.. and how many kids you got:)?

15th June 2012, 16:56
hiya sars..im curious as to why you lost the said entitlement ?? and if not too ;) much question what sort of work you do ?? sorry for many question just curious sars.. and how many kids you got:)?

My husband is working full time 48hours and am on partime 20plus hours with one daughter ..our household income is high thats why we lost the entitlement:icon_lol::xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th June 2012, 17:02
My husband is working full time 48hours and am on partime 20plus hours with one daughter ..our household income is high thats why we lost the entitlement:icon_lol::xxgrinning--00xx3:

indeed a hard worker you both:D:xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th June 2012, 18:11
Yup you know it makes sense ,....HUsband and I lost the entitlement for child tax credit and working tax credit ,why?? we must be working too hard but anyway,..I'd be more happy to give up my child tax credits to any british family who are working but making the ends meet rather than parasites of this country who doesnt even know the word ''WORK''

Yes, you are right...none of us knows when we will need some help ..I remember all too well, be it 20 odd years ago what its like to be on a tight budget, perhaps that's whats drives me.

Like you said, its the lifetime career unemployed what narks me. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th June 2012, 20:37
Lovely....fill ya boots! At least I know my 40p in the pound is being put to good use. You know it makes sense:xxgrinning--00xx3:

That aside, good luck with your application :D

i think your 40p in the £, is more likely to have gone in the pockets of the 300,000 riches families in the UK who got a nice tax cut from Osborne :rolleyes: